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Wee Paddy Clegg and the Lib Greens are going to vote through Vaccine Passports even though they have "reservations" because "something needs to be done".

Even if you accept that idiotic mantra anyone who thinks about it for 30 seconds will realise that these rules will only change the behaviour of a miniscule proportion of the public which is unlikely to have any effect on overall figures. If wholly closing hospitality didn't stop infections rising placing new restrictions on the 0.2% of the adult population who go to the football but aren't vaccinated is going to do absolutely f**k all. 

Even if you do prevent an unvaccinated infected person from going to the football they will probably go to the pub. Stop them clubbing and it's a day shot in the pub or a house party. 

The Scottish Government obviously know this and the initial rules are the thin end of the wedge. 

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1 hour ago, williemillersmoustache said:

A public information film that people are talking about?

Paying her £10k for this by any standard, and in particular government spending during the pandemic is an absolute fucking bargain.  

I don't know what you heard about me

But you can take your £10k here from me

Gonna whiteknight Sturgeon you see

Coz I'm a motherfuckin' S.I.M.P

Edited by Michael W
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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

People aren't talking about the content of the advert, though, which renders the publicity a bit useless.

Au contraire.

Not sure how you feel about screenshotiting search results but perhaps you could search for "spike" in this thread.

And while I'm here and I appreciate these aren't all aimed at you.


It doesn't take 30 seconds to make a 30 second advert in the same way Jaws wasn't made in 2 hours and 4 minutes.

Commercials are often paid with a small retainer and royalties. This would have been exponentially more expensive and a flat fee is pretty much a favour for a multiplatform national campaign, although more common with a client who'd want to cap costs like a government.

A nurse or NHS worker wouldn't have had the same cut through or gained anywhere near as much exposure. Maybe pick one at random, give them 10k for a holiday, just as effective.

You're all allowed to not find her funny, maybe this advert wasn't aimed at you, although as we can see it has nonetheless been partially effective, even for this threads not entirely receptive demographic. 

Ergo, vis a vis, girfuy, bargain. 







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34 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

I'm in the public sector and have had a pay rise in each of the last three years. My wife works in the NHS and has had the same.

But back to your substantive point the Health Secretary isn't sitting in his office office scribbling storyboards for adverts.

So who picked Janey Godley and on what basis then? It certainly wasn't her terrific career or public recognition. 

I think it's pretty clear that some clown at the SG thought that her Sturgeon impression was hilarious and just the sort of top banter that was needed to front their latest, truly nauseating public health hectoring campaign. Whereas if Sturgeon had reacted negatively to Godley's shite then she simply would not have been in the running. That's just how government decision-making works. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:




A fun Jerry Sadowitz fact for y'all which I dug up on Wiki (so might not be true).

Apparently, Jerry made his debut in 1983 in the Weavers Inn pub on London Road, Glasgow.

The person who owned that pub and was perstered to allow him to perform was........ the one and only Janey Godley. 🤣


I honestly haven’t the words 🤣

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8 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Not sure how you feel about screenshotiting search results but perhaps you could search for "spike" in this thread.

This is flawed, though. Take Godley (or indeed anyone else) out of the equation and this thread would still be very well versed on the current state of the pandemic.

Indeed the "spike" Godley is referring to needing to stop had already levelled off by the time the advert aired.


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1 hour ago, GiGi said:

Think the patter on here is getting a bit poor. Obviously you've got danger at the wind up but anyone else getting called pathetic losers or whatever for having a different point of view on the SNP, masks or anything else is pretty venomous.

And I say this as someone who wants a parliamentary inquiry on that unfunny arse Godley getting twelve fucking grand for a shite advert and umpteen other f**k ups by this government. 

Venomous?  The SNP have been like a cult on here and hell mend anyone that disagreed with their policies.  Now that they are being called out on some of the authoritarian shite that people were previously happy to ignore in the name of independence, it is venomous.  Right you are. 🤔

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21 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

This is flawed, though. Take Godley (or indeed anyone else) out of the equation and this thread would still be very well versed on the current state of the pandemic.

Indeed the "spike" Godley is referring to needing to stop had already levelled off by the time the advert aired.


Perhaps but being aware of both the advert and its contents, which I think we all are, is pretty much the idea of an advert. The information has been passed, that you had it already doesn't mean it hasn't gotten to you all, so to speak.

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Wee Paddy Clegg and the Lib Greens are going to vote through Vaccine Passports even though they have "reservations" because "something needs to be done".
Even if you accept that idiotic mantra anyone who thinks about it for 30 seconds will realise that these rules will only change the behaviour of a miniscule proportion of the public which is unlikely to have any effect on overall figures. If wholly closing hospitality didn't stop infections rising placing new restrictions on the 0.2% of the adult population who go to the football but aren't vaccinated is going to do absolutely f**k all. 
Even if you do prevent an unvaccinated infected person from going to the football they will probably go to the pub. Stop them clubbing and it's a day shot in the pub or a house party. 
The Scottish Government obviously know this and the initial rules are the thin end of the wedge. 

Hopefully part of the wedge is vaccine passports to log in to P&B and you can finally stop.
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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, Elixir said:

Positive rumblings here re international travel: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58491245

The Government asking industry to make proposals, and they want the nonsense testing fucked off, so with any luck we'll finally come into line with the EU and bin it.

It's a move in the right direction, but I have absolutely zero confidence in the Tories to remove these insane testing requirements. Foreigners and 'foreign variants' have become a useful bogeyman for them, and the current ridiculous requirements are a buffer which the Tories can wave around to say 'look what we're doing to protect you'. 

On top of that, and pushing aside the fact that summer has gone, the most important aspect is that the UK making things easier to travel is only one half of the whole experience. It'll make f**k all difference saying, 'oh yeah, you can now travel without testing requirements', when so many countries have different hoops for the people of Plague Island to jump through before we can get in. 

Travel to the EU is complicated and confusing (I'm thinking about a break next week, so I'm knee deep in this). Different countries have different restrictions.....it's relatively easy to travel to Malta, for instance, but it's impossible to travel to The Netherlands without quarantine. 

I'd love to travel to family in the USA, but there's feck all chance that's going to happen in the next 6 months, despite an apparent 'working group' being set up between the governments over 3 months ago. 

The government have done NOTHING in the last year to support the travel industry, and continue to drag their heels despite promises and assurances that they're doing all they can. 


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13 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Perhaps but being aware of both the advert and its contents, which I think we all are, is pretty much the idea of an advert. The information has been passed, that you had it already doesn't mean it hasn't gotten to you all, so to speak.

You would have a point here if there hadn't been adverts with an array of obnoxious oddballs telling us the same information on the television for the whole year prior to this one.

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