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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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7 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Still not seeing a single newpaper or opposition political party anywhere taking the government to task over their 1 MILLION cases per day nonsense.

Instead we're back to the "wait two weeks" stuff.

South Africa has been waiting a while. So long that they've basically decided this is all over.


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2 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

According to the wee pamphlet that comes with the LFTs you are supposed to report all tests, negative or positive. As a good citizen. I have been doing so. When I remember.

By all means carry on testing if you feel the need. But keep forgetting to send in negatives. Wee nippy will only use it against everybody. Folk getting a cold and no going to bed with lucozade is the problem here imo.🙄

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31 minutes ago, Snafu said:

If you think we are all on a level playing field here when it comes to rules or what is fair?

The extremely wealthy don't play by rules.

Rules? Rules are for the plebs.

I claimed furlough money to keep my staff in a job when everything was shut down.

Also got grants which made a huge difference.

These were available to all qualifying businesses, large or small.

You got a problem with that?

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15 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Going by Leitch's statement Sturgeon is going to double down in the hope she can achieve less deaths than Boris by the end of winter and discredit him.

Horrific for the Scottish public. Suicidal for the SNP and independence. For her personally it will be hugely beneficial to her future career and earnings. 

It won't be, though. SNP & EU supporters with their half and half scarves would love that.

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6 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There's been a ban on alcohol on Scotrail trains since November last year.

There was a lengthy discussion about this particular example, but "ban on Scotrail trains" and "illegal" are not synonymous.

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There was a lengthy discussion about this particular example, but "ban on Scotrail trains" and "illegal" are not synonymous.
I'm fully aware of the difference.

Try drinking on a Scotrail train - it's not the staff who police it but the other passengers!!

It's a bizarre one because you can drink on Transpennine Express, LNER etc throughout the journey in Scotland.
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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Leitch is saying Omicron will peak mid-late January with the possibility of higher case numbers in February. Also asking not to cross the border to avoid tighter restrictions protections punishments during the Hogmany celebrations'

In an interview with BBC radio programme Good Morning Scotland on Tuesday, Professor Leitch said these cases were “depressingly predictable" as cases quadrupled in the past three weeks.

Professor Leitch said: “Case numbers going down is a very difficult piece of information to give.

"The modelling suggests that the peak of the Omicron wave in the United Kingdom will be somewhere between mid to late January, maybe even pushing into February.

"But that will depend quite a lot on human behaviour and what we do now.

"We may not want the peak early because if this is an enormous wave we may want to draw it out over a longer period because you might then get more people vaccinated."

On potential further restrictions in Scotland, Professor Leitch said he hoped we could ‘get away without anything too dramatic.’


Anyone on here really wanting this to go on through February?


Leitch is a lying arsehole, frankly. 

If this variant is as massively transmissible as he has previously been claiming, why would it take a further 4-5 weeks to peak? Absolute nonsense which I'm assuming the interviewer didn't bother challenging. 

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3 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I'm fully aware of the difference.

Try drinking on a Scotrail train - it's not the staff who police it but the other passengers!!

You must be traveling on a particularly bourgeois service, because the Lee Wallace brigade are conspicuous by their lowly deference in west-central Scotland.  

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It's been pretty rare. This is 2021.

Make your mind up what you are saying then. Pretty rare means something different from "no flu". Influenza got outcompeted by COVID-19 due to COVID's much higher R0 and the absence of any prior immunity within the population but it wasn't eliminated by it or by the restrictions and will bounce back again in future. To get back to your original point check out what the models claimed should happen with COVID-19 in Sweden in April 2020 when they didn't go completely overboard on restrictions and what actually happened there.

The initial modelling that led to Boris going bananas over Dyson ventilators that were never needed and overdoing it on the lockdown restrictions (note I am not saying that there wasn't a need for any restrictions at that point or that none were in place in Sweden) got it wrong because COVID's IFR turned out to be about an order of magnitude lower than what was being fed into the models based on initial CFR numbers from Wuhan.

