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Still not seeing any evidence that unvaccinated people are more dangerous to anyone but themselves. I'm definitely not anti vax but I am against discriminating against people who haven't been double jabbed.

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45 minutes ago, The Master said:

People have been asymptomatically carrying viruses since time immemorial. 

Solid argument. Except there are very few viruses carried by humans with a base infectivity rate of this one, or that actually cause any symptoms ever. 


If for example, my relative was on chemo/radiotherapy and basically without an effective immune system I’d rather the chances of the folk looking after them having Covid were kept as low as possible.


Maybe thats just my crazy out of the box thinking though. 

edit to add; happily I’ve just been to see one of our ITU patients who was ventilated and is now awake. Very heartening. Thats my cigars moment of the day. 

Edited by SoapMactavish
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Just an anecdotal story about a pal who got covid the other week; fit guy, plays semi-pro sport and is very active and healthy. After a week, ended up in hospital for two days as he was struggling to breathe. Home now, generally feeling better but not 100% yet.

He chose not to get the vaccine on the back of shite he’d seen on social media about it not being safe.  The irony is not lost on him, but regardless of what you think about restrictions (for the avoidance of doubt I’m of the view they should be lifted as soon as possible), I don’t understand why so many young people seem to think they know better than the various regulatory bodies that approve this stuff. 

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Being vaccinated does not 100% mean you wont get covid or pass it on. LFTs are far from reliable. Unless you're PCR testing every person going to an event and putting them in a zorb ball between test and entry then the whole notion is utterly ridiculous

I’ve not said anything about PCR Testing Etc for events. What I’ve said is when the 9th August removal occurs, self isolation for double dosed should be lifted. We have proof of vaccination certificates available on the NHS to confirm. If you’re contacted as a close contact anc confirm you are fully vaccinated you should then be able to just do an LFT and if negative your free to continue going around your business and only isolate if you test positive in both an LFT And PCR.

Self isolating isn’t going away anytime soon despite how much some people wish for it to be. A happy medium needs to be found temporarily until a majority of the population has been fully vaccinated and that’s probably the fairest method out of all possible methods at this moment.
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20 minutes ago, gav-ffc said:

A truly grim experience and that’s before the team take to the pitch.

I had a watch of that. Yip grim. Had to laugh at the bit that said “if you need to use the toilet, make your way to the nearest one”, rather than  pish where you sit/stand 🤣

I’d be amazed if the majority of folk keep the masks on during the game. It’s roundly been ignored at Hampden, Murrayfield and local games I’ve been at in the last few weeks 

Edited by Thereisalight..
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35 minutes ago, mizfit said:


I’ve not said anything about PCR Testing Etc for events. What I’ve said is when the 9th August removal occurs, self isolation for double dosed should be lifted. We have proof of vaccination certificates available on the NHS to confirm. If you’re contacted as a close contact anc confirm you are fully vaccinated you should then be able to just do an LFT and if negative your free to continue going around your business and only isolate if you test positive in both an LFT And PCR.

Self isolating isn’t going away anytime soon despite how much some people wish for it to be. A happy medium needs to be found temporarily until a majority of the population has been fully vaccinated and that’s probably the fairest method out of all possible methods at this moment.


A majority of the population in Scotland have been fully vaccinated already.  52.4% according to travelling tabby’s latest update.

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11 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Anyone who has had the Moderna had any issues with back pain after it? 

I got mine on Thursday and my back has been killing me since yesterday afternoon. It feels like it's all cramped up in places and I'm out my tits on painkillers to try and numb it a bit. 

Could just be a coincidence. I've had a load of back injuries and problems since I was a teenager. But it's as bad as it's been in years right now.

Oddly enough I got my second dose last Monday and had a sore arm and tiredness for a couple of days.

I went out the house to go to work yesterday morning and it felt as if I'd slightly pulled my back and it was stiff yesterday* Maybe just a coincidence though.


*What's the frequency, Kenneth...

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Under 18 year old hospitalisations have reached their highest level yet leaving parents in fear, whilst the biggest jump in numbers is in the 25 - 44 age group. 

A worrying sign and hopefully they have peaked. 

Meanwhile PHE getting slated  for announcing lies that double dose vaccines offer full protection in blood cancer patients, when there is no evidence that they do. Whitty urged to  publicly correct this dysinformation. 

Opinion polls havs Boris getting kippered for his "faith in the public to do the right thing", as he abdicates his responsibility for protecting public health amid surging cases. 

Boris still riding a shit show and tbh, Scotland not far behind. 

The public just losing all confidence in the government over Covid. You'd need to be a moron to discard restrictions when infection levels are at highest levels since January and worse in some groups. 

This is simple, whilst the overall effect is less than before, the rise in numbers still result in more serious illness and death than otherwise would be and it appears the majority of the population are against freedom day. Expecting a back flip from Boris. 

Up here with Nicola a few weeks behind, she will no doubt continue with the more cautious approach and gain political mileage of Boris's abdication in this. 

However, no respite for the WFH  skivers, as the word is, get your erse back to work. 

Still plenty of contradiction and confusion in it all and it remains the car crash it always has been, being led by the supercilious c**t residing in No. 10.

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3 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Here we go, anyone want to argue with a top mathematician?



Covid latest: Lockdown mathematician advises delaying Scots freedom day

Scotland must delay the so-called freedom day planned for August 9, according to the world-leading mathematician whose Covid deaths projections were credited with persuading the UK Government to lock down last March.

Cambridge professor Sir Timothy Gowers warns that lifting all ­restrictions risks hospitals becoming overwhelmed and fears it is ­optimistic to assume the pandemic will be over by the end of the year.

