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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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When we look back on this shitshow, surely one of the key learning points will be to improve the nation’s diet, health and fitness.
It’ll be looked on in future generations with amazement how we shut gyms, banned middle aged men from a round of golf and sent police helicopters to arrest hill walkers, whilst greasy manky takeaways were never busier and the country turned Deliveroo and Uber Eats into keywords of the vocabulary and had their Apps on speed dial.
Easy to say nigh on impossible to enforce especially in a population like ours. Lets start by massively reducing the number of licenses granted to shit food takeaways but anytime any LA has even attempted that via existing "over provision" regs it's been shot down in flames by all in sundry. Minimum unit alcohol pricing, sugar taxes another example. Possibly not the most effective tools but everything and anything tried is simply greeted by outcry.

Our local primary started a "daily mile" and the reaction by parents was a total backlash. "Fuckers forcing my wee Tyler to walk a whole fucking mile a day, the wee lamb is shattered and falling asleep before her munchy box even arrives" was the general stuff. Needs to be aimed at them young but parents are the major stumbling block.
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8 hours ago, Don Diego De la Vega said:

Its already set up on every ones NHS Portal/page. When i recieved the "booster"  I noticed it and spoke to the doctor who showed me that there was a 3rd,4th, 5th then Booster plan already in place if needed. I must admit I wasn't up nor down, get the vaccine in my arm and let me get on with life, didn't expect 4 weeks later it would actually be like march 2020 all over again, restrictions masquerading as protections. Absolutely soul destroying 

It will be 7 by the end of 2022 guaranteed. 

A 4th just now. An Omicron doubler in the summer to go on holiday then the new variant will pop up like clockwork in the winter.

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29 minutes ago, deegee said:

You would think somebody in the SNP would have some balls and have a quiet word in Sturgeon’s ear, to remind her she serves the people and is now acting unbalanced and is in serious overreach of power.  Her cuckold fanboys and fa girls wouldn’t dare utter a word but I’ve always had some respect for Angus Robertson. Seems a very level headed and experienced politician, who would look at the bigger picture, rather than the insular core of the leadership.

No chance of that.

Robertson is very much in the “inner core” and is the preferred heir apparent of Sturgeon herself to be her successor, whenever she eventually departs the scene.

He’s far more “inner core” than some of the ministers in more prominent positions, e.g. Kate Forbes, Humza Yousaf.

He will be saying nothing.

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10 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I see it was Swinney who announced the nightclub closure. Just as it was Swinney who yesterday urged the fans to stay away.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this. But it seems like he's being used as the face of unpopular decisions to protect the FM.

Your just about the last person in the country to realise this. 


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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

In which case (for all of these governments), they should resign en masse immediately and leave running the country up to people who are still capable of rational thought and willing to look at current data when making decisions. 

You can throw SAGE, Clownshoes Leitch, Chris Whitty, the shan modellers and all the independent SAGE nutjobs onto that bonfire while you're at it. If they refuse, they should be sacked as government advisors and lose their academic posts as well. 

There are few states whose public health lobby has been more consistently wrong at every turn than the UK. The only reason why 2021 turned out *less bad* than other countries is that the UK government developed some scepticism of their bogus claims. Countries like Ireland have been ruled by unelected public health advisors and are a warning of the attitudes that need to change before Scotland can actually thrive from independence. 

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Tbh they may as well have announced that nightclubs were closed on Tuesday as they couldn’t operate with table service, no dancing and 1 metre distancing between groups.

Virtually all that I’ve seen have already announced that they’re closing from Boxing Day.


Edited by PedroMoutinho
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11 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I see it was Swinney who announced the nightclub closure. Just as it was Swinney who yesterday urged the fans to stay away.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this. But it seems like he's being used as the face of unpopular decisions to protect the FM.

He is a total doormat. Most likely the only reason he's kept around having bungled his way around his last role. 

Remove the bald, speccy part and you just end up with a tube, which remains perfectly apt. Hollow, empty and lacks a spine. That's Swinney.