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19 minutes ago, lithgierose said:

By all means carry on testing if you feel the need. But keep forgetting to send in negatives. Wee nippy will only use it against everybody. Folk getting a cold and no going to bed with lucozade is the problem here imo.🙄

Not sure that’s how it works. Surely the more folk testing and getting negative results, the better. I’ve not had so much as a sniffle for years now - touch wood - so no point to test really. I just do it for my fellow citizens. I should really get an award 🥇. No doubt one of Nicola’s minions is thrashing that out, getting focus groups involved, and I will be awarded it presently.

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2 hours ago, Binos said:

Not just Nicola Sturgeon being cautious 


France tightening covid restrictions 

It's happening everywhere regardless of news from South Africa 

It's not happening in England, which has access to the same data as the SG. 

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1 minute ago, Day of the Lords said:

Leitch is a lying arsehole, frankly. 

If this variant is as massively transmissible as he has previously been claiming, why would it take a further 4-5 weeks to peak? Absolute nonsense which I'm assuming the interviewer didn't bother challenging. 

I'm more inclined to say he is "out of the loop" than a liar tbh. He likes to represent himself as being "ITK" (and, amazingly despite the next bit, is often viewed as such by the media) but has been so completely wrong on things so often that he is quite clearly days behind with his info.

The most recent example - him saying that they were not asking people to cancel work Christmas parties less than 1 hour before they did exactly that - showed this quite clearly.

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16 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It won't be, though. SNP & EU supporters with their half and half scarves would love that.

A winter of restrictions up here while England is open will turn a lot of people against her.

Glasgow was pretty busy when I was in town last night. People aren't buying into the idea that this is a serious crisis at the moment.

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10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Just dropping in to ask if anyone has mentioned the possible effect on the Covid stats by voluntary and mandatory mitigation efforts like social distancing, face coverings and WFH which may have reduced the numbers of cases, hospitalisations and deaths a tad? No flu for 2 seasons, how on earth could that have happened? It has to be possible that that's why the worst case scenarios invented by the lying modellers haven't come about?

If you could re-resign from the thread instead of posting this utter simpering drivel again, then that would be great thanks.


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13 minutes ago, Snafu said:

There's studies now into the real possibility that Omicron - https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/2021/12/28/south-african-study-omicron-delta-immunity/

It keeps getting better doesn't it. This surely won't go unnoticed elsewhere??

How is Delta coming along in the UK now?

Delta is on the way out.

Shanicron is a truly beautiful gift from South Africa to the world. It means pretty much everyone will be exposed to what is a considerably milder virus and/or have their vaccination and booster. The hospitals will be empty in the UK by Easter and the alarmist, grifting chancers will have nothing left.


5 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The French ban on eating and drinking on long distance trains is absolutely brilliant. 

How can we be almost two years into this and yet still coming up with pointless measures like that?

Imagine how shit like this will be looked back on one day. Tells you everything you need to know.


5 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

Leitch is a lying arsehole, frankly. 

If this variant is as massively transmissible as he has previously been claiming, why would it take a further 4-5 weeks to peak? Absolute nonsense which I'm assuming the interviewer didn't bother challenging. 

Everywhere else peaks and then starts to fall within a month, but oh no, not in Scotland! The measures the clowns are taking here to 'flatten the curve' again would just prolong things (if they work or were adhered to) when there is demonstrably no need.

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It's not happening in England, which has access to the same data as the SG. 
Probably very little to do with the data and more the 100+ Tory backbenchers who voted against restrictions.

The other 3 nations don't really have any opposition within their assemblies/Parliament - and the Stalinist control of the SNP over its MSPs means it's never going to happen here.
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I'm more inclined to say he is "out of the loop" than a liar tbh. He likes to represent himself as being "ITK" (and, amazingly despite the next bit, is often viewed as such by the media) but has been so completely wrong on things so often that he is quite clearly days behind with his info.
The most recent example - him saying that they were not asking people to cancel work Christmas parties less than 1 hour before they did exactly that - showed this quite clearly.
Agree with you here.

He comes across as someone making themselves more important than they actually are.
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