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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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57 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I had a debate/argument with a colleague about Covid today.  I posted a story in our channel about Bumble giving everyone a week off, there's an injoke in our team about a colleague who used Bumble, and he responded that young people dating in the pandemic were being selfish.  So I said that young people have been the group most adversely affected by the NPIs, they are the ones taking the brunt of the job losses and disruption to their education, they are the ones taking the impact from the pubs and nightclubs being closed and yet the younger generation have broadly done what's been asked of them.  Perhaps being a bit facetious I said they should get a medal.  He said that his niece caught Covid by mixing so he didn't care and he didn't feel sorry for them, he felt sorry for people from the Second World War and went on a big rant about it.  COmpletely mental.  He is the biggest moaner going as well, every time he complains about anything I'm going to remind him he's in a better spot than Anne Frank.

Team: Rangers


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Got my appointment for my second jag.  It's on the same day as I've been cited for jury service.  Do we think I'll get an exemption from jury service for my covid jag?
I got off for that day as I had to take my other half for her jag. They then let me off for the week.
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1 hour ago, super_carson said:

I know plenty folk in their twenties and early thirties who are still terrified of this virus.  They often repeat whatever has been said on the news word for word and they quite often tend not to exercise critical reasoning or personal risk management. I've had conversations/arguments with colleagues who think that I'm being "irresponsible" and putting them at risk by returning to contact sport. 

But I don't blame them so much.  I firmly believe the blame for this lies with the governments, advisors and media whose continual messaging of "stay safe, save lives" has conditioned people who are, to all intents and purpose, at low risk from the virus into believing that they'll die if they go anywhere near anyone else.  

Even if they lifted restrictions tomorrow, you'd still find a significant percentage of the population who don't want to go back to the "old" normal.  That may because they are quite comfortable with how things are now, or it might be because they have been traumatised by the messaging of the last 15 months.  Either way, it's a hell of a job to bring these people back from the brink.  

I can only speak for myself here, but I’m not a fan of lockdowns at all - I suffer from anxiety / agoraphobia so not being able to do the things I normally do (which are basically just having a routine of seeing my friends / family & travelling to the football - I support a Highland League team) - has set me back massively, to the point where I can’t even walk down the street without suffering from panic attacks.

I’m currently receiving face to face CBT therapy (which was one hell of a struggle to get in itself, I had to go private for that) I’ve had my first jab & got my second one next month.

Because of my anxiety I’m exempt from wearing a face covering, & I’m fearful of getting hassled out in public / travelling on the train because of this. 

Not trying to make this all about me because I’m sure others have suffered way more, whether because of the virus or what it’s done to them mentally, but I really think after someone’s received their second dose, they should be allowed to decide how to live their lives again, whether that’s taking precautions like wearing masks or not. 

Long story short, normality needs to come back ASAP in my opinion, because I can’t even begin to imagine the damage to people’s mental health that’s already been caused, & the scaremongering from people like the media & Deepti needs to be nipped in the bud.

Apologies for the ramble. 

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1 minute ago, MrMartinBlack9 said:

I can only speak for myself here, but I’m not a fan of lockdowns at all - I suffer from anxiety / agoraphobia so not being able to do the things I normally do (which are basically just having a routine of seeing my friends / family & travelling to the football - I support a Highland League team) - has set me back massively, to the point where I can’t even walk down the street without suffering from panic attacks.

I’m currently receiving face to face CBT therapy (which was one hell of a struggle to get in itself, I had to go private for that) I’ve had my first jab & got my second one next month.

Because of my anxiety I’m exempt from wearing a face covering, & I’m fearful of getting hassled out in public / travelling on the train because of this. 

Not trying to make this all about me because I’m sure others have suffered way more, whether because of the virus or what it’s done to them mentally, but I really think after someone’s received their second dose, they should be allowed to decide how to live their lives again, whether that’s taking precautions like wearing masks or not. 

Long story short, normality needs to come back ASAP in my opinion, because I can’t even begin to imagine the damage to people’s mental health that’s already been caused, & the scaremongering from people like the media & Deepti needs to be nipped in the bud.

Apologies for the ramble. 

I can't disagree with you mate. We no longer need to worry about covid 19 as a health emergency as the vaccines are killing it. We definitely need to focus on the damage done to undiagnosed physical and mental health conditions. We're going to be facing another pandemic of disease and illness at this rate, but clowns like Devi and leitch can't or won't see it. Too happy going on about variants and the need for restrictions. 

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Yet more bad news coming I fear: large swathes of the country about to be 'up-levelled'. 


The tone of this tweet doesn’t give me that impression.
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Hopefully this happens. Not sure they'll get anywhere with it as Public Health is about as big a 'get out jail free card' as there is. Unless, of course, it means you can't go and pray in a church rather than your dining room. 