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Easy to say nigh on impossible to enforce especially in a population like ours. Lets start by massively reducing the number of licenses granted to shit food takeaways but anytime any LA has even attempted that via existing "over provision" regs it's been shot down in flames by all in sundry. Minimum unit alcohol pricing, sugar taxes another example. Possibly not the most effective tools but everything and anything tried is simply greeted by outcry.

Our local primary started a "daily mile" and the reaction by parents was a total backlash. "Fuckers forcing my wee Tyler to walk a whole fucking mile a day, the wee lamb is shattered and falling asleep before her munchy box even arrives" was the general stuff. Needs to be aimed at them young but parents are the major stumbling block.

There's already a huge outcry and a building rage about how the nanny state is running / curtailing our life coupled with the media commentators and social media "outraged" brigade who want to stop us from speaking our minds or voicing an opinion in case it goes against their own.

Nanny state and this cancel culture seem to go hand in hand in creating a dystopian 1984 like society which sadly we DO seem to be heading towards pretty rapidly.

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16 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
37 minutes ago, deegee said:

If Labour and the Tories back her restrictions why would anyone on her own side break ranks ?

Because they are elected as representatives of their constituents and to exercise independent thought more than once in a generation? It'll never catch on in a 'democracy'. 

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24 minutes ago, Binos said:

In fact they should just charge for hospital treatment if not vaccinated.  Take their houses off them and charge £20k per day cost of ICU care.. soon fix things

Wee nudge

Not sure if this is serious or not, but you can’t iust charge folk for not being vaccinated and taking space, as frustrating as it is. 

it undermines the whole ethos of the NHS, and then where do you draw the line? Not vaccinated against Flu? Get in the sea. 

Most folk not vaccinated are hesitant, not full on tinfoil hat brigade. If you convince the hesitant folk you are quids in. The tinfoil hat, Bill Gates, 5G, Ivermectin and Zinc ones will never be convinced. 

No-one I work alongside will judge folk for not having had a vaccine so if folk haven’t had it and aren’t sure, speak to a Doctor and ask their opinion. 


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Few wks ago, perhaps under the radar the UK government agreed a deal for a additional 114M vaccines for 2022/23. By my reckoning that means we will definatley have booster 4 & 5, possibly 6 to come then whatever new deals or how long til these all get used up. With the prospect of diminishing uptake, its likely that could drag on towards double digits!!!

maybe not fully pertinent to all the current points, but does perhaps highlight how long we (the public) may have to deal with this shit show


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26 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

There will be no bevvying, no vandalism.

….one for the auld farts. First correct answer wins a spot on St Mirren’s bench this Sunday. 😎

The excellent Jimmy Reid on the Upper Clyde shipyard work to rule 

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4 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Likely he will do nothing cause the data is all there to show nothing is required.


I REALLY hope you're right, however they're still clinging to this weight of numbers / small % of huge amount of cases requiring treatment line and that being the case I fully expect him to announce additional restrictions.

Of course, had the NHS been sufficiently financed and supported over the years then we wouldn't be in a position where we had by far the lowest amount of ICU beds per head of population in the developed world and we also wouldn't be so short staffed so maybe that would have made a difference ???

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4 minutes ago, bdu98196 said:

Few wks ago, perhaps under the radar the UK government agreed a deal for a additional 114M vaccines for 2022/23. By my reckoning that means we will definatley have booster 4 & 5, possibly 6 to come then whatever new deals or how long til these all get used up. With the prospect of diminishing uptake, its likely that could drag on towards double digits!!!

maybe not fully pertinent to all the current points, but does perhaps highlight how long we (the public) may have to deal with this shit show


This isn't a big surprise given they will almost certainly offer people a booster in 2022 and 2023.

No-one has an issue with the option of taking an annual vaccine. Option is key, though. It needs to be like the flu vaccine, where participation in society is not linked to taking it.

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