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20 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


I assume these experts casting doubt on it are also wrong.

"Competing scientists' research - whose models produced vastly different results - has been largely discarded"

They backed the wrong horse.

Is there ever any small chance of you:

1. Giving us some of your own experience/qualifications to give us a reason to take you seriously, or

2. Taking a fucking day off, for the love of God?

Jeebus, it's like somebody cloned virginton, but left out the humour, empathy, consistency and ability to hold a reasoned argument.*

*Yep, some sarcasm may have leaked through.

ETA: Yep, filter still working.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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18 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Is there ever any small chance of you:

1. Giving us some of your own experience/qualifications to give us a reason to take you seriously, or

2. Taking a fucking day off, for the love of God?

Jeebus, it's like somebody cloned virginton, but left out the humour, empathy, consistency and ability to hold a reasoned argument.*

*Yep, some sarcasm may have leaked through.

ETA: Yep, filter still working.

Shome mishtake, shirley?

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18 hours ago, ayrmad said:

I'm over 50 and I'll be doing what I see fit, I'll certainly not be listening to those in power, they've shown no more of a grasp of the situation than most people with no science to formulate an opinion. 

This is why the Chinese truncheon to the face model that I advocated all the way back on something like page 30 of this thread is still sorely needed in society. This care what may attitude from the gammons has contributed to the UK's appalling record in handling the virus. 

17 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Where you getting over 65s from, it's over 50 that's being widely reported this weekend which would be totally unacceptable. Even with shielding the vulnerable there is no talk of that meaning the "young team" would be able to ditch masks and SDing. It's here for the long haul until the pandemic is declared over or we have a successful vaccine. You just need to suck it up, it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things.

Says the over 50 who has been having a rolling temper tantrum ever since news broke that the UK Government might be planning to put old duffers in a box for the foreseeable future. It's not that bad m8. you just need to suck it up until we have a successful treatment in place. 


Edited by vikingTON
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Says the over 50 who has been having a rolling temper tantrum ever since news broke that the UK Government might be planning to put old duffers in a box for the foreseeable future. It's not that bad m8. you just need to suck it up until we have a successful treatment in place. 
You have completely misunderstood that post (not for the first time). Read it again ! I was pointing out that the "young team" (under 50s) would need to suck it up (masks and SDing) even if 50s plus were locked down. There was no mention of an over 50s grounding meaning the likes of Todd could ditch existing measures like he would hope. Not like you to make a rip roaring c**t of yourself !!!
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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
23 minutes ago, virginton said:
Says the over 50 who has been having a rolling temper tantrum ever since news broke that the UK Government might be planning to put old duffers in a box for the foreseeable future. It's not that bad m8. you just need to suck it up until we have a successful treatment in place. 

You have completely misunderstood that post (not for the first time). Read it again ! I was pointing out that the "young team" (under 50s) would need to suck it up (masks and SDing) even if 50s plus were locked down. There was no mention of an over 50s grounding meaning the likes of Todd could ditch existing measures like he would hope. Not like you to make a rip roaring c**t of yourself !!!

I've NEVER suggested those under 50 could ditch measures 😂

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14 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

You have completely misunderstood that post (not for the first time). Read it again ! I was pointing out that the "young team" (under 50s) would need to suck it up (masks and SDing) even if 50s plus were locked down. There was no mention of an over 50s grounding meaning the likes of Todd could ditch existing measures like he would hope. Not like you to make a rip roaring c**t of yourself !!!

I've misunderstood absolutely nothing: your rolling, furious meltdown about the injustice of being punted into lockdown is clear to see over the past three pages. This latest 'point' can be safely filed alongside your 'but... but... what about those from a BAME background we couldn't put them in lockdown cos that's racist?!!!!' in the growing pile of non-sequitur pish. 

You've been cheerleading literally every single government restriction on this thread so far on 'safety first' grounds: it's only right then for you to take your own autumn-winter lockdown medicine like a champ. 


