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31 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The UK is well on track to have the world's second highest number of deaths.  That's a pretty astonishing statistic under any set of circumstances.

Which will of course be explained away with an offhand "We're the only country accurately reporting our figures" which in itself is open to question after yesterday's media briefing.

11 hours ago, tamthebam said:


In the rest room the nurses discuss another hard day at work

Are these some of Matt Hancock's extra 50,000 nurses? For some reason I'm reminded of this


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Part of the art of good politics is timing, this is possibly more the case in opposition.

Overt political attacks in the midst of a crisis could have a negative impact.

I believe that is why Sturgeon, whilst trying to do what is best for Scotland, has been wary of outright criticism of the U.K. government.

I think Starmer will also choose his time carefully but when they both go on the attack I hope it is all guns blazing.  Let’s face it there is plenty of ammunition.

(No puns intended).

Edited by Granny Danger
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Part of the art of good politics is timing, this is possibly more the case in opposition.
Overt political attacks in the midst of a crisis could have a negative impact.
I believe that is why Sturgeon, whilst trying to do what is best for Scotland, has been wary of outright criticism of the U.K. government.
I think Starmer will also choose his time carefully but when they both go on the attack I hope it is all guns blazing.  Let’s face it there is plenty of ammunition.
(No puns intended).
I don't think there's any doubt this is the case.

Let's just hope they time it right, and get rid of this tory govt at the earliest opportunity.
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The UK is well on track to have the world's second highest number of deaths.  That's a pretty astonishing statistic under any set of circumstances.
It's the job of the opposition parties and the (pause for laughter) media, to examine forensically why this has happened. 
At the moment the Tories have free reign to bang on about how brilliantly they're doing, the Dunkirk spirit, spitfires, Vera Lynn etc etc, and they're dominating the political narrative to such an extent that anyone questioning them is made to somehow look unpatriotic. 
I'm sure Labour recognise the danger in this. If they don't attack the Tories, before you know it we'll be on the other side of this and Johnson will have very quickly re-written history to the extent that he will be utterly untouchable for years to come. 
People say we shouldn't be arguing politics at this point in time, but ALL of this.....every announcement, every decision....has a political motivation. And the Tories know it, and know that Labour are peddling backwards.
The one bright light is that Corbyn is gone and Labour seem to have an intelligent and reasonably effective leader. 
We found out last night that a lot of the people saying don't criticise the govt are not real people, but fake social media accounts.
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1 hour ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The one bright light is that Corbyn is gone and Labour seem to have an intelligent and reasonably effective leader. 

If by "intelligent and reasonably effective leader" you mean "a centrist nobody who is about 2 days away from offering to give Boris Johnson a reach around" then I completely agree.

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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

The folk that take part in these polls are obviously Mintermind types whose only comeback on any criticism of the Torycuntfraudsquad is “ha ha wee nippy got independence yet” whilst countless poverty stricken and old people are left to die.

ie thick, selfish c***s

Still seething I see - Boris not dead yet m8? 

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It should be said that the media arguably forced a lockdown, a huge increase in testing (gerrymandering aside) and shifted the focus to care homes. The government cared about none of these before they were front page issues.

There are some ridiculous questions at the briefings, and Dan Wootton for TalkRadio asking a question on behalf of that Professor Karol fraud after the BBC and ITV on Thursday was a real low, but the media has shifted government policy and focus during this crisis. It’s unfair not to acknowledge it.

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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

The folk that take part in these polls are obviously Mintermind types whose only comeback on any criticism of the Torycuntfraudsquad is “ha ha wee nippy got independence yet” whilst countless poverty stricken and old people are left to die.

ie thick, selfish c***s

You could be describing the Windsor family.

1 hour ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The UK is well on track to have the world's second highest number of deaths.  That's a pretty astonishing statistic under any set of circumstances.

It's the job of the opposition parties and the (pause for laughter) media, to examine forensically why this has happened. 

At the moment the Tories have free reign to bang on about how brilliantly they're doing, the Dunkirk spirit, spitfires, Vera Lynn etc etc, and they're dominating the political narrative to such an extent that anyone questioning them is made to somehow look unpatriotic. 

I'm sure Labour recognise the danger in this. If they don't attack the Tories, before you know it we'll be on the other side of this and Johnson will have very quickly re-written history to the extent that he will be utterly untouchable for years to come. 

