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14 minutes ago, 101 said:

I'm sorry but f**k the BBC, immediately chucking football fans as the first to go.

No mention of the far higher chances of infection at a pantomime for instance.


The speccy bald fraud directly compared the two earlier this week to claim that pantomimes were fine but football (specifically football buses) posed a concern.

Despite the fact that comfortably 50% of those attending a pantomime indoors will have no vaccination at all and are from the key demographic where Covid has been rampant for weeks. 

To the extent that they ever tried to hide their class snobbery and triangulation to appease the snippy parent brigade, the mask has completely slipped now. 

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Those figures are startling. It didn’t sound like it from Sturgeon but there has to be a serious lag in the system, surely? It makes no sense to have less cases than a week ago. For context here is London’s Omicron wave versus Delta.


South Africa and Denmark are showing pretty much the same. No reason Scotland should be any different.

I’ll hold my celebrations until tomorrow. Of course we’ve pretty much already hit our PCR capacity so there is a limit to how high ‘official’ cases can realistically go.

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Just now, Paco said:

Those figures are startling. It didn’t sound like it from Sturgeon but there has to be a serious lag in the system, surely? It makes no sense to have less cases than a week ago. For context here is London’s Omicron wave versus Delta.

Imo, and I may be well wide of the mark here, a lot of people are now not going to be getting tested even if they have symptoms, because they are confident it will be mild and don't want to be stuck in isolation over Christmas.

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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

What was the answer?

Don’t be so ridiculous. You weren’t expecting her to give a straight answer? She deflected the question to Methadone Mick and in turn both droned on without actually saying anything. 

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11 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

So there is it. Right out in the open.

Everything would be shut if WM would just give us the money.

Oh and ps - she would “love” to do it, even though she later corrected herself as it was crude as f**k.


Feels so wrong hoping WM keep telling her to f**k off. 

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50 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I thought she said 4336. But aye, about that. 10.1 percent.

Apparently a data issue because of the number of tests being processed.

Hospital numbers down by 10 and seven deaths.

All the numbers looking absolutely fine. That seems like a low death total too, but I can't say I pay much attention to the daily figures.

Seven deaths caused by what though 

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Genuinely can't tell now if the constant chatter about WM funding is a failsafe in case it goes tits up, or if NS actually wants to shut everything down.

If it's the former, f**k off with the politicking. If it's the latter, just f**k off.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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23 minutes ago, virginton said:

The speccy bald fraud directly compared the two earlier this week to claim that pantomimes were fine but football (specifically football buses) posed a concern.

Despite the fact that comfortably 50% of those attending a pantomime indoors will have no vaccination at all and are from the key demographic where Covid has been rampant for weeks. 

To the extent that they ever tried to hide their class snobbery and triangulation to appease the snippy parent brigade, the mask has completely slipped now. 

I seen something in one of the tabloid Twitter posts yesterday . One of the lovejoys commenting clearly through tears that there is going to be 100, 000 football fans in Glasgow this weekend but they can’t watch this years Nativity play. 

Edited by Forever_blueco
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15 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

Imo, and I may be well wide of the mark here, a lot of people are now not going to be getting tested even if they have symptoms, because they are confident it will be mild and don't want to be stuck in isolation over Christmas.

This is the thing people who feel fine or have very mild cold like symptoms are going to ignore it/suspect they have it but take no action. Because they don't want christmas and new year ruined. 

This thing is in the end game its burning itself out because we have built up an immunity to it with numerous vacines.

The piss weak press and media need to start challenging this robustly because its just a political pissing contest now which is having a far more serious effect in the quality of people's lives and their livelihoods.


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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Genuinely can't tell now if the constant chatter about WM funding is a failsafe in case it goes tits up, or if NS actually wants to shut everything down.

It’s a political point made to the masses that eat up everything she says.

“If we were independent we could do this.”

While the money is not available from WM, it matters not if she actually intends to close sectors or not, as that’s not truly the point being made.


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5 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

I seen something in one of the tabloid Twitter posts yesterday . One of the lovejoys commenting clearly through tears that there is going to be 100, 000 football fans in Glasgow this weekend but they can’t watch this years Nativity play. 

Not having to endure school shows has been one of the biggest positives of covid!

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47 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The Conservatives just lost a seat they have held for nearly 200 years because the PM has lost credibility, based entirely on his party's handling of covid.

Regardless of what the opposition call for, the leader of the party in power is the one who, ultimately, is responsible for Covid response.

Can't believe this has slipped through unchallenged. While it is technically true that it's related to "his party's handling of covid", it is absolutely nothing to do with the introduction of restrictions or anything of the sort. The sitting MP resigned as a result of corruption related to covid test procurement, after the Tories originally tried to save him from a short suspension by overhauling parliamentary standards rules. In the meantime, the Tories were then found out for repeatedly breaching their own rules.

None of that translates to Scotland at all.

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