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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, mizfit said:


It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. We’ve had a steady decline in cases leading up to tomorrow’s level 0 whereas England seem to be going a bit wild.

I can’t see it being too bad down south, but I think their peak is a few weeks off.


I mean you have to imagine, other than bigger numbers for headlines, its all going to be roughly proportional to whats happening up here. Potentially it could be better down there, given allegedly higher immunity levels and a long spell of good weather getting folk outdoors. 

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10 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Is no one who is predicting the impending implosion of England taking into account that the third wave in Scotland peaked all by itself having happened pretty much through a period of loosening?

Steady, I'm expecting another spike any day now.

3 times the ball entered the stands at EEP on Saturday and it was given straight back to the goalkeeper without going via the Covid neutralising ball boys, as laid out in the SPFL rules.

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Is no one who is predicting the impending implosion of England taking into account that the third wave in Scotland peaked all by itself having happened pretty much through a period of loosening?

Or that several US states have removed restrictions without the sky falling in?
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15 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Given you obviously still want to discuss it, if your father was critically ill and at deaths door, and you lived overseas, would you:

a. Come straight home, which would allow you to see your father immediately (under restrictions of being in quarantine and only getting limited time with him for 10 days), or

b,. Spending those 10 days quarantine not being able to see him at all, because you are on a holiday island in the Med (and running the risk that you might still have to quarantine in the UK when you return, putting you into the situation in a) above, but 10 days later?


c. Go right home and ignore all restrictions 

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1 minute ago, 101 said:

Steady, I'm expecting another spike any day now.

3 times the ball entered the stands at EEP on Saturday and it was given straight back to the goalkeeper without going via the Covid neutralising ball boys, as laid out in the SPFL rules.

Last game I was at I headed the ball back in. Everyone cheered and the manager offered me a trial. 

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7 minutes ago, mizfit said:


It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. We’ve had a steady decline in cases leading up to tomorrow’s level 0 whereas England seem to be going a bit wild.

I can’t see it being too bad down south, but I think their peak is a few weeks off.


Expecting a Euros spike this week.

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18 minutes ago, mizfit said:


It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. We’ve had a steady decline in cases leading up to tomorrow’s level 0 whereas England seem to be going a bit wild.

I can’t see it being too bad down south, but I think their peak is a few weeks off.


An extra three weeks of school for starters coupled with the Euros run has undoubtedly increased the cases in the meantime.

Whether "Freedom Day" leads to the cases not declining like they did in Scotland awaits to be seen. At any rate, the peak for cases in England is at least 10-14 days away and then more of the same for hospitalisations. 

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23 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Last game I was at I headed the ball back in. Everyone cheered and the manager offered me a trial. 

I could have made it pro but I have a weak neck meaning I can't head the ball.

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1 hour ago, WhiteLight said:

I still find it amazing that many are taking the government bait and getting at one another’s throats.

Boris does yet another u turn on his own isolation in just over two hours after he tries to dodge doing so. He has become the knee jerker in chief. Not a good trait for a leader.

Westminster do appear to fly in the face of science if you believe these so called experts, with freedom day under heavy public pressure for it not to happen.

Whilst in Scotland Sturgeon gets flack for being cautious.

There are no winners in this and only the general public will pay the price as ever.

Stats are now telling us that the over 80s now only account for 40% of deaths, down two thirds from the worst of it.

The masking debate continues with both sides wanting to kill each other. What we do know from masks that those in the east where it is a cultural norm have far less mortality rates and fir me the result is the result despite the speculation to the contrary.

From the the red tops I do not read one bit of good news with the virus. All gloom and doom. What we cant argue with is that cases are going up in England with forecasts of worse to come.

The right and wrong in any of it and to what the future holds remains speculative as the debate has just become a nonsense between the hypocrisy, double standards and u turns and sides defended with illogical reasoning.

One could say unity of purpose has left the building, if it were ever in the building in the first place. It is clear the pandemic has been weaponised politically and clear division within the political and scientific communities . This in turn has polarised public opinion and a populous divided and split right down the middle.

Reasonable people have become unreasonable in defending their corner with little foundation. Whataboutery and pissing contests become the norm.

In the lifecycle of this novel virus we remain very much at the beginning with more twists and turns along the way. What will be will be, just worse in being led by idiots.

Better we prepare fir a marathon and not a sprint and not put all the eggs in one basket. Let the leaders take the strain whilst we all get on living without all the distractions from the political circus..


"Being cautious" is one way of putting it, if you're part of a cult that is. 

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55 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

Worth noting that while she does come across as a bit unhinged, it's also worth taking anything the right say about her with a pinch of salt given that they've been constantly attacking her since she exposed various pieces of corruption around Brexit.

You may well be correct, as I said I wasn’t sure what to make of the article, but was it not the case that CC lost the case against Aaron Banks and may  well have to pay compo. She repeatedly asserted that his money came from Russia which was proved wrong.

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50 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Given you obviously still want to discuss it, if your father was critically ill and at deaths door, and you lived overseas, would you:

a. Come straight home, which would allow you to see your father immediately (under restrictions of being in quarantine and only getting limited time with him for 10 days), or

b,. Spending those 10 days quarantine not being able to see him at all, because you are on a holiday island in the Med (and running the risk that you might still have to quarantine in the UK when you return, putting you into the situation in a) above, but 10 days later?


Good to see the gibbering idiot had time to red dot the post, but not enough time to answer it.

I think we all know the poor girl he was defending to the hilt had made an utter arse of it, and he can’t bring himself to acknowledge it.  Poor lad.

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1 hour ago, djchapsticks said:

I mean that's clearly not being said by anyone but it's not up for debate that any people who have had covid and aren't vaccinated be it through choice or otherwise are contributing to the immunity figures.

Is there evidence to show that having had Covid gives complete immunity?  We know people who are fully vaccinated are not 100% immune.  Surely it’s in everyone’s best interest to get vaccinated even if they’ve had Covid.

There’s complete agreement on this thread that we want things back to normal ASAP, getting every adult vaccinated is a huge step towards that.

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40 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Is there evidence to show that having had Covid gives complete immunity?  We know people who are fully vaccinated are not 100% immune.  Surely it’s in everyone’s best interest to get vaccinated even if they’ve had Covid.

There’s complete agreement on this thread that we want things back to normal ASAP, getting every adult vaccinated is a huge step towards that.

Where did I say it did?!

'Contributing to the immunity figures' =/= complete immunity.

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13 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Where did I say it did?!

'Contributing to the immunity figures' =/= complete immunity.

You seem to want an argument.  I think every adult should get vaccinated unless they have genuine cause not to.  I’m assuming you agree with that.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You seem to want an argument.  I think every adult should get vaccinated unless they have genuine cause not to.  I’m assuming you agree with that.

Of course they should - not every adult will get vaccinated though and those not wishing to should not be a contributory factor to reopening.

Go back and read what I have said vs what you have implied I have said and you'll maybe understand why I am disagreeing with you.

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9 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Fucksake I've been checking in everywhere and not been pinged once.

Raging, I want a wee break.

Just the 160000 at Silverstone today, meanwhile we're begging for permission to get crowds  into fitba.  

tell your gaffer you got phoned by track & trace.  Is there even a way of proving you didn’t.

If you get busted you can always say it must have been someone at the wind-up.

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