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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

What is the opinion in this thread that the 'scummier' elements of society seem to be much more likely to catch covid, due to them gemstone not giving a f**k about restrictions?

I hate the term underclass, and realise that so many of these problems are society's fault - but to deny it exists is just daft.

For me, it's a definite part of the problem. Not major part, but a part nonetheless.

Tell that to the 200 upper crust tossers who attended that "rich kids" party in Kensington on Friday night.

Multiple warnings, assaults on the police, yet strangely no arrests were made ??

I wonder why....

Apart from that, the ones who seem to be breaking most rules in my area are the large groups of middle class hill walkers who appear to be ignoring both the travel directive and then the amount of people they can mix with along with no social distancing.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

I don't see why we won't start going down the tiers as hospitalisations follow the downward trajectory of infections, and vaccination starts kicking in. There's too much pessimism in the Scottish Government all the time.

Fixed that.  England will move down swiftly.  We’ll be under restrictions until the furlough rug is pulled.  Pure politics.

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On 24/01/2020 at 07:10, Guest JTS98 said:

The government's main newspaper today still didn't have this as its prominent story. Journalists in China reporting that it's still a minor story on tv news in most of the country. We're now pushing 30 official deaths and close to 1,000 official cases, and as I mentioned previously, those are almost certainly low numbers. China's inaction here is criminal.

Local doctors have been quoted as saying that it's now too late to contain because they were told from above that it wasn't a big deal and no measures were put in place to deal with it. It has now almost certainly spread throughout China because people were not prevented from travelling or even discouraged from travelling, and we now have confirmed cases in multiple countries and examples of human-to-human infection.

Wuhan's airport has direct flights to Dubai, New York, London, Singapore, Seoul etc and the Chinese did nothing to stop people travelling around the world despite knowing what was going on. All to either cover their arse from their boss, protect their local economy or to avoid hitting a beamer. People are still flying around the world from other places in China as we speak and the virus has an incubation period of at least five days. This is grim.

I understand that lots of China-bashing goes on in the western media and that causes people to be naturally suspicious of criticism of China in our media. However, there is simply no question that China has made a complete arse of this, and it's not the first time they've done it. There is no reason to trust anything the Chinese government say about this. They have lied from the off, just like they did before.

China's warm-meat culture mixed with its rigid and corrupt government and flawed information-sharing processes is an international health risk. I don't know how many times this needs to happen before some people accept that.

This virus may or may not end up becoming a global emergency. But even if this one doesn't, this will happen again. Lots of things today are media scare-mongering, but an authoritarian country with a huge population, horrific food hygiene standards, and direct transport links to the rest of the planet is a risk to all of us.


On 24/01/2020 at 09:36, Guest JTS98 said:

Nobody knows that for now. We need to see how this plays out. It seems that so far the deaths are mainly old and sick people, but that might change.

My point is that even if this one isn't a global disaster, it doesn't mean that the next one won't be. The problem with these things is that every time we have an event that doesn't kill half the population of the world, like SARS or Ebola, people become more convinced that every outbreak is just media scaremongering. It's not. This is dangerous and China is a danger to us all.

On 24/01/2020 at 11:10, staggy1929 said:

If it does  spread across the UK you'd like to think we'd have the facilities in place to deal with it effectively as it stands.


On 24/01/2020 at 16:44, Jacksgranda said:

Image result for cheryl cole ok gif"

Few interesting posts from one year ago today...

Edited by GordonS
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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Local twitter Karens going mental because cars stuck up local hills. What's the guidance is it five miles from home or local boundary?

Such little imagination to most though. As if lomond hills are the only hill walk. Think its a bit selfish to gather in large crowds like this especially when they're blocking locals and farmers from going about their lives. 

This halfway house pretend lockdown just opens doors for all the fannies to behave however they want. Have done these hills regularly over the years and it was hardly ever overspilling from the car park. Suddenly everyone likes hills but have none of the skills or common sense required.

If you live in Fife, the Lomond Hills are the closest thing to a hillwalk you'll get. Apart from the coast path, north and east Fife is surprisingly shit for walking. The paths through the countryside are mostly discontinuous and you end up roads - in fact, the vast bulk of the Core Path Network is on country roads.

It's no surprise local walks are very busy - those who would normally be walking futher afield are stuck in their home councils, and others have nothing else to do - no gyms, shops, visiting friends and family, going for lunch. So they go for a walk.

Unfortunately a large proportion of people are morons, but that can't be helped.

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You spent the previous couple of hours moaning about the press and media constantly peddling negative headlines as clickbait....then fall for the very next one you came across hook, line and sinker.

Here's a tip...if people don't click they don't see the negativity oh and then to post a link for people to eh....click on just seems a bit mental.

Your exactly the target demographic. You can't get enough of it, your obsessed !
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1 hour ago, No_Problemo said:

I definitely think it can be argued that calling people with addiction issues an “underclass” is folly. 

Would you like to live in a tenement block filled with people with 'addiction issues'?! It is well known that such people are more likely to steal and shoplift, to neglect their children and pets, and to be anti-social, nuisance neighbours. Sure, not every addict is like that, but see when you hear of an 80 year old lady getting battered for her handbag, you can pretty much guarantee that the culprit had an 'addiction issue'...

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Genuine question - I remember NS saying things will look a lot better in the spring. Is that still the case, or has she backtracked on that?

Of course things will look better in spring. The blossoms will be out, flowers will be blooming and wee birdies will be tweeting in their nests
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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I thought the headline re Blue Envelopes earlier in the day was really odd - when has the colour of an envelope deserved such prominance in the news.

This story now is simply that there will not be blue envelopes but white one - no delay to appointment dates for vaccination just a change in colour of envelope,  Who is working at the newsdesk at the BBC?

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20 minutes ago, Ralstonite said:

Would you like to live in a tenement block filled with people with 'addiction issues'?! It is well known that such people are more likely to steal and shoplift, to neglect their children and pets, and to be anti-social, nuisance neighbours. Sure, not every addict is like that, but see when you hear of an 80 year old lady getting battered for her handbag, you can pretty much guarantee that the culprit had an 'addiction issue'...

^^^ Has been battered for his handbag by local 6 year olds.

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