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Genuinely struggling to get my head round this from Sridhar. 

Reading between the lines, lockdown until summer and then gradually ease but allowing no foreign travel whatsoever. 

1) What is her end game, do we just go on like that for eternity. 
2) She also mentions not having another winter like this one. Why would we if the vulnerable population are vaccinated. (Yes, we might need yearly vaccines in terms of new strains

3) Surely in her vision there will be endless lockdowns as every time there are flare ups there will be local lockdowns. 

My brain simply can’t compute what she is thinking.

Edited by No_Problemo
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33 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

They need to take a hard line against this otherwise whats the fucking point?
Both parents need need to be working in critical jobs. If they work in asda give them a fucking letter that states they’re entitled to furlough and there job must be kept open when lockdown in lifted.
Enough of this fucking about

Ps i saw a woman on Facebook asking about getting a place for her kids since her husband is a key worker ( he is a real one tbf!) but she works in school, thats right a fucking school thats going to stay closed. This is the very definition of the piss taking attitude of wanting peace from the waens so you can put your feet up. Jesus wept

That’s all parents.

Think ‘ma weans r the best’ while simultaneously want to fire them out to the door to school at the first opportunity.

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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Can anyone see any way or reason that scotland won't just be like London within weeks?

As someone living in London at the minute, I'm here to help.

Let me reassure you that, unless the Scottish population (worth noting, smaller and far less densely populated than London's population):

  • Spent the first three weeks of December packing themselves into pubs
  • Lied that their group all lived in the same household so they could sit indoors
  • Repeatedly left a crumb of a sausage roll on their plate so they could get pished for hours on end
  • In turn forgot about the basics of social distancing and wearing masks
  • Decided to carry on having their Christmas as planned even after we were put in Tier 4

...then you've got far, far less to be worried about than Londoners. You also smartly did your best to stop any of us escaping to Scotland and spreading the virus.

I get where your instincts of fear are coming from, but trust me, as someone who witnessed London f**k up first-hand, you will be very, very unlucky if Scotland ends up in a situation anything near as bad as London has. 17927068_JackSloshed.png.a1f76c785a69181027aa452d0c269998.png

Edited by HibsFan
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As someone living in London at the minute, I'm here to help.
Let me reassure you that, unless the Scottish population (worth noting, smaller and far less densely populated than London's population):
  • Spent the first three weeks of December packing themselves into pubs
  • Lied that their group all lived in the same household so they could sit indoors
  • Repeatedly left a crumb of a sausage roll on their plate so they could get pished for hours on end
  • In turn forgot about the basics of social distancing and wearing masks
  • Decided to carry on having their Christmas as planned even after we were put in Tier 4
...then you've got far, far less to be worried about than Londoners. You also smartly did your best to stop any of us escaping to Scotland and spreading the virus.
I get where your instincts of fear are coming from, but trust me, as someone who witnessed London f**k up first-hand, you will be very, very unlucky if Scotland ends up in a situation anything near as bad as London has. 17927068_JackSloshed.png.a1f76c785a69181027aa452d0c269998.png
Good news, I genuinely wasn't trying to be confrontational or winding up people. Its upsetting to see and the last time cases just went up everywhere after a while.
I remember seeing the fans at games and scenes from pubs etc so even though the new variant is more transmissible hopefully we will be better off.
Would sill like to see a tighter lockdown for a few weeks to drive it down further.
A few lives saved is worth it.
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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

Good news, I genuinely wasn't trying to be confrontational or winding up people. Its upsetting to see and the last time cases just went up everywhere after a while.
I remember seeing the fans at games and scenes from pubs etc so even though the new variant is more transmissible hopefully we will be better off.
Would sill like to see a tighter lockdown for a few weeks to drive it down further.
A few lives saved is worth it.

Just want to clarify that, while my last post was true and Londoners could definitely have been a bit more responsible:

It still doesn't shift the blame for the English government, who brought us out of lockdown and into Tier 2 for no other reason than to try and save the pre-Christmas economy.

If people get told that it's safe for them to go out and socialise with their friends + go Christmas shopping + use public transport, guess what? They're going to go and do it.

Boris has blood on his hands yet again etc.

Just don't want people thinking that I'm trying to pass it all off onto personal responsibility like some mad libertarian. :lol:

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A: 'This is my ticket from Edinburgh Uni to the big time baby!'
Absolutely. Advisors like her, that hardly anyone had heard of before, have had more media exposure than they could have possibly hoped for. I said before that it sounds cynical but I think that people like her are enjoying the limelight and are starting to milk it.

Wish the media would also stop reporting these statements as decided policy as well. I know it gets clicks and views but she's just an advisor, that's all. Her employer is Edinburgh Uni and not the Scottish Govt; Her opinion should only be one amongst many others that actual policy should be considering.
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1 hour ago, GordonS said:

Did she say the school was closing? Because pretty much all secondary, a very large number of primary schools and all special schools are staying open.

Most schools are open in some form. One school in glasgow has 73% of its roll classed as vulnerable,  which is also a key to a place. There was a pay wall article on Glasgow times.

Then you’ve also got SEN schools where again all kids are in vulnerable category so there’s been wrangling over getting provision in place.

There’s no ideal answer, I have two days as I work in council nursery albeit 3 hrs a Day. I’ll do one other day at work when at dads. In fairness I’ve been really unwell mentally for six weeks so there’s element vulnerability too.

There’s no perfect way doing it to get vulnerable protected and key worker kids covered.

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4 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Most schools are open in some form. One school in glasgow has 73% of its roll classed as vulnerable,  which is also a key to a place. There was a pay wall article on Glasgow times.

Then you’ve also got SEN schools where again all kids are in vulnerable category so there’s been wrangling over getting provision in place.

There’s no ideal answer, I have two days as I work in council nursery albeit 3 hrs a Day. I’ll do one other day at work when at dads. In fairness I’ve been really unwell mentally for six weeks so there’s element vulnerability too.

There’s no perfect way doing it to get vulnerable protected and key worker kids covered.

Take care of yourself bud, it gets better.

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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:


3 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

If you could stop using Schwarzenegger to try and defend the fact you're a fanny it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 hours ago, No_Problemo said:


Genuinely struggling to get my head round this from Sridhar. 

Reading between the lines, lockdown until summer and then gradually ease but allowing no foreign travel whatsoever. 

1) What is her end game, do we just go on like that for eternity. 
2) She also mentions not having another winter like this one. Why would we if the vulnerable population are vaccinated. (Yes, we might need yearly vaccines in terms of new strains

3) Surely in her vision there will be endless lockdowns as every time there are flare ups there will be local lockdowns. 

My brain simply can’t compute what she is thinking.

It's mental, but given how inherently conservative Nicola Sturgeon is, don't be surprised if we edge towards something like this for the next 12 months. 

Maybe not quite as extreme, but politically the Scottish government will absolutely edge towards the 'safety first' end of the spectrum. 

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