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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

I for one am convinced that the bloke who admitted live on tv to shaking corona virus patients hands in hospital and then ended up nearly popping his clogs from it is going to right 

I’d have more faith in that shower of c***s building a bridge of cheese to Mars.

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27 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’m not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch of the imagination, but I won’t be getting a vaccine for this 

Unbelievable scenes.

The man who’s been crying like a baby for 4 months about how we need to go back to normal as soon as possible first says he hates masks and wouldn’t wear them (opinion changed now I think tbf) and now saying wouldn’t get a vaccine for the virus.

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It’s crazy how slow they’re taking this. I’m obviously not saying the OF should have packed 50000 stadiums come Aug, but whats the issue with teams like mine having 2000 punters in a 10000 capacity stadium? They’ve already said transmission is lower outside and throw in the fact fans would be wearing face coverings I really don’t see why they’re dragging their heels over this
The bogs in the away end at Somerset would be a huge issue, I have always assumed they are nowhere near as bad for home fans mind !
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I feel this would be as good a time as ever to remind everyone that Todd_Is_God is a climate change denier who picks and chooses what science to believe, and thus his opinion on anything science-related should be roundly ignored for the benefit of, well, everyone.

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's not pointless. She quite clearly has said on many occasions that remaining in lockdown longer than them would lead to a quicker return to normality. Yet they consistantly get things back before us anyway.

The context is always in regards to questions and criticisms on why we are moving slower than England. It's therefore valid to compare the fabled 'rewards' against there.

If you want to go down the route you are going then we had a longer lockdown than anyone in Europe. We are behind pretty much all of them in returning to normality as well.

It looks very much like it was a lie.

I mean TBF, quicker than need be doesn't necessarily equate to quicker than England, especially if the scientific consensus is that England is moving too quickly for where they are in the course of the virus. 

Quicker than we would have needed to had we not had the longer lockdown is what I took her to mean. 

Just a comment on the semantics before anyone leaps down my throat btw 🙏 

Edit: and as usual, someone else made the point because I didn't read the thread @KnightswoodBear

Edited by madwullie
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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Maybe worth a poll and associated discussion on willingness to get a vaccine should one be released soon.

As I posted earlier, the problematic word there is "soon". After full and proper testing? Not a problem. Next month, because the mail and express are being a wee bit critical of the Hairy Flump and his gang of incompetents? Probably rather take my chances with the world as it is, tbh.

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9 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
53 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:
It’s crazy how slow they’re taking this. I’m obviously not saying the OF should have packed 50000 stadiums come Aug, but whats the issue with teams like mine having 2000 punters in a 10000 capacity stadium? They’ve already said transmission is lower outside and throw in the fact fans would be wearing face coverings I really don’t see why they’re dragging their heels over this

The bogs in the away end at Somerset would be a huge issue, I have always assumed they are nowhere near as bad for home fans mind !

I know the chat was about toilet plumes, but have there been any studies that show covid-19 being transmitted via piss?

It's been about 15 years since I was last at Somerset, but I can imagine the toilets are similar still. Isn't there a case for old style toilets being less likely to cause the virus to become airborne due to less powerful / non-existant flush mechanisms?

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

I know the chat was about toilet plumes, but have there been any studies that show covid-19 being transmitted via piss?

It's been about 15 years since I was last at Somerset, but I can imagine the toilets are similar still. Isn't there a case for old style toilets being less likely to cause the virus to become airborne due to less powerful / non-existant flush mechanisms?

Jeebus, there are so many health concerns being in Ayshire, Ayr itself, then the crumbling hovel they call a ground, and finally the medieval "facilities", I don't think Covid-19 would be hanging around!

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33 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Unbelievable scenes.

The man who’s been crying like a baby for 4 months about how we need to go back to normal as soon as possible first says he hates masks and wouldn’t wear them (opinion changed now I think tbf) and now saying wouldn’t get a vaccine for the virus.

I certainly won’t be trusting a vaccine that’s been rushed into the market. As I said from day one, I’d rather live my life and take chances. I’m relatively young (35) and fit and healthy. Each to their own but I won’t be getting it 

20 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:
It’s crazy how slow they’re taking this. I’m obviously not saying the OF should have packed 50000 stadiums come Aug, but whats the issue with teams like mine having 2000 punters in a 10000 capacity stadium? They’ve already said transmission is lower outside and throw in the fact fans would be wearing face coverings I really don’t see why they’re dragging their heels over this

The bogs in the away end at Somerset would be a huge issue, I have always assumed they are nowhere near as bad for home fans mind !

Aye they’re grim. The home toilets were just as bad until a few years ago. It would be a lucky day I found you went into the big shop and there was soap

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36 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Unbelievable scenes.

The man who’s been crying like a baby for 4 months about how we need to go back to normal as soon as possible first says he hates masks and wouldn’t wear them (opinion changed now I think tbf) and now saying wouldn’t get a vaccine for the virus.

I get the impression that @Thereisalight.. holds slightly more off-piste views than he lets on here

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4 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I know the chat was about toilet plumes, but have there been any studies that show covid-19 being transmitted via piss?

It's been about 15 years since I was last at Somerset, but I can imagine the toilets are similar still. Isn't there a case for old style toilets being less likely to cause the virus to become airborne due to less powerful / non-existant flush mechanisms?

That’s a fair point actually. Same with the hand dryers, so many places I’ve been to in the last few weeks have switched theirs off and replaced them with paper towels

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10 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Only as long as you make it an open poll so that we can all see comprehensively who the idiots to avoid are.

Pop you down for a yes then*


What about the Knighstwood Cubs?


*I understand that as a *** you reserve the right to decry the vaccine in the event that Nicola Sturgeon recommends it before Boris

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10 minutes ago, mizfit said:

0 deaths
17 new cases announced

Friday evidently is catch up day for confirmed cases it would seem.

This is good.

All being well I imagine we will continue to see many more zeros than anything else going forward; It's been zero 15 of the last 22 days (68%).

On top of that, in the last 22 days it has been above 1 only once - 30th June.

15,000 tests completed yesterday. More than double the day before!

Edited by Todd_is_God
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15 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I certainly won’t be trusting a vaccine that’s been rushed into the market. As I said from day one, I’d rather live my life and take chances. I’m relatively young (35) and fit and healthy. Each to their own but I won’t be getting it 

Aye they’re grim. The home toilets were just as bad until a few years ago. It would be a lucky day I found you went into the big shop and there was soap

Fúck me, I got the impression you were closer to the exit than I am!

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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Why would anyone not take the vaccine? Worst case it just doesn't work.

Thalidomide. Just sayin..

ETA: Not a concern for me, as my reproductive days are over, and realistically i personally only have a couple of decades to go in any case, but when you go all reductio ab absurdio, and frame it as "you can go to the football next month as long as you don't mind the chance of your kids having flippers" it migh focus some minds.


Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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