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Posted at 14:59

'Scrapping restrictions makes me feel like second-class citizen'image.gif.bb52c2306f56640b0b41386c2f46ea92.gif78c66439-70b9-4197-a262-2d4cfe6d21f0.jpg

Copyright: EPA

While some may be celebrating the rolling back of Covid restrictions in England, Bernie McGreavey in West Yorkshire is not.

Bernie, who has an inflammatory arthritic condition that makes her clinically extremely vulnerable, tells BBC Radio 4's World at One programme that the changes are "really worrying" for her and make her feel like a "second-class citizen".

Even before the changes, she had to do a "risk assessment" before deciding to go somewhere, she says, ending up sticking to places she knows are, for example, well-ventilated.

"Today, I've been out to a local shopping centre with my niece," Bernie says, adding that most people were wearing masks.

"This time next week I will probably not be going to that shopping centre, because the majority of people will not be wearing masks."

Is now the right time to drop restrictions? "For me, it feels too much too soon," Bernie says.


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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

To be fair, Ross has completely misrepresented Wishart's comments.

A quick search on the Daily Mail article and I can see his direct quote.

Don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of politicians like Ross treating the public like idiots.

I think that’s a Venn diagram with very few politicians outside that particular definition.

Ridiculous as it sounds, Bojo - solely by virtue of trying to save his own skin and create the oft-used  ‘look, something shiny over there!!’ diversion - has been the only one to give the public back any kind of think-for-yourself mandate and actually not treat them like idiots. 


Yes, treating the public like idiots on the party stuff I know but the bigger picture (IMO) is binning the restrictions, however that is achieved. 


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Who cares if there are 100 or 100,000 positive tests a day, hospital numbers aren't dangerously high, infections aren't as serious any more and the better weather is just round the corner. If we can't bin restictions now we never will. 
I like your optimism but it's the 20th January hence in Scotland we are months from "the better weather"
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8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, ddfg said:
Who cares if there are 100 or 100,000 positive tests a day, hospital numbers aren't dangerously high, infections aren't as serious any more and the better weather is just round the corner. If we can't bin restictions now we never will. 

I like your optimism but it's the 20th January hence in Scotland we are months from "the better weather"

Nice sunny day here today, maybe I was just getting carried away with it still being light at 5 o'clock

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Stormont ministers have agreed to drop the use of vaccine passports in pubs, restaurants and cinemas in Northern Ireland from midday on Wednesday.

The move is part of several relaxations to Northern Ireland's Covid rules.

It means proof of Covid status will no longer be legally required in hospitality premises from 26 January.

The system will remain in place for nightclubs and indoor unseated and partially-seated events with 500 or more people in attendance.

Ministers have also agreed to remove rules on table service in hospitality businesses and the so-called "rule of six" per table from midday on Friday.

It is understood that hospitality businesses will still be advised in guidance to retain use of Covid certification.



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2 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Classes of 15 would have done.

Anyway, I can't see you ever having to concern yourself with the fate of offspring, so don't worry about it.

Ignoring the crude and fairly unpleasant personal attack, can you please talk me through the practicalities of every single university course being taught on campus whilst still complying with some degree of social distancing?

When giving your answer, please bear in mind that even the biggest lecture theatres which can normally hold 200+ have capacities of 50 under the current distancing advice being used by universities, and most rooms are much smaller than this and have smaller maximum capacities as a result.

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2 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Classes of 15 would have done.

Anyway, I can't see you ever having to concern yourself with the fate of offspring, so don't worry about it.

See if you find yourself so angry on an Internet forum that you actually type out something like that? It’s a sign that you need to step away. Or it’s a marker of character, one of the two.

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Dread to think how many cases this might have been if they didn't have vaccine passports and hadn't banned eating and drinking on trains!

For context, around 0.8% of the entire population tested positive on a single day.


Edited by Michael W
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12 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Dread to think how many cases this might have been if they didn't have vaccine passports and hadn't banned eating and drinking on trains!

For context, around 0.8% of the entire population tested positive on a single day.


Completely inevitable once the world's shittest public health 'expert' pinned her colours to their gormless vaccine passport. Literally a 100% fail rate:




Prof Sridhar said: “If we look at New York City, France, Italy, Germany ... they're much stricter on indoor venues.

"If you go to a coffee shop in Germany and you sit outside, they don't ask you for any proof of anything. But if you want to go inside, you need to show proof of a negative test in the past 24 hours or double vaccination.

Prof Sridhar added: “The thing I think that is tragic now is we're having people die who probably don't need to die. Our case rates are so much higher and our death rates are so much higher than other countries in Europe.



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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

It's beginning to look like France might have peaked too and are now on a sharp decline in cases.

