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I posted a study the other day that concluded there's no weather / temperature based seasonality of covid 19.

That doesn't mean that incidence won't get higher due to winter factors eg people not being outside as often etc. 

Edited by madwullie
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Just now, madwullie said:

I posted a study the other day that concluded there's no weather / temperature based seasonality of covid 19.

That doesn't mean that incidence won't get higher due to winter factors eg people not being outside as often etc. 

1) So there is in fact seasonality of infection then based on people's behaviour and setting. Such as thirty weans being in the same rooms for thirty hours per week. 

2) The study didn't actually find that there was no seasonality. It said that there was a lack of evidence in its investigation for the seasonality hypothesis. You actually need to conduct more studies to determine whether that evidence is available, before even testing the 'no seasonality' claim under the same conditions.

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14 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

I linked to you, as requested, a comprehensive study that concluded that children are key to the spread of Covid-19. Judging by the fact you replied in a dismissive tone to that particular post in just 6 minutes it's clear you didn't even do me the courtesy of reading it.

It was about 600 words long, I have the faculty of being able to read without pointing to each word and mouthing them.

This was of interest.


 “We found that reported cases and deaths have been more concentrated in younger cohorts than we expected based on observations in higher-income countries.”


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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Has the leader of any other country gone on television and pleaded with broadcasting companies to show a football match free to air to stop citizens breaching regulations?

Imagine Macron saying “I know how much the PSG-Marseille game means to you. But don’t pile onto a minibus to Luxembourg to get pissed up watching it. Please”.

What a weird country we are.

I can think of a solution. Play it, but don't broadcast it on any platform or media. Complete blackout until it's finished. All need for visits or travel dealt with. To be repeated every time they play...forever.

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2 hours ago, renton said:

The conclusions in the paper were slightly more circumspect than in the headline. It said that there was a more symptomatic significant spread amongst children (i.e. to pass it on within the same age group) than had previously been thought by some studies.

Yet it also confirmed that symptomatic cases amongst 0-17 year olds made up less than 10% of case loads and further, that when comparing index case to infected contact, that while adults in the 20-45 range were highly likely to be the index case across a wide range of infected contact age ranges, it also presented data that suggested 0-17 year olds were not a significant cohort as index cases for people in other age cohorts. Indeed, it suggests that kids are something like 4 or 5 times more likely to get symptoms of the virus from an adult than they are to give it to an adult

Bearing in mind this study was conducted during lockdown, what do you think the likely outcome is of sending children and staff back to education with no restrictions?

Children making up a small percentage of symptomatic caseloads is the problem. If they don't have symptoms they don't get tested.

Are people happy for children to be spreading a virus we still do not know everything about amongst each other and taking it home to their families? I don't think they are but you would think so reading certain posts on here.

My sister works as a nurse in ICU. She knows restrictions being put on education will inconvenience her in terms of childcare but she also knows her work has become busier since the schools went back and they will be close to breaking point in the next few weeks. She certainly didn't notice any difference during the first 2 months after pubs, restaurants, retail, etc reopened...

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It was about 600 words long, I have the faculty of being able to read without pointing to each word and mouthing them.

This was of interest.


I don't believe you read the article and the study within 6 minutes. I'm sorry.

You still don't seem to understand that if you don't have symptoms (ie not a case) you don't get tested but can still pass the virus on to others.

If you don't have a basic understanding of how a virus like Covid-19 can spread 7 months after this country went into lockdown then I'm not really sure what help there is for you.

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2 hours ago, Dee Man said:

This line has been trotted out throughout this thread particularly in recent times and particularly by non-parents who seem to have an unhealthy disdain for those people with kids. 

Clearly there should be no sympathy for 'full-time stay at home mummys' who just want their sprogs out from under their feet so they can sit on Facebook all day, but to be fair to working parents who are finding themselves more than inconvenienced, they will have planned their lives around having their kids in pre-school and full-time education so will be having their lives massively disrupted. 

Anyone missing the point and ready to respond with the, "but, but, but teachers aren't babysitters" line shouldn't waste their time. 

Thank you. 

This is obviously true and no one is arguing otherwise - it would be an absolutely massive upheaval and logistical challenge to change that, with consequences for people across society as parents are left needing to juggle childcare and work with employees affected across every sector of the economy.

However, discussing the reality of how huge a challenge moving to blended learning would be is a different issue to people just point blank refusing to accept that a surge in cases which has happened to coincide with the return of schools could possibly be anything to do with schools returning. This is despite the same pattern being repeated all across Europe in countries which did a far better job of controlling the virus rather than being specific to the shambles which is the UK.

Many people who are pointing this out aren't even arguing for schools to be closed or blended learning to be introduced - Marshmallo has said himself that he thinks schools should be the last thing to close - they're just pointing out that while they appreciate the importance of protecting education, the insistence that schools have nothing to do with it is wearing thin. They'd like an admission that the reason schools are continuing to face no restrictions is because a decision has been made that protecting education is too important and the upheaval would be too severe - a point which can have a fair argument made in favour - rather than the fantasy that the virus magically stops at the school gates.

You're also ignoring the flip side of the 'non-parents with a disdain for parents', which is 'parents with a disdain for any evidence or poster suggesting schools are a factor, as that evidence might be used to justify disrupting my child's education and by extension me.' That's obviously an entirely reasonable concern to have: no parent wants their child's education disrupted or to face months of seeing their own productivity at work affected with the pressure of trying to juggle working from home or having to take time off due to unexpected childcare needs.

However those posters are hardly passively dismissing concerns about schools because they've calmly considered the evidence. Some of them are attacking anyone who says schools might be an issue because they just don't want it to be the case, as they want to avoid the massive disruption to their lives any change to education would bring.

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I think the biggest cause of "school transmissions" is parents congregating at primary school gates, no masks, no social distancing and yak yak yaking, and pupils from different schools on the one bus.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

I think the biggest cause of "school transmissions" is parents congregating at primary school gates, no masks, no social distancing and yak yak yaking, and pupils from different schools on the one bus.

This is a wind up I assume?

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3 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Unsurprisingly among the folk I know who I'm describing in the unpopular opinions thread, she's very popular and is probably an asset to independence whether us hipsters who were into it before it was popular like it or not.

Yeah my wife has gone from soft no to firm yes and fucking loves her.

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Has anyone else had any confirmation from the Protect Scot app that they've had a potential exposure to someone with Covid? I got a push notification saying I've had one potential exposure this week but when I've gone into the app there's zero indication that this is the case and now I'm starting to question my eyesight and sanity. Love the private sector (assuming they made the app).

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