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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Yes as I want an independent Scotland and they (and the Greens) are the only parties who give a f**k about Scotland.  

Covid has c**t all to do with an independent Scotland or Scotland remain in the UK.  Folk saying their not voting for them because of their Covid handling is wild.

It's the single biggest thing that has happened in Scotland in my lifetime so only right it factors into how people vote.

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5 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

It's the single biggest thing that has happened in Scotland in my lifetime so only right it factors into how people vote.

Yes I will still vote SNP for independence but certainly through gritted teeth. I think they have revealed a lot about themselves during Covid which makes it precisely 0% likely that I will vote for them after indy. 


Edited by jessmagic
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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Dont get me wrong, theres bright side for me today. Kids back to school which they and I need, wife back work fulltime which she and I need. Bairnardo brewing will be able to commence a massive Spring ramp up in production. But....

As I have said before, I wont lose my job because of this, or it's highly unlikely at least, but I generally dont look at this from purely my own point of view. The lack of regard for peoples health and wellbeing aswell as their businesses and jobs is what irks me the most. I dont have any skin in the hospitality game but f**k me, how folk can watch what is happening here and be ok with it is beyond me.

I don't think anyone thinks it's OK, and I don't think anyone is feeling any less frustrated than you, right now.

On the other hand hospital numbers are still very high, and the probable effect of vaccine is not visible yet. No government could likely open up before it had hard data that the vaccine was working as hoped. 

With any luck, any new tier system/Road map emphasises the impact on local NHS services to a higher degree than raw case loads.

There is no quick way out of this.

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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

I don't think anyone is expecting pubs to open now but gyms,. hair dressers, retail and cafes should be open in mid March (or sooner for Tuechters) given the way cases are trending.

f**k that, I'm happy to vote for the nothing but pubs party. Shut the schools keep everything else closed and just let folk boot the arse out of their liver.

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21 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

I mean come on to f**k lads, this isn't really a reason to not vote SNP in May.


18 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
30 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:
Is anyone actually still going to vote for this clown collective in May? Seriously? 

Millions will, guaranteed.

f**k sake. So incompetence isnt a reason not to vote for a party.

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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:


f**k sake. So incompetence isnt a reason not to vote for a party.

So you'll try and vote another party in to take over and do a, presumably, better job?  Who would that be, out of interest?

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3 minutes ago, renton said:

I don't think anyone thinks it's OK, and I don't think anyone is feeling any less frustrated than you, right now.

On the other hand hospital numbers are still very high, and the probable effect of vaccine is not visible yet. No government could likely open up before it had hard data that the vaccine was working as hoped. 

With any luck, any new tier system/Road map emphasises the impact on local NHS services to a higher degree than raw case loads.

There is no quick way out of this.

But there is a way out, which has consistently been not only avoided, but actively shot down. 

As if said before, if you are a business owner in hospitality, do you put your faith in the words of the government, or some sort of self deciphering, aye they are just trying to stop folk ditching the restrictions type assessment. 


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My partner has now not traded for 12 weeks aside for 2 weeks before xmas. Despite being a hairdresser, she is not eligible for any type of help due to only becoming self employed in Sept 2020 and we've been told there is no sort of financial assitance going to become avaialble to her any time soon. 

I've tried the local MSP and Business Gateway to try and find some sort of loophole to try and get a bit of support for her and have been told they are 'disappointed' there's nothing forthcoming. 

I'd love to know what sort of incentive she now has to stay closed instead of just going 'f**k it' and working on the downlow. Because to be perfectly honest, that's now where we are as I feel we're having 2 fingers stuck up at us every time we ask to be treated on a par with other businesses in her sector. 



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Just now, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Would it genuinely be difficult to improve on incompetence? 

You are allowed to say you vote Tory by the way.  Baroness Davidson doing these daily briefings?  Oh ya fucker.

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So you'll try and vote another party in to take over and do a, presumably, better job?  Who would that be, out of interest?
I'll assess the situation properly in May, but for the first time since I've been old enough to vote, I'm considering to not bother.
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I didn't expect anything from the SG today that hadn't already been common knowledge about phased schooling. I do get the anger and frustration that's being vented, though. I hope it's just knee jerk reactions that's causing some to talk about not voting at all or not voting SNP. What's been said that would fill anybody with confidence that any other Party would magically get rid of Covid? There are still full hospital wards, NHS is still under immense pressure but the vaccination roll out is incredible. It'll take time for the data to be compiled, fed through to government, then decisions taken.

I'll remain hopeful that what is being said by the SG will be the best way forward.

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Should be said that the poster boys of the thread Israel are opening up to vaccinated/previously infected only, at 30% of the population fully vaccinated (two doses). That needs to go over 50% fully vaccinated before they consider a more general opening up, with social distancing still maintained. Scotland is at about 24% population vaccinated with one dose. In 14-15 weeks we’ll hit that 30% fully vaccinated threshold. End of May/start of June. Well into July at least, maybe August, for 50% fully vaccinated.

Maybe we’re unrealistic with our expectations? Reeled in by the fuckwits of the Tory Party telling us what we want to hear.

Not saying it’s definitely that way, but worth considering. The only people saying something approaching normality any time soon also assure us there is no border in the Irish Sea.

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

But there is a way out, which has consistently been not only avoided, but actively shot down. 

As if said before, if you are a business owner in hospitality, do you put your faith in the words of the government, or some sort of self deciphering, aye they are just trying to stop folk ditching the restrictions type assessment. 


There is a way out, it's the vaccines but we are unlikely to be in a position to use that exit until we'll into the Spring.

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