It's incredible how unwilling countries are to look at other countries which have shown massive peaks followed by massive drops a few days later with no major effect on hospitilisations or deaths and realise that it's just something they have to deal with for a week or two before it blows over. Every country panics into bringing in one useless restriction after another.

A bit less panicking and a bit more calming the f**k doon would do us all some good.

Remain Calm All Is Well GIF

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12 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

A good article on the way Western countries treated the information about omicron that came out of South Africa at the end of last year.

Is racism why South African evidence of milder infection was ignored?

Yes, abso-fuckinglutely yes, but its ok, because its the ‘right kind of racism’ for the folks who dismissed they SA evidence. 

3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

They are so caught up in the self-righteousness and morality of their position that their children's needs are becoming secondary to their own egos. Another side effect of wrapping covid up in a moralistic blanket. Now they have backed themselves into a corner where it will be very difficult for them to give in because they've wrongly turned a medical issue into a moral crusade.

I don't think they have the faintest idea of how much damage they are doing to their kids.

Being a home-school teacher sounds easy in principle but it's almost impossible for most kids to get a proper education that way. It's not just about maths and English. Home schooled kids will struggle socially and working with groups of people in the future.

I suspect most of this bravado will evaporate when the court summons and the fines start pouring in.

Mad thing is, many of these affected middle class arseholes ignore that the biggest cause of childhood death as a factor is actually poverty, what contributes significantly to poverty? Missing out on education. Absolute dickheads to a man. 

3 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Classes of 15 would have done.

Anyway, I can't see you ever having to concern yourself with the fate of offspring, so don't worry about it.

Ooooft. Can someone come and collect their da? 

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5 hours ago, scottsdad said:

There is a fair amount of backlash from the usual suspects on twitter to England dropping Plan B.

I really do think the psychological impact of the last 2 years will last a very long time for many people. The government terrified millions into locking themselves away in 2020, and a big chunk of those are still in that state of heightened fear. 

One of my mates mrs refuses to go outside the house now as shes so anxious, she can't even face going to the shops. Did have a kid during lockdown which always turns woman a bit more mental but shows it does impact people in strange ways,

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11 minutes ago, red23 said:

One of my mates mrs refuses to go outside the house now as shes so anxious, she can't even face going to the shops. Did have a kid during lockdown which always turns woman a bit more mental but shows it does impact people in strange ways,

Go round with a bottle of something.

That should have her running into the street.

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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

Ignoring the crude and fairly unpleasant personal attack, can you please talk me through the practicalities of every single university course being taught on campus whilst still complying with some degree of social distancing?

When giving your answer, please bear in mind that even the biggest lecture theatres which can normally hold 200+ have capacities of 50 under the current distancing advice being used by universities, and most rooms are much smaller than this and have smaller maximum capacities as a result.

Why on earth would I attempt to do such a thing?

I've not called for it at all?  I do think, however, that provision could be significantly greater in certain places than has been evident.  You shared some of my concern on the matter and were actually terribly helpful on it in the autumn, so I'm unclear as to why such a stark presentation of things is being offered now.

Not jumping aboard an indignant bandwagon, are we?

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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

I like a bit of rough banter as much as anyone but TBH you've really crossed a line with that particularly nasty piece of shite.

I'm not sure what you're gaining from posting in this manner.

Ok, not my finest hour on here.

It was an unkind comment and I therefore apologise.



I can probably be spared the moralising though.  Remember that VT's entire presence on here is founded on a capacity to mock, deride and belittle.  Remember too, that he took us down a personal path by referring to my daughter as a "sprog" and "precious".  He knows nothing whatever of her, her circumstances, challenges etc, yet felt justified in referring to her in derogatory terms that incidentally, upset nobody on here at all. 

Let's remember too that VT's apparent virginity is something of a staple on here.  Does it not come up that way if you tag him or something?  Surely only the much maligned God botherers believe that such status still permits conception.  I've no idea if it's true or not, but let's not pretend that the charge has just been invented by me.

The comment in question did not reflect well on me and I'll not be making it again.  I'm old enough to know better.  For the above reasons, however, I'll not be crippled by guilt over it either.


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2 hours ago, craigkillie said:

Ignoring the crude and fairly unpleasant personal attack, can you please talk me through the practicalities of every single university course being taught on campus whilst still complying with some degree of social distancing?

When giving your answer, please bear in mind that even the biggest lecture theatres which can normally hold 200+ have capacities of 50 under the current distancing advice being used by universities, and most rooms are much smaller than this and have smaller maximum capacities as a result.

Why do universities need such large  social distancing?

Football stadia don’t seem to need to do this.

Am I missing something or is it the unions are just being awkward?

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