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23 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:



Clownshoes is feeling the heat of public opinion turning on him.

I said this the other day, but they are all starting to come across as a bit rattled now. They just can't seem to understand why people might be angry with them.

People aren't angry because they "can't have Hogmanay" in April, they are angry because you have planted the seed that there will still be restrictions in April.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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29 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Regardless of when he thinks the peak will be, it's pretty revealing that he believes 50 hospital admissions per day, in Spring, is a number that the NHS can't cope with and thus requires restrictions.

That should ring some alarm bells about the chances of getting these restrictions lifted on the 17th of January.

Broken record but it’s where some opposition might come in handy - why have we gone from “no healthcare system in the world could cope with unchecked COVID” in 2020 to having an immune population but a healthcare system that can’t cope with 50 admissions a day?

Given the situation down south I still think it’s one of those that’s simply too ridiculous to be true, even by SG response to COVID standards.

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13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I said this the other day, but they are all starting to come across as a bit rattled now. They just can't seem to understand why people might be angry with them.

People aren't angry because they "can't have Hogmanay" in April, they are angry because you have planted the seed that there will still be restrictions in April.

They have a god complex.  They got a pass for so long because of the fear that was instilled.  People questioning them now is a alien concept.

Edited by Left Back
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39 minutes ago, stuart87 said:

Starting to think the Ukraine game in March won’t be at full capacity which will be a real gutter. 

Still think we will be back by then. The SG can’t not keep restrictions in place here if the rest of the UK is back to normal. Not a chance. 

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The SG are so frustrating. It's as if they don't understand cashflow etc.

They've been absolutely caught out by BJ not putting restrictions in place.

Frankie's tales match up with how unprepared they were to fund these restrictions.

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Leitch knows when this is done he'll fade back into obscurity, no more daily TV/radio appearances. This is why he's trying to drag this out as long as possible, much like Sturgeon, they're all a bunch of ego maniacs prioritising their image over the general public.

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Some of the replies to Leitch's tweet there are enlightening.

We're now as the stage where interpreting him saying a large scale gathering in April "might be too early" as him suggesting restrictions will still be in place is seen as putting words into his mouth.

What other interpretation can there be?

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Some of the replies to Leitch's tweet there are enlightening.

We're now as the stage where interpreting him saying a large scale gathering in April "might be too early" as him suggesting restrictions will still be in place is seen as putting words into his mouth.

What other interpretation can there be?

He's quite literally posted the radio interview for full context and his supporters are going 'See? See? Shit gutter journalism'.

Then you actually listen to the radio link he's provided - and he says EXACTLY what the paper reported he said. About 12 minutes in for anyone who fancies a listen themselves.

The only wiggle room he has is he could spin it that he was trying to be funny by saying April is too early for a Hogmanay party (because it's April, duh!) but that certainly isn't the context in which the question was asked or the answer was given.

Edited by djchapsticks
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Guest Bob Mahelp
6 hours ago, SoapMactavish said:

So are you a Doctor now as well as a ‘scientist’ ?

These are both more common than you think.

Folk getting confused and in a state of delirium with an infection is exceedingly common, particularly the older generation who are at a much greater risk of falling. Patients fall all the time in hospital and break hips/wrists etc. 

The second point about clotting problems is perhaps the biggest complication of Covid, almost every patient ill enough to require treatment beyond the ED has issues with blood clotting. The most common issue from this is Pulmonary Emboli or Micro-emboli due to infection/inflammation of the lung tissue. Other clotting issues like Stroke/DVT/Venous Sinus Thrombosis has been very common as well. As have STEMI’s (Heart Attacks, my day job is fixing these) Which are much more common than the normal incidence of this in non-covid patients without any underlying risk factors. 

To explain to your layperson on here: the principal blood test looking at blood clotting problems is called a D-dimer. A d-dimer of <150 is normal. Anything greater than that is suggestive (or highly suggestive depending on the level recorded) of there being a clotting problem somewhere in the body.

Almost every Covid patient I have seen has an abnormal d-dimer. While this doesn’t explictly mean they have a PE, it makes it very hard to rule one out. A PE is a medical emergency and can prove rapidly fatal, particularly if the thrombus is blocking a vessel close to the heart. 

You can ‘science’ all you like but you know, as my old ‘da would say “ the square root of f**k all” about medicine. If you had actually been treating Covid patients for the last almost 2 years I might respect your opinion. 

But you haven’t and I don’t. I’m not on here to debate the whys and wherefore’s of restrictions or things like that. I just state what I have seen and heard.

To be blunt, after watching folk suffocate to death for the best part of 24 months I couldn’t give a singular f**k what someone on a football forum with no experience, training or knowledge what-so-ever has to say about the disease process of Covid-19. 

I also have never once claimed to be hospital management. I work for a living. They are part of the problem. 

Happy New Year 😘




Brilliant post, and one which should be definitive enough to shut up these moon howling fvckwits on here who think they're experts, because they post 100 twitter links a day on a football forum. 

Sadly, it won't though. You'll be ignored, red dotted, and they'll keep on posting their fanatical, abusive garbage. 


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9 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

He's quite literally posted the radio interview for full context and his supporters are going 'See? See? Shit gutter journalism'.

Then you actually listen to the radio link he's provided - and he says EXACTLY what the paper reported he said. About 12 minutes in for anyone who fancies a listen themselves.

The only wiggle room he has is he could spin it that he was trying to be funny by saying April is too early for a Hogmanay party (because it's April, duh!) but that certainly isn't the context in which the question was asked or the answer was given.

He's finally getting called out for something and it's clear he not only wasn't expecting it, but he really doesn't like it.

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7 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

He's quite literally posted the radio interview for full context and his supporters are going 'See? See? Shit gutter journalism'.

Then you actually listen to the radio link he's provided - and he says EXACTLY what the paper reported he said. About 12 minutes in for anyone who fancies a listen themselves.

The only wiggle room he has is he could spin it that he was trying to be funny by saying April is too early for a Hogmanay party (because it's April, duh!) but that certainly isn't the context in which the question was asked or the answer was given.

Once again, if you move with the pandemic and the data available, Omicron is a cold. Why these people are clinging on to a time where it was killing masses of people with no therapeutics or vaccines I just can't fathom .

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Some classic political press officer antics from Leitch there. 

He'll have seen the reaction and asked someone how to deal with it. And they'll have suggested that approach.

It's sort of alright for a politician. Even if it does encourage pile-ons. Because they can always not be returned at the next election if the public don't like the approach. But it's not really how an unelected public health official should be acting imo.

Edited by Jan Vojáček
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