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11 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Anyway, I think i've made my views on this perfectly clear, and there is little value to the thread from me repeating them.

The sooner the thread is irrelevant the better for us all 🙂


2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Activating that get out clause for a ridiculous model might stand up to more scrutiny had he not later said that if Sweden didn't lock down too, they would see 96,000 deaths by June.

Like his previous models, he was a mile out here too.


2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:


I assume these experts casting doubt on it are also wrong.

"Competing scientists' research - whose models produced vastly different results - has been largely discarded"

They backed the wrong horse.


19 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The daily lecture in full flow


17 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I've NEVER suggested those under 50 could ditch measures 😂


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Sturgeon all over the place here. Behave in places of hospitality because our kids are about to be sitting in a room without the need to SD in a little over a week. No correlation.

When someone who is known for being excellent at handling questions etc is floundering you know the game is up.

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As soon as the old duffers are locked away il be hoovering up as much overtime as I want, ditching any and all measure I feel like and generally partying like its 1999.

In all seriousness though, the notion of shielding over 50s is ludicrous.

My work, for example, would definitely not manage. Being a site of critical national infrastructure, it quite simply wont be happening.

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Sturgeon all over the place here. Behave in places of hospitality because our kids are about to be sitting in a room without the need to SD in a little over a week. No correlation.

When someone who is known for being excellent at handling questions etc is floundering you know the game is up.

The SG have - rightly or wrongly, depending on your viewpoint - banked everything on the premise of getting the schools back full-time. It's only natural they want to maximise the chance of that happening.

And of course there's a correlation. If there's a massive spike in cases, or a huge jump in the infection rate, then that jeopardises the chances of the schools going back.

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27 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The SG have - rightly or wrongly, depending on your viewpoint - banked everything on the premise of getting the schools back full-time. It's only natural they want to maximise the chance of that happening.

And of course there's a correlation. If there's a massive spike in cases, or a huge jump in the infection rate, then that jeopardises the chances of the schools going back.

There's not a chance the schools are not going back. A few mild cases in a pub in Aberdeen are not going to cause another U-turn any more than a few mild cases in a chemist or a call centre did.

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I think given that life has been returned to, whilst bot normality, at least some flexibility I personally think we are right to stall here for a while. Mainly because I think the govt here and the idiots down south really need to take some time to enforce what the current conditions are. Folk have basically abandoned everything now and while Inthink that was maybe inevitable, there needs to be a tug on the leash as it were.

Aside from that, some of the chat on here of late, rubbishing the importance of kids education and the social aspect of their school life it laughable.

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6 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The SG have - rightly or wrongly, depending on your viewpoint - banked everything on the premise of getting the schools back full-time. It's only natural they want to maximise the chance of that happening.

And of course there's a correlation. If there's a massive spike in cases, or a huge jump in the infection rate, then that jeopardises the chances of the schools going back.

There's absolutely zero correlation between those two things in the minds of those who are in a pub on a Saturday night though. 'I'd better not let things get out of hand tonight because of the poor weans needing to go back to school' is just not a winning argument. 

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We had three sub-contractors not turn up this morning citing childcare issues. To get infrastructure going again, the schools need to go back.
It's still the summer holidays, they wouldn't have been in this week under any circumstances.
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Aside from that, some of the chat on here of late, rubbishing the importance of kids education and the social aspect of their school life it laughable.

They can make up for all of that when they're doing six day a week lessons in our treatment-stacked future, with any luck from the February break in 2021. The plain facts of that matter are that schools are in no way safe to be reopened on a 100% capacity basis like the government and parents are gunning for right now and so if we're still interested in following The Science then that shouldn't happen. 

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I find it astonishing that the same NS who promised to look at and learn from what was working and not working elsewhere is claiming to be completely unaware of how Stockholm has got to the position it has, yet knew all about an outbreak in an Abattoir in Gütersloz immediately.

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