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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 hours ago, get_the_subbies_on said:

Isolate carers was in response to protecting the most vulnerable.

Testing doesn’t stop the spread.

Trump is tested daily and reportedly everyone he meets is temperature checked and tested but still the virus has found its way inside the White House

If you are testing negative then you are highly unlikely to be transmitting the virus. Which alongside effective PPE is the most that you can actually hope to achieve when someone shielding has to interact with another for their care needs. There is no zero risk alternative scenario so your complaint about this isn't valid. This is about reducing a non-zero risk and shielding + testing is a much more effective way of doing that than telling everyone to sit in their box except for oh all the interactions we want you to keep having anyway and then looking on gormlessly as cases continue to climb and your economy tanks for the next decade.

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That's most other schools in Scotland off for the October Holidays now.

Looking forward to the infection rates falling because of *checks notes* pubs and restaurants being closed, only for them to rise again in a fortnight when *checks notes* pubs and restaurants open again.

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8 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Global pandemic and all this clown is interested in is the old firm game !!

Honestly, is this what we call journalism ???

You often wonder why the government gets away with it, and there's your answer. 

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36 minutes ago, virginton said:


What evidence is there of 'thousands of people' in the UK suffering from 'long Covid': which btw at this stage amounts to 'common delayed recovery from a viral infection' seeing as we're only eight months down the line anyway?

Do a tiny minority of people have lasting effects? Yes. I doubt that it's a more likely outcome for someone of healthy age than being involved in a car accident this year though.

Did he say uk? 

Edit: I know 2 people who were hospitalised. Both have damage showing in lungs on cxr and ct. We have no idea how common it is. 

Edited by madwullie
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27 minutes ago, Gaz said:

That's most other schools in Scotland off for the October Holidays now.

Looking forward to the infection rates falling because of *checks notes* pubs and restaurants being closed, only for them to rise again in a fortnight when *checks notes* pubs and restaurants open again.

Sounds like we need The Guys to Take A Look at the data to ensure this is correct.

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4 minutes ago, Michael W said:

You often wonder why the government gets away with it, and there's your answer. 

Don't forget that in March the Scottish government were happy for 60,000+ people attend the Old Firm game and that it was the SPFL that cancelled it.

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The other thing that’s getting missed is viral load - some studies show that masks/distancing reduce the amount of virus that gets spread, and potentially reduces the severity of symptoms.

I’m fairly easy going about different opinions on this whole thing, but they’re missing a trick by not emphasising the viral load aspect too, rather than just messages about “infection levels heading towards March” which just scares people without adding reasonable context.

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What are peoples' observations on adherence to the "No visiting other households" rule?

In the SG "paper" released on Tuesday, they said that 97% of respondees to a survey said they were following that rule.

As one of the virtue signalling middle class working from home on full pay, I've seen friends and family of most of my neighbours entering their homes since that rule returned.

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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4 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

What are people's observation on adherence to the "No visiting other households" rule?

In the SG "paper" released on Tuesday, they said that 97% of respondees to a survey said they were following that rule.

As one of the virtue signalling middle class working from home on full pay, I've seen friends and family of most of my neighbours entering their homes since that rule returned.

Within the building I live, as far as I can see people seem to be adhering to it ok. The two people in the flats to either side don't seem to have had any visitors and the usual metric - seeing different cars in the car-park, has cut down as well. 

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28 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Don't forget that in March the Scottish government were happy for 60,000+ people attend the Old Firm game and that it was the SPFL that cancelled it.

The word then was the number doesn't really matter, it's only the people you're sitting close to who might infect you, and much better being outdoors than in a busy pub watching it. Now apparently it's too dangerous having a couple of hundred people standing around a pitch in the open air.

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What are peoples' observations on adherence to the "No visiting other households" rule?
In the SG "paper" released on Tuesday, they said that 97% of respondees to a survey said they were following that rule.
As one of the virtue signalling middle class working from home on full pay, I've seen friends and family of most of my neighbours entering their homes since that rule returned.

A few old folk in our street have had folk in, but I think that might be some sort of care bubble rather than it being a case of piling into Agnes’ gaff because she’s got an empty.

The stuff that involves common sense rather than explicit rules is where I think people might fall down. Like the Mrs taking her sister to Asda once a week in the motor instead of her just getting an online delivery etc.
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30 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

What are peoples' observations on adherence to the "No visiting other households" rule?

In the SG "paper" released on Tuesday, they said that 97% of respondees to a survey said they were following that rule.

As one of the virtue signalling middle class working from home on full pay, I've seen friends and family of most of my neighbours entering their homes since that rule returned.

I have members of my family who as soon as this was announced told us that they weren't going to follow it for various reasons, if you count selfishness and laziness as a reason.  We have had my wife's mother and her partner come round and sit in our garden.  Her partner finds it difficult as he's a cancer survivor which lead to him losing a load of weight and he really feels the cold.  He woudl periodically go and sit in his car with the heating on full blast (windows up though).  My parents are both over 70 and they have cancelled visits and had family in the garden only.

Both our direct neighbours (at the time) breached regulations during the Spring Lockdown but for understandable reasons.  One had their son come to stay with them, while his wife was in ICU with Covid.  The other had parents come in to help with the kids as the father had a heart attack.  A couple of doors up also had family in during lockdwon because the father died in April.

I really do live in a plague street thinking about it.

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2 hours ago, Gaz said:

That's most other schools in Scotland off for the October Holidays now.

Looking forward to the infection rates falling because of *checks notes* pubs and restaurants being closed, only for them to rise again in a fortnight when *checks notes* pubs and restaurants open again.

Don’t be ridiculous Gaz.




It’s the nail bars.

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