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1 minute ago, Dons_1988 said:

Not sure on hairdressers specifically but non-essential retail is still open

Just wondering as my partner is a hairdresser. We're in process of building a small private salon on our property but completely separate from the household and no crossover (ie, has it's own bathroom facility). It's a weird one as whilst some will argue that it falls close to hospitality sector, I've always classed it as services.

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I shouldn't generalise, but I'm going to do it anyway.

What I'm seeing is the young team not giving many fucks for social distancing in and around pubs, and 50% of folk in general just not bothering to wear masks in shops and on buses.

I'm surprised it's only Aberdeen that's being hit, tbh. 

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5 minutes ago, virginton said:

Why should the SQA inherently trust teachers' rankings of individual students when the same teachers failed to even remotely align their pass rates to the reality provided by historical data? And in what alternative universe is the SQA sufficiently staffed and well-resourced to devise a completely new methodology and then run every single dodgy set of predicted grades through it, after first doing the number crunching and discovering that the original data that they received from Scotland's schools was a massive crock of shite?

Put garbage into the process and you'll get garbage out. The pupils have got nobody to blame then but the so-called professionals who trashed the system for everyone by failing to grasp what they were supposed to be providing to the authority. 

Why did they ask teachers to rank students at all if they didn't think it was something worth using?

If the SQA isn't well enough staffed and resourced to do this properly then it should have been outsourced to people who could. This is not an ordinary year so they should not necessarily expect it to run in an ordinary way. They could also have opened up their methodology to scrutiny much earlier so that any obvious issues were ironed out, rather than adopting a veil of secrecy and being obstructive to anyone who wanted to find out more.

These sorts of issues with the system haven't just come to light yesterday, lots of people in education and several MSPs have been attempting to raise it pretty much since April and have been met by indifference or obfuscation. As much as garbage in, garbage out is true, it's also true that garbage in the middle is unhelpful.

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5 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

"7 Scottish covid deaths" last week, the Aberdeen announcement, people knicker wetting about the schools going back. All perfectly set up for the SG to say fans wont be allowed in stadiums in Sept and the masses will accept it 

"One case is too many" is the new "One death is too many"

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10 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Said this earlier in the thread. Forget large crowds until there's widespread testing, a treatment or a vaccine.
Any sort of crowd interaction will cause spikes until any of that is delivered.
Might as well just close all bars, pubs and restaurants during winter.
Its shit but that's the reality.

Fs, do we close the world down when theres a bad year for the cold/flu that kills people who are elderly/have health issues? The fact of the matter is a large percentage of people testing positive for covid wont even know they have it and for the majority of the ones who do have symptoms they're very mild. The hysteria around this is absolutely insane 

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3 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Just wondering as my partner is a hairdresser. We're in process of building a small private salon on our property but completely separate from the household and no crossover (ie, has it's own bathroom facility). It's a weird one as whilst some will argue that it falls close to hospitality sector, I've always classed it as services.

It's only pubs and restaurants so far, but they're putting out more detailed info this afternoon, and hoping the restrictions will only be for a week.

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34 minutes ago, Gaz said:

"Why didn't the bar staff just refuse them entry" is up there with one of the most naive things I've read in a while.

Refusing them entry is difficult for obvious reasons but they have the power to refuse them a drink. 


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A lot of hysteria about this in various whatsapp groups I'm in.
Seems that other than the pub the impact on day to day life isn't massive here.
I feel for business owners who just got back open but the average punter who needs to watch St Johnstone away from home on Saturday now instead of the pub can f**k off.
You boys stay put and just give us a 3-0 win already please.
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5 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Just wondering as my partner is a hairdresser. We're in process of building a small private salon on our property but completely separate from the household and no crossover (ie, has it's own bathroom facility). It's a weird one as whilst some will argue that it falls close to hospitality sector, I've always classed it as services.

I suspect it'll be fine. The restrictions seem to be pretty specific to pubs/restaurants.

I think they said there will be further details released later today so probably worth keeping an eye out.

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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

Refusing them entry is difficult for obvious reasons but they have the power to refuse them a drink. 

Legally, yes, but as the poster mentioned when you have young lassies serving crowds of 30+ lads lads lads it then becomes a different matter whether you enforce that.

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17 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Said this earlier in the thread. Forget large crowds until there's widespread testing, a treatment or a vaccine.
Any sort of crowd interaction will cause spikes until any of that is delivered.
Might as well just close all bars, pubs and restaurants during winter.
Its shit but that's the reality.



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1 minute ago, Dons_1988 said:

I suspect it'll be fine. The restrictions seem to be pretty specific to pubs/restaurants.

I think they said there will be further details released later today so probably worth keeping an eye out.

Regardless, if this is the route they are going to go down, they need a strategy. Forcing people into lockdown with a few hours notice again and again is not sustainable on any level, particularly for a virus that, in the grand scheme of things is very infectious but relatively mild.

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Im surprised only Aberdeen has had an outbreak. There was a huge amount of complacency in Aberdeen but I gather that was the same elsewhere in the country? I have pals elsewhere saying its almost normal day to day life. Fingers crossed this is just a short lived spike that can be nipped in the bud pronto


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Fs, do we close the world down when theres a bad year for the cold/flu that kills people who are elderly/have health issues? The fact of the matter is a large percentage of people testing positive for covid wont even know they have it and for the majority of the ones who do have symptoms they're very mild. The hysteria around this is absolutely insane 

Eight months into a global pandemic that has crashed Western economies to a level lower than even the Great Depression, and you still have brainiacs like this calling it a cold.
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2 minutes ago, Paco said:


Eight months into a global pandemic that has crashed Western economies to a level lower than even the Great Depression, and you still have brainiacs like this calling it a cold.


The pandemic hasn't crashed any economy. Had it ravaged the world and confined everyone to their sick bed or the grave then you could make a very reasonable case for this scenario.

The global reaction to the pandemic is 100% the cause of the financial crash.

There is surely no argument to be had at all though that the symptoms for the overwhelming majority of people are mild to the point where it barely registers as much more than a moderate inconvenience.

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15 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Regardless, if this is the route they are going to go down, they need a strategy. Forcing people into lockdown with a few hours notice again and again is not sustainable on any level, particularly for a virus that, in the grand scheme of things is very infectious but relatively mild.

Closing down pubs and restaurants for a week and discouraging non essential travel over 5 miles is not the end of the world. Beats letting it spread unchecked and having to go back to full scale nationwide lockdown. Hopefully the tactic works for other localised outbreaks and we can get more or less back to normal.

Edited by welshbairn
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