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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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A few friends of mine have caught it with varying degrees of severity, none requiring hospital care fortunately. 

I did know some elderly people who sadly succumbed to Covid in the early months pre-vaccine.

My brother's father in law ended up on a ventilator for weeks, after which a lung scan detected a tumour which was still small enough to be able to be surgically removed, and he's made a steady recovery since. A rare case of Covid being a potential life saver!


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I should say I don't know anyone personally who was known to have died from COVID, but I know a couple who are still struggling with Long COVID issues.

I got Covid back in January and it was very unpleasant. I'd say it was worse than my worst every flu I've had and lasted longer. They had me on an oximeter and 111 said in terms that if my levels didn't improve within 24 hours I should got to A&E. But then they did improve, very rapidly, and I made a full recovery.

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1 hour ago, The Real Saints said:

It's my dad's funeral on Friday and a fair amount of close family friends who originally confirmed they'd be attending are now saying they're too scared to show up. These are people who have been vaccinated twice and received the booster as well. I find it quite sad really. 

Sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm sure those who dont go will look back on it in months/years to come and regret their descion. Utterly disgusting how warped peoples mindsets have became due to politicians/media. They'll never return to normal life and after being vaccinated they really should be thinking "what was the point". Regardless of those missing, give your Dad the send off he deserves. All the best for Fri, it's a hard day to get through but think of the good times you had with him

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2 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

It's my dad's funeral on Friday and a fair amount of close family friends who originally confirmed they'd be attending are now saying they're too scared to show up. These are people who have been vaccinated twice and received the booster as well. I find it quite sad really. 

Sorry for your loss. 

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1 hour ago, Ad Lib said:

In London it feels like everyone's testing positive at the moment especially those in their 20s and 30s. Ruining folks' Christmas plans as they're all having to self-isolate up to or beyond 25th from now. Thankfully I LFD-ed negative every day this week and am on the train north tomorrow.

I got my booster on Monday afternoon. Weirdly the pharmacy said we were getting Pfizer, and that's what I saw on the screen, but the NHS England app says I got Moderna's booster...

My 30 odd year old nephew in Crystal Palace just told me he got a positive test today after feeling lousy, he assures me it's not an excuse to avoid Strathspey Thistle away on the 27th. His temporary flatmate, and my niece, jumped on a train home to Liverpool to avoid getting pinged in London. Another postponed Christmas get together it looks like, last one we had was in August.

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Know of a few folk - friend's relatives, parents friends and a couple of elderly folk in the local community who died from it. I had it in June and was battered with it for around a week or so, and felt generally knackered and lethargic for about a fortnight afterwards. Most of my family have had it at different stages, most have been in bed for a few days then gotten over it pretty quickly, my mum still hasn't fully regained her taste and spell after a good few months though. My sister (late thirties) who has no health issues, takes good care of herself and has been fully vaccinated for months was completely flattened by it in around October however, and was probably in the worst condition she's ever been in. Had she not been as healthy before hand it could've been quite worrying. Was completely out the blue, as she was fine for the first couple of days after the positive test, and just assumed she'd breeze through it. 

 The worst case of long covid i'm aware of is my pal's younger (23 year old) brother, who got it near the beginning last year and has had breathing issues ever since. He is/was very athletic and played multiple sports every week . He's had various checks done, but is still blowing out his arse pretty much immediately whenever he attempts exercise as far as i'm aware. 

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My dad's uncle, aunt* and mother in law have all succumbed of it in the Greater Glasgow area.  Also lost a nice old lady on our Scout group committee.

*who's husband died shortly afterwards after collapsing due to the stress of seeing his wife struggle on the ventilator.

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9 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

It's my dad's funeral on Friday and a fair amount of close family friends who originally confirmed they'd be attending are now saying they're too scared to show up. These are people who have been vaccinated twice and received the booster as well. I find it quite sad really. 

Sorry for your situation and of course for your loss.  My sister's funeral is next week in quite a remote part of Scotland.  Her husband and sons are trying to arrange a live stream from the church.   She was a lot older than me, so most of the family and  her friends are also much older and most live quite far from the venue so few would be able to attend, covid or no covid. 

It was a long-term problem that eventually got her, not the virus. 

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8 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Sorry for your situation and of course for your loss.  My sister's funeral is next week in quite a remote part of Scotland.  Her husband and sons are trying to arrange a live stream from the church.   She was a lot older than me, so most of the family and  her friends are also much older and most live quite far from the venue so few would be able to attend, covid or no covid. 

It was a long-term problem that eventually got her, not the virus. 

Sorry to hear about your sister.

A livestream was set up for when the wife's gran died during a previous lockdown and it was good to have the next best thing.  I'm glad we have such technology now.

Hope the funeral goes well.

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10 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

It's my dad's funeral on Friday and a fair amount of close family friends who originally confirmed they'd be attending are now saying they're too scared to show up. These are people who have been vaccinated twice and received the booster as well. I find it quite sad really. 

My condolences, sorry to hear that. 

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6 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

France now placing a border across the Channel... To stop travel from the UK to France for tourism, family meet ups etc. Only "essential" reasons acceptable for entry for UK folk, French/EU citizens still ok. 

