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944393285_Screenshot_20201231-142644_SamsungInternet.thumb.jpg.414e89236ef5d4b43265012a3a480626.jpg2600 cases today. 10.1% positivity.
Guess that is the Christmas spike hitting now.

Cases in ICU in Scotland 70 up from 69 yesterday. Cases in hospital 1174 up from 1133 yesterday.
The highest number of ICU patients earlier in the year was 221 on 12th April though from recall some of these may have been suspected rather than confirmed cases.
Edit to add 208 of the April ICU cases were confirmed, only 13 listed as suspected.
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2 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Check the replies "Im NevER DrInkING BreWDoG AgAiN"

Can't speak for other LAs but we identified and risk assessed vaccine  centres in August and have done a 3 weekly check on those plans ever since.

I'm sure Brewdog and Neil Doncaster are sincere in their intention to help but despite folk thinking, with some justification, LAs and health boards are useless folk haven't just been sitting twiddling their thumbs until the vaccine arrive at the door.

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4 hours ago, 101 said:

Most of them are happy I'm not entirely sure a country that uses sexual violence as a weapon can ever be truly described as effective but this probably isn't the thread to get into just how truly awful a lot of what the state of Israel get up to.

Fine! No sexual violence then. Happy?

I hope we get nice uniforms.

Edited by Scary Bear
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10 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Can't speak for other LAs but we identified and risk assessed vaccine  centres in August and have done a 3 weekly check on those plans ever since.

I'm sure Brewdog and Neil Doncaster are sincere in their intention to help but despite folk thinking, with some justification, LAs and health boards are useless folk haven't just been sitting twiddling their thumbs until the vaccine arrive at the door.

They'll probably put the vaccine In wanky hipster glass then charge you £8 for it.

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

I guess they don't know how the vaccine will go and how quick they will be able to administer it.
It will be until summer before enough vaccine is rolled out to make a huge difference. To say everything will be OK by spring is a nonsense.

I don't know how you would define "OK" but the end of this won't be like flicking a switch and with it everything is suddenly back to the way it was. 

It might be too slow for many and certainly way too slow for those who thought that there shouldn't have been any restrictions, but it will likely be a gradual process. 

That things will be better by spring and continuing to improve is not an unrealistic proposition. And personally I'd be okay with that though naturally the quicker the better. I'm not expecting 2021, even in the latter months, to be exactly like 2019 but I'm optimistic it was be damn site closer than this miserable, fucked up year has been. 

Edited by John MacLean
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See previous post. The most vulnerable (20 million) to be vaccinated at the rate of a million a week will take until June.
This is six times faster than current levels.
Who knows perhaps the government will get this right and with the new vaccine being able to store in a normal fridge then things will speed up.
Judging on past performance and lies then im guessing it will take until the summer before things start to change.
Who knows what else can happen before then, maybe better treatments and medicine?
Testing and track and trace could help as well.
If everything is back to normal in March then I'd be shocked. Its extremely unlikely.
Impossible imo.

I’d be hoping tiers are back in March and then it naturally gets better from there.
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16 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's a fine balance. Keeping people onside is obviously important until the bulk of the vaccines for the most at risk are done, but if they make people feel for too long like it's not going to make a great difference to restrictions once that's achieved, they risk making people just go "f**k it"

Clarity and a realistic routemap are needed urgently.

That's been asked since April/May.

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I'm pretty confident I'll be flying off on holiday in the summertime.

But the virus has mutated over 20,000 in just a year, in the next 6 months there is a chance there might be another 10,000 mutations and the vaccine might not be effective against some of them.

Regardless, I'll be flying off as long as the airports are open for business.

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Pfizer themselves and the
BMA putting out statements that there is zero evidence of effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in cases where the 2nd dose is administered more than 21 days after the first. This has lead the GPs association to request that the government publish their scientific evidence to back the new 12 week strategy ASAP.

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7 hours ago, 101 said:


I'm sure a lot of things will change back to how they were before but I think a Pandora's box has been opened and some industries will take a very long time to recover namely Cruise Ships, Night Club, Indoor Music Venues, because noone wants a sanitised version of those kind of experiences.

Image result for images of herman's hermits

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6 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's not the responsibility of the Government, or the rest of the population, to go to such extremes to try to prevent someone catching a virus that might knock them for six for a week. Ludicrous.

Once those most at risk of serious illness who can / want to be vaccinated have been then if's time to move on.

It's frightening how quickly and easily people swallow, regurgitate, and seemingly support this pish.

Correct. What that "moving on" entails has yet to be decided, unfortunately.

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Pfizer themselves and the
BMA putting out statements that there is zero evidence of effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in cases where the 2nd dose is administered more than 21 days after the first. This has lead the GPs association to request that the government publish their scientific evidence to back the new 12 week strategy ASAP.

The AZ vaccine has evidence that it works fine as one dose, they should leave the Pfizer as is and get every one in group 1 done in full asal and get the AZ one fired out from the 2nd group of priorities down asap
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