The restrictions the government has in place are about as much as can be done to facilitate a travel ban without actually explicitly doing it. Whilst the requirements on testing are irksome and I personally can't be bothered with them, others seem content to do so. The continued insistance on quarantining everyone, even at home, following their arrival, is ridiculous. We have fully-vaccinated people continuing to be treated as if they have not been vaccinated or vaccines don't exist and it makes no sense at all. I get not wanting to employ a policy whereby the vaccinated have certain advantages, but if we keep subjecting them to this testing and quarantine, we are going to end up with:

1) poor use of State resources

2) People that are not yet vaccinated questioning the point in vaccination. The government is also looking at booster jabs in the autumn, so why should people bother if there is no benefit?

Not a single variant has been detected in Amber List returners, therefore blowing the government's bluster out the water. Moreover, the UK has the highest rate of cases in Europe and the dreaded VaRiaNt is now dominant. The threat from abroad is pretty much zero at the moment and in fact they are far more at risk from us. Their posturing about these lists being necessary to stop variants is a complete and utter lie. 



Edited by Michael W
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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

I had a debate/argument with a colleague about Covid today.  I posted a story in our channel about Bumble giving everyone a week off, there's an injoke in our team about a colleague who used Bumble, and he responded that young people dating in the pandemic were being selfish.  So I said that young people have been the group most adversely affected by the NPIs, they are the ones taking the brunt of the job losses and disruption to their education, they are the ones taking the impact from the pubs and nightclubs being closed and yet the younger generation have broadly done what's been asked of them.  Perhaps being a bit facetious I said they should get a medal.  He said that his niece caught Covid by mixing so he didn't care and he didn't feel sorry for them, he felt sorry for people from the Second World War and went on a big rant about it.  COmpletely mental.  He is the biggest moaner going as well, every time he complains about anything I'm going to remind him he's in a better spot than Anne Frank.

I do enjoy the ''this thing isn't quite as bad as one of the worst things to ever happen to humanity, so what you moaning about!!!' patter the pure thickos hit out with. No doubt yer man there is a member of those 'who remembers the milk van/proper binmen/opal fruits' facebook groups that seem like a breeding ground for mental opinions. 

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2 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Yeah i know mate I’m saying are they the ones in an echo chamber?
71% of what kind of people? The kind of no life bores who spend all day filling Facebook newspapers comments sections and gossip pages wih whinging about neds hanging outside a shop, dogs of the leash and folk not parking properly?
People who want to get back back to life don’t have time for those pishy surveys

Posted with 100% self awareness btw

It’s drivel like this that has made this thread unreadable. 

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2,167 new cases of COVID-19 reported

25,038 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

9.1% of these were positive

4 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 

18 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 14).

171 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 158)

3,664,571 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,602,753 have received their second dose

* Please note the data flow issue reported yesterday, relating to NHS Grampian, is now resolved and accounts for approximately 15 additional cases in NHS Grampian due to delayed reporting.

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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Just now, Distant Doonhamer said:

2,167 new cases of COVID-19 reported

25,038 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

9.1% of these were positive

4 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 

18 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

171 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

3,664,571 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,602,753 have received their second dose

* Please note the data flow issue reported yesterday, relating to NHS Grampian, is now resolved and accounts for approximately 15 additional cases in NHS Grampian due to delayed reporting.

Increases everywhere the day the the FM is giving an update.

I think that lets us know what direction this update is going in...

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5 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Increases everywhere the day the the FM is giving an update.

I think that lets us know what direction this update is going in...

I dont think they will 'uplevel' now, though would expect us all to stay where we are... too late to see any impact from doing it for a couple of months by which point vaccinations should be largely complete anyway. Ratio of cases to hospitalisations looks a lot better now, as do deaths and vaccinations are going reasonably well.

We're as well wading through it as turning back now.

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Greater normality just means most of us ignoring their bullshit theatre, whilst a select few industries get their feet held to the fire for long enough that folk lose interest in using them and they are lost, never to return.

As an example, been trying to book swimming/soft play etc for the kids since Falkirk went to L1. Cant get fucking near ut. Everything gets booked out within minites of becoming available because of the capacity limits. How long are those types businesses going to last who have been constrained to the point where its an absolute chew to use them?

Genuinely hope the government both UK and Scottish get tied up in one Court after another here.

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9 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Increases everywhere the day the the FM is giving an update.

I think that lets us know what direction this update is going in...

The increase in hospital figures from yesterday is 13 but, I think, includes 15 Grampian cases where delayed reporting meant they weren't included previously. 

Edit to add that can't be correct as only a total of 8 cases in NHS Grampian. the figure of 15 extra cases must be total number of new cases by testing.

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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