Omicron obviously respects the sanctity of an EU passport.  It's a clever little bleeder.

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11 hours ago, red23 said:

So im curious, any chance we can have a poll so we can see how "bad" it really is? are some of us just ignorant?

It would be:

  1. Do you know someone who has directly died from covid
  2. Do you know someone who has become seriously ill from covid
  3. Neither of above.

I’ve worked in 2 care homes since the start of the outbreak- I’m back working in the original one now. I’ve worked through 2 outbreaks. 

First was April 2020. We were taking people from hospital that hadn’t been tested. Sure enough, in my unit alone we lost, I think, 12 people to suspected or confirmed COVID. One was apparently tested post mortem and confirmed positive - one of the untested that had arrived from hospital. Once we were able to start testing residents, we had a few confirmed but all asymptomatic. That’s not including cases in other units in the home. Out of 5 units, 2 have never had a single case of COVID. Staff wise, I couldn’t tell you how many tested positive, seemed to be new ones every day for ages. Two staff that I’m aware of were hospitalised. A handful of them are still suffering effects now - mostly changes to sense of smell. It does amuse me a bit that our fire marshall smells burning everywhere she goes now, though her partner died so we don’t mention that.  We’ve had no other cases in residents since that outbreak. 

Moved to another home November 2020. Idiot staff weren’t taking precautions seriously. Going out drinking in each other’s homes, tinder dates, the gym. Just before Christmas we got a total of 22 positive tests returned among staff and residents in one day and they just kept coming. I worked 6 days from Christmas to new year. 3 died on Boxing Day alone, with more following in the days after. Again, no staff died but one was on oxygen in hospital. The less said about that home the better to be honest while the care inspectorate do their thing, but I no longer work there and I’ve moved back to the old place.

I’ve had a PCR every week and minimum 2 LFTs since they were available and I’ve never had COVID. 

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16 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

France now placing a border across the Channel... To stop travel from the UK to France for tourism, family meet ups etc. Only "essential" reasons acceptable for entry for UK folk, French/EU citizens still ok. 

Suprised family meetings aren't deemed essential.

But France have basically spent the last year ripping the pish out the Tories who said you couldn't control your own borders in the EU by locking us out with numbing regularity.

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So im curious, any chance we can have a poll so we can see how "bad" it really is? are some of us just ignorant?
It would be:
  1. Do you know someone who has directly died from covid
  2. Do you know someone who has become seriously ill from covid
  3. Neither of above.
My gran and my sister both had Covid in October.

My sister didn't know she had it. She was pregnant and went to hospital to give birth. When they tested her the result came back positive but she had no symptoms.

My gran had it around the same time as my sister. To make matters worse, my granpa had passed away a few days prior (non Covid related). Fortunately we were able to arrange for the funeral to take place after my gran's isolation period which meant she was able to go. She doesn't keep the best of health herself but had a bit of a cough which cleared up after a few days.
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9 minutes ago, Lisa Cuddy said:

I’ve worked in 2 care homes since the start of the outbreak- I’m back working in the original one now. I’ve worked through 2 outbreaks. 

First was April 2020. We were taking people from hospital that hadn’t been tested. Sure enough, in my unit alone we lost, I think, 12 people to suspected or confirmed COVID. One was apparently tested post mortem and confirmed positive - one of the untested that had arrived from hospital. Once we were able to start testing residents, we had a few confirmed but all asymptomatic. That’s not including cases in other units in the home. Out of 5 units, 2 have never had a single case of COVID. Staff wise, I couldn’t tell you how many tested positive, seemed to be new ones every day for ages. Two staff that I’m aware of were hospitalised. A handful of them are still suffering effects now - mostly changes to sense of smell. It does amuse me a bit that our fire marshall smells burning everywhere she goes now, though her partner died so we don’t mention that.  We’ve had no other cases in residents since that outbreak. 

Moved to another home November 2020. Idiot staff weren’t taking precautions seriously. Going out drinking in each other’s homes, tinder dates, the gym. Just before Christmas we got a total of 22 positive tests returned among staff and residents in one day and they just kept coming. I worked 6 days from Christmas to new year. 3 died on Boxing Day alone, with more following in the days after. Again, no staff died but one was on oxygen in hospital. The less said about that home the better to be honest while the care inspectorate do their thing, but I no longer work there and I’ve moved back to the old place.

I’ve had a PCR every week and minimum 2 LFTs since they were available and I’ve never had COVID. 

My Granny is in a care home and I have to say they have impressed us. They first closed to visitors in February 2020 before any directives came out. They managed for an entire year not to have a single case. I know the Highlands were far less impacted anyway but still a remarkable effort.

My granny, 98 at the time was asymptomatic positive and in that outbreak I think they lost a handful. 

Any sign of increase in the local community and they've closed to visitors straight away. But have called families, had zoom annual meetings etc. There's been so much bad press about care homes that I think the ones who've done well get forgotten about.

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Don't know anyone that has died personally but I am aware of colleagues of friends etc.

Only know of a couple of people that would class as seriously ill, both in their 30s and unvaccinated.  One was off work for 4 weeks and just missed being admitted to hospital, the other was pregnant, caught COVID and ended up in ICU.  Both ok now.

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