People say we shouldn't be arguing politics at this point in time, but ALL of this.....every announcement, every decision....has a political motivation. And the Tories know it, and know that Labour are peddling backwards.

The one bright light is that Corbyn is gone and Labour seem to have an intelligent and reasonably effective leader. 

I take it you're no independence-minded

Labour are still one cheek o' the same arse as far as Scotland is concerned.

They and the Tories are still supporting Trident in Scottish waters.

Still supporting Scotland paying her share of expensive English projects.

There's a yougov poll that I'm seeing on FB and it shows Labour on 15% in Scotland, Tories on 25% and SNP on 51%.

That doesn't show Labour in a particularly good light in Scotland.

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Was in the kingsway one, first time I have been there for a good few weeks usually use the Riverside one. Was in Riverside a few weeks back and like you say it was much better so will only be going there from now on. Must be a better class of customer at Riverside.

Which Tesco was this? I was in the one on Riverside Dundee today and pretty much everyone was tuned in to social distancing and giving their fellow shoppers adequate space.
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2 hours ago, throbber said:

The first case was confirmed on Skye at a nursing home yesterday, people there were told to expect a wave by the end of May so easing lockdown there would be a stupid idea but not in the least bit surprising coming from the Tories. 

At least we are in a fairly strong position in that we can monitor how well other countries respond to easing restrictions in the coming weeks.

We were also in a fairly strong position to observe how lockdown was working before we eventually got round to introducing it.

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The UK is well on track to have the world's second highest number of deaths.  That's a pretty astonishing statistic under any set of circumstances.
It's the job of the opposition parties and the (pause for laughter) media, to examine forensically why this has happened. 
At the moment the Tories have free reign to bang on about how brilliantly they're doing, the Dunkirk spirit, spitfires, Vera Lynn etc etc, and they're dominating the political narrative to such an extent that anyone questioning them is made to somehow look unpatriotic. 
I'm sure Labour recognise the danger in this. If they don't attack the Tories, before you know it we'll be on the other side of this and Johnson will have very quickly re-written history to the extent that he will be utterly untouchable for years to come. 
People say we shouldn't be arguing politics at this point in time, but ALL of this.....every announcement, every decision....has a political motivation. And the Tories know it, and know that Labour are peddling backwards.
The one bright light is that Corbyn is gone and Labour seem to have an intelligent and reasonably effective leader. 

All politics aside I highly doubt we are the 2nd worst in the world , although our official figures are abit dubious to say the least places like china and the likes are most likely just a pack of lies. Thats not to say were not making a total arse of it. If it wasn’t for trump and the Brazilian with their outright belligerent attitude then our handling of it would probably be the worst in the world .
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3 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:


All politics aside I highly doubt we are the 2nd worst in the world , although our official figures are abit dubious to say the least places like china and the likes are most likely just a pack of lies. Thats not to say were not making a total arse of it. If it wasn’t for trump and the Brazilian with their outright belligerent attitude then our handling of it would probably be the worst in the world .


I think it's accepted the vast majority of countries in the world are undercounting to some degree. Whether that is due to political reasons for keeping numbers down (China, Brazil, U.K?.) or in the case for example of Italy or Spain where it's not been possible to properly count care home deaths due to no testing (I think that is probably the case in most of Europe). Or just third world countries like Ecuador or Indonesia where the system can't cope.

it doesn't mean that the tories have made arse of it but I really I think excess mortality is really going to be the only way to see who is truly worst, and let's face it that probably really works for Europe and other developed countries.

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37 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

You could be describing the Windsor family.

I take it you're no independence-minded

Labour are still one cheek o' the same arse as far as Scotland is concerned.

They and the Tories are still supporting Trident in Scottish waters.

Still supporting Scotland paying her share of expensive English projects.

There's a yougov poll that I'm seeing on FB and it shows Labour on 15% in Scotland, Tories on 25% and SNP on 51%.

That doesn't show Labour in a particularly good light in Scotland.

It’s good to see you back posting Willie, however it’s sad that you still have the same blinkered approach.

Like you I want Independence, I like you I recognise that whilst we are still part of the U.K. then what happens at Westminster is important and relevant to Scotland.

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These have probably been reposted already, but I’m bored and they are still funny.
Funnily enough I started reading the thread from the start last night. I don't think@JTS98 got enough credit for his predictions. Pretty much called it from the very beginning. Going to go back and greeny some of his posts.
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