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2 minutes ago, Karpaty Lviv said:

Anyone came back from abroad recently and had to do the day two PCR test? I did it and sent it away yesterday and just wanting to know how long it takes to get the result back.

Got mine back the following morning from the Scotgov one.

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The positivity figure (and case numbers) doesn’t actually matter if hospitalisation and death numbers are low. 
In some respects no but the point I was making is that the Pandemic phase of this only ends when the WHO announce so. No national govt (and most definitely not the SG given their very cautious approach) will announce the Pandemic is over and the positivity is one of the measures (sub 5%) the WHO will use to determine when that time has come. Reducing testing won't necessarily bring the pandemic phase to an end any sooner was my point.

It's very difficult to actually reduce testing numbers. How do you stop folk being tested when they are being bombarded by both UK and Scottish govts to be tested with no symptoms or a symptom from an ever growing list of common ever day ailments. We are not alone in testing huge numbers daily it seems to be a "tactic" in most countries. Add in the test to avoid isolating and you have the testing "perfect storm". It will climb higher and higher with Uni returning and the onset of Autumn into Winter I suspect.
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So that's on average less than 3 people per hospital with covid in Scotland and about 1 person in ICU for every 3 hospitals.
If a developed rich country can't cope with that then there's serious questions to be asked of those in charge of our health system.
There are over 200 hospitals in Scotland with Covid patient wards ? Amazed if that isn't just made up nonsense.
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Deepti shitting the bed on her statistics here. Of the 15% who are absent (mentioned in her tweet) the table shows that 5% of that is due to Covid, and the rest due to non-Covid factors. Every year kids get colds and the like a couple of weeks after going back to class - but she's presenting this as part of her covid-in-kids crusade as a bigger deal than it is.


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Ooooo I know. Pick me. Pick me. I know the answer. Pick me.
Ah deflection, So what is the answer.....made up pish ?

10 hospitals in NHS A&A, of those 2 have Covid wards. Nothing like twisting the facts to suit your argument but your not daft you knew fine you were speaking well out of context.

It is what it is when it comes to hospital pressures unless you believe those stating publicly they are at highest level pressures are lying ?

Covid is directly not the main contributor to that pressure but indirectly it is through all the other services it has delayed. Add in isolation and absence there is no reason to disbelieve them.

Not really sure what point you were even trying to make with your figures.
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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I doubt that every Scottish hospital has an ICU though?

Anyway, Jane Godley was paid £12,000 for those adverts.

I've retained my SNP membership throughout the pandemic despite.my reservations but this right here will result in me melting down my members card and making darts out of it. 

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

How do you stop folk being tested when they are being bombarded by both UK and Scottish govts to be tested with no symptoms or a symptom from an ever growing list of common ever day ailments.

Firstly, you stop bombarding the public with this messaging, and the absolute nonsense that perfectly well people are walking about infecting large swathes of people.

Secondly, you withdraw the ability for every tom, dick and harry to get tested at will, reverting to the normal method of leaving it up to medical professionals to determine whether or not a test is required when someone presents themselves to them.

You do this against a backdrop of continuing to advise against leaving the house when unwell, advising people to get vaccinated, and inviting those who would normally be offered a flu jag a booster jag in the Autumn.

These would be rational and appropriate steps to easing the covid paranoia, instead of the "everyone test yourself twice a week" nonsense we have at the moment.

There is absolutely no point in shovelling boatloads of money at trying to contain an airborne virus, whilst simultaneously maintaining a fully open society. Its like trying to stop a boat sinking by scooping out the water with a bucket.

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