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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Must be weird for people off the cruise ships electing to have a wander about rather than jumping on the Loch Ness monster coach trip. Brigadoon it aint. :lol:

My mate works for one of the bus companies in Inverness and they're given the strict instructions to try and persuade as many of them to get straight onto one of the coaches and away down to Inverness/Loch Ness.  They don't want any of the passengers setting foot in Invergordon.

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42 minutes ago, virginton said:

38 per 3085 people is the same rate of community transmission as the eleven/twelve people on Barra itself who tested positive. Which leaves 1066 others who have got f**k all to do with it, other being the target of your horseshit, braying denunciations.

You can see exactly why governments opted for the 'per 100k' metric, as they knew fine well it would hit the sweet spot for 'they're not followin Thu Rools!1!!!' idiocy. 

Point out on my post my braying denunciation towards Barra.   

I post the Western Isles total and then comment Barra and South Uist now over 1000

Still looking for my not following the rools Barra quote

You really just make up some shitt that suits your agenda.




Now where is the Idiocy ?

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Over 1800 deaths in the last 24 hours from COVID in the UK. Trump was, rightly, getting slated when 1,000 people a day were dying in the US. Obviously their numbers are atrocious but where does that leave the UK daily death totals? This is scandalous that so many people are passing away every.

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1 minute ago, RiG said:

Over 1800 deaths in the last 24 hours from COVID in the UK. Trump was, rightly, getting slated when 1,000 people a day were dying in the US. Obviously their numbers are atrocious but where does that leave the UK daily death totals? This is scandalous that so many people are passing away every.

That's double the USA's worst ever day.

I can't believe people aren't marching on Downing St dragging Bojo out and kicking him to death in the street. That's what he deserves, he has committed mass murder of his own people.

I can't even describe how angry I am with these pieces of subhuman shit.

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1 minute ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

That's double the USA's worst ever day.

The US cleared 4,000 deaths recorded in a day on January 13th. They are still well ahead of the UK but given the differences in population size that we are hitting such figures is ridiculous. 

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Had a teams video catch up with my daughter P1 teacher/class earlier. Just the teacher asking them what they been up to etc.

My eye rolling muscles need a rest as I heard one kid after another explaining about all the different wee playdates they have had with their pals.

Also made me feel heart sorry for my daughter who was sitting finding out that she is missing out while her pals dont, but honestly. Wouldnt you tell your kid not to announce your various rule breaches to a a video conference full of folk you dint really know.

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17 minutes ago, RiG said:

The US cleared 4,000 deaths recorded in a day on January 13th. They are still well ahead of the UK but given the differences in population size that we are hitting such figures is ridiculous. 

Yeah, our figure today per capita would be the equivalent of about 9000 in the USA.  That was the first day they had ever passed 4000, so today we more than doubled their worst ever day. Yesterday too pretty much.

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18 minutes ago, RiG said:

The US cleared 4,000 deaths recorded in a day on January 13th. They are still well ahead of the UK but given the differences in population size that we are hitting such figures is ridiculous. 

And overall they're still  behind us, they're about at 400k, our figure in their population would be well over 450k, and that's with our government fiddling the figures to bring it down.

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1 minute ago, mathematics said:

A concerned citizen *.


*Stroppy old cow.

Musta wheezed in her face on the way past. Fuckin' joggers. Accept your life is over and get fat like the rest of us. 

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25 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

Just been notified jag numero uno can be expected mid-February.  In the grander scheme of things, this is a result.

Me too, text to everyone on the shielding list presumably. Was expecting it much later given I'm only a spring chicken.

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