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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Yeah the mixture of narratives has been insane tbh and massively unhelpful. 

You mention facemasks though, that has all gone quiet. Another thing that may be of use but has been touched on a few times and not followed up

I am not convinced of the efficacy of face masks let alone the supply issue.

I’m also worried that if people were at them they will become generally less cautious and careful in general.

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13 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Pictures from one region of one country are not evidence lockdowns work any more than they are not.

Well that was what happened when their health service crumbled - the projections were ours would without a lockdown. 

Tbh, I don't think it's just the locking down that matters anyway, it's an early lockdown that's effective. Far more evidence of that being effective, than not. NZ, many states in the US (plus States that didn't have an early lockdown have increasing rates) locked down early and kept a lid on spread. 

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This new message is pretty much at odds with what sturgeon was saying the other day. Gonna be a lot of raging unionists getting huckle by the polis because SHE DOESN'T SPEAK FOR ME. 

2m police batons.
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1 minute ago, TheScarf said:

That’s a 3rd Brighton player confirmed having coronavirus now.

I see Dynamo Dresden have put their whole squad into isolation after two tested positive. 

Season is meant to restart this week. 

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1 minute ago, LondonHMFC said:

I see Dynamo Dresden have put their whole squad into isolation after two tested positive. 

Season is meant to restart this week. 

No chance their restarting the leagues on Saturday.

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13 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Well that was what happened when their health service crumbled - the projections were ours would without a lockdown. 

I really wish we could stop talking about projections. The projections which influenced the decisions the government made were a disgrace.

The hard pill to swallow is that death and herd immunity are required to get through this. Without a vaccine the places which locked down very early are going to struggle to open back up as they will remain vulnerable much longer.

Assuming no vaccine is available by then, the very same people raging at the government for not locking down sooner will be the same ones posting airport selfies en route to next summer's holiday without any awareness of the irony.

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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I am not convinced of the efficacy of face masks let alone the supply issue.

I’m also worried that if people were at them they will become generally less cautious and careful in general.

This is a particular worry where people have symptoms and think a mask will stop them spreading germs. 

I have seen a fair few masked and gloved arseholes acting like they are invincible.  For balance, i've also seen plenty of folk without doing the same. 

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8 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


The hard pill to swallow is that death and herd immunity are required to get through this. Without a vaccine the places which locked down very early are going to struggle to open back up as they will remain vulnerable much longer.

I disagree. We went into full lockdown on March 12th and, instead of having to spend millions on temporary hospitals, have instead been able to set up testing centres in various urban areas. With under 300 confirmed deaths, I'm due to return to work on May 20th.

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I disagree. We went into full lockdown on March 12th and, instead of having to spend millions on temporary hospitals, have instead been able to set up testing centres in various urban areas. With under 300 confirmed deaths, I'm due to return to work on May 20th.
This. The true test of any of these governments is how long it takes to come out the other side with as little damage as possible. I have absolute faith that our Tory master will be the best at being the worst.
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1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Sorry mate too much of this kind of thinking going on. for the vast vast majority who get this it's nothing more than very unpleasant, what we need to be doing is preventing the virus from finding it's way to the vulnerable.  Other countries had full blown curfews in place for weeks on end but that didn't save them from sky high death rates , again a large number were elederly in care homes you know the kind of people who are not out and about in public all that much anyway , whilst some countries had very light or no lockdowns at all and have not suffered huge death rates.   it's all about testing and management.  funily enough we've had neither .  For most people the lockdown has been manageable so I don't know why anyone thinks having the police go about lik the gestapo fining anyone who dares to take a walk round the streets would achieve anything other than to piss everyone off who was otherwise going along with it

We still have no proper testing or management, so short of crossing our fingers and hoping for the best, there's nothing to suggest we won't see a pretty rapid rise in infections and deaths. Sure most of these will be elderly and vulnerable, and in sure they'll be urged to stay indoors, shield etc, but that's not going to stop it from happening, and we'll hit a point (imo) when the figures are just too unpalatable for the govt to continue and we'll have to put something else in place. Given we've fucked testing and the trace plan seems to be an app that a shit load of people won't use because of who has made it, I reckon (imo again) we'll see at least one other type of lockdown before the year is out. 

Had we locked down early and hard like the successful countries did, we'd be in a much stronger position to manage it - but the public are agitating to open and Johnston the populist will crumble and we'll come out before infection rates are at the level they really should be. 

I didn't say the police should act like the gestapo for people taking walks round the street, although I do think if fewer people had taken walks round the street and the police had been given proper fining powers, we wouldn't be top of the league atm. Our main issue has been the piss poor at least 2 weeks late "lockdown" tho

Edited by madwullie
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34 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I really wish we could stop talking about projections. The projections which influenced the decisions the government made were a disgrace.

The hard pill to swallow is that death and herd immunity are required to get through this. Without a vaccine the places which locked down very early are going to struggle to open back up as they will remain vulnerable much longer.

Assuming no vaccine is available by then, the very same people raging at the government for not locking down sooner will be the same ones posting airport selfies en route to next summer's holiday without any awareness of the irony.

I would suggest it's more likely to be the people who are desperate for common sense to dictate how we should behave during a half arsed lockdown are most likely to be posting the selfies. 

And they have to use projections - how else can they predict what will happen, the best time to do things etc. Other countries projections seem to have been spot on, so rather than rubbishing them as a whole maybe we should take a leaf from theirs?

Edit: and I disagree about the early lockdown countries. With a proper test trace & isolate policy they will be able to keep rates down, and will be able to open up earlier. 

Imo the irony is that the desperation to save the economy and stay open as long as possible is what will crush us in the end - because other countries will be opening and functioning closer to normal far far quicker than we will

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43 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I really wish we could stop talking about projections. The projections which influenced the decisions the government made were a disgrace.

The hard pill to swallow is that death and herd immunity are required to get through this. Without a vaccine the places which locked down very early are going to struggle to open back up as they will remain vulnerable much longer.

Assuming no vaccine is available by then, the very same people raging at the government for not locking down sooner will be the same ones posting airport selfies en route to next summer's holiday without any awareness of the irony.

From the way you write, over a series of posts on this, I assume you're not considering yourself  to be one of those

'taking one for the team' and being subject to the death pill. 

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23 minutes ago, beefybake said:

'taking one for the team' and being subject to the death pill. 

What death pill?

Let's be clear here that for the vast majority, unless you are particularly old, Covid-19 isn't usually a death sentence.

Do I particularly want to catch it, no. But if I did, statistically, i would be unlikely to die. I might, in which case then i would have been extremely unlucky.

If the two options were 'continue as is until a vaccine might come along at some point in the next year' or 'make your own risk assessments day to day' then I would choose the latter. It's what absolutely every single one of us did on a daily basis until a couple of months ago.

Easing the already soft lockdown in any way is just another version of the second option anyway

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30 minutes ago, Lambie's Pigeon Feed said:

Was like Piccadilly Circus in Pollok Park yesterday, turns out the middle classes on their bikes are no better than the bams on their bikes.

Went to Pollok Park. Is unhappy about people being in Pollok Park.

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9 minutes ago, The OP said:

Went to Pollok Park. Is unhappy about people being in Pollok Park.

I went to the supermarket today.  I had to queue up behind other people who had also decided to go to the supermarket.

I was raging.


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