Gowers said: “It’s all very well to have August 9 as a target date but it should be flexible. Loosening restrictions while case numbers are going up and we’re still seeing exponential growth seems to me to be a very odd thing to do, particularly when the restrictions we have now are not that great.

“If, by August 9, it doesn’t look as though the peak has arrived, loosening restrictions will keep the growth going. It seems to me the ­target shouldn’t be a particular date, it’s after the peak has arrived.”

Three Scottish hospitals are ­currently at “code black” capacity, with virus case numbers averaging at just over 3,000 a day. The first minister said last week 3% of those infected still ended up in hospital – down from 13% prior to the vaccination programme – meaning as many as 100 a day could be admitted soon.

Gowers said: “I think we should expect hospitalisations to double every so often, the order of magnitude of a week to a fortnight. For that to continue for a while, we just have to hope the vaccinations kick in soon enough so that the hospitalisation rate doesn’t rise to some point where we’re back in a state of crisis again.

“To be brutal about it, there is a ­balance between the cost of hospitalising a certain number of people and the damage of lockdown. For understandable reasons, politicians don’t want to talk about it but they seem to have judged that the balance is in favour of opening up and accepting a ­certain amount of serious illness.”

The winner of the Fields Medal – sometimes described as the Nobel prize for maths – also criticised Scotland’s national clinical director Jason Leitch for promoting herd immunity in the days before the first lockdown. Leitch, one of Sturgeon’s key advisers throughout the pandemic, said on March 10, 2020 he wanted to gradually increase the number infected over a controlled period to achieve herd immunity. A few days later he urged people to carry on as normal and even “hug your granny”.

Gowers said: “Looking back now it seems completely extraordinary that anybody thought we could manage infections at the right level not to overwhelm the NHS because you just look at how many ICU beds you have, how many you’d need and how long the virus would take to get through the population. The numbers just do not add up.”

The mathematician was one of three experts credited by the prime minister’s former chief adviser Dominic Cummings for providing advice that led to a change in ­government plans and, ultimately, a lockdown on March 23 last year.

Sturgeon announced a formal “stay at home ” order for Scotland on March 24, telling MSPs: “In effect, Scotland is now in lockdown.”

Gowers said he feared the UK could still be battling Covid waves years from now, particularly if a new ­variant emerges that renders current vaccines ineffective.

He said: “If there is another ­ variant, then all bets are off and, unfortunately, we are not working in a way to minimise that probability.

“If we’re lucky and Delta variant is as bad as it gets, I would have thought the level of vaccinations will get to a point where there will be enough immunity not to support another major wave after this one. The real question is how big is this one going to get. Maybe by the end of the year the worst will be over, maybe not. Maybe we’ll have to live with Covid-related difficulties for years.

“I think the hope that it will be all over by the end of this year is very optimistic.”

The Scottish Government said: “We have one of the fastest vaccination programmes in the world and are vaccinating people across Scotland as fast as supplies allow.

“We have been warning for some time about the continued risk of the virus spreading among all age groups – and the rising numbers in recent weeks show why we need to continue adopting a cautious, evidence-based approach to relaxing restrictions.”

He obviously hasn’t noticed cases are not going up.

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The main point is, Covid 19 remains a novel virus which we still know little about and the long term effects of both it and the vaccines. People obviously have concerns as we witness a third wave in 16 months. The big question is will there be more and more variants that put us at serious risk? There will be more variants but their potency is the big question and government are silent on this. An unknown at this point, but in risk analysis, unknowns are cause for the highest risk ranking. 

Another problem is in the decision making of government, in the pendulum continually swinging back and forth on whim in an ah but I said I would, so I'm proceeding in spite of the evidence against it, then only to change it later. Boris has done more double back flips than an Olympic gymnast. 

No surprise the public are losing confidence in such a shit show. You couldn't believe a word that comes out of government mouths and as for PHE, they make Geobbles look like a rank amateur in propaganda. 

It's common sense to move forward cautiously and yes we all have to live with it, but government need to to be seen as credible leaders with integrity and not behaving like court jesters and hypocritical lying b*****ds. No wonder MSM are exploiting this big weakness of government, but they can't be forgiven for some quite alarmist headlines. 


Edited by BlueBear
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Guest Bob Mahelp

Johnson of course, is a man who famously gets bored with the detail of anything, and is also a man who loves the grand gesture (think of all the nutcase projects that he's come up with which have all quietly been binned).

You can't get away from the impression that he's just fed up trying to manage the covid pandemic, and his grand, populist gesture is to remove all restrictions and tell us all that we're all free again. 

Regardless of popular opinion on this thread, it remains a gamble. He's betting on the vaccines and herd immunity, against a very infectious variant which still has the power, even at this heavily vaccinated stage, to cause serious problems. 

Even though I detest the khunt, I desperately hope that he's got this right. We all want restrictions on our lives lifted ASAP. 

However, if he hasn't got it right....if in 3 months time or whenever we find that conditions are such that restrictions have to be imposed again and that he's forced into doing yet another U-turn, I would expect this to be a resigning matter. 

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

“If, by August 9, it doesn’t look as though the peak has arrived, loosening restrictions will keep the growth going. It seems to me the ­target shouldn’t be a particular date, it’s after the peak has arrived.”

This is a rather odd sentence when you consider the peak, if you like, currently appears to have been around 28th June - 6 weeks before the 9th of August. With schools now being off, and no real change in restrictions ahead, I think we'd all be surprised if this shot back up again. The hospitalisation peak, to quote Whitty, is already "baked in" as a result, and will be quite soon.

Unless the article was written weeks ago and just not published until today, the mathematician has managed to undermine any point he was trying to make by saying that.

A lot of column inches for, essentially, some numbers chucked into an Excel graph coupled with a great deal of "what if?"

Edited by Todd_is_God
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