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13 minutes ago, superbigal said:

In one of her practices a Dentist did test positive after vaccination.

Yes it is bound to happen, you are right. But how often, how long after vaccination, and to what extent were they ill, are all important caveats to this type of data.

From 132,000,000 tests per week on a 100% vaccinated population, even with a false positive rate as low as 0.01% you'd expect a minimum of 13,200 positives per week, or over 650,000 per year.

It's a ridiculous idea, and I don't see how we get out of it if it goes ahead as your Helen Lovejoy's will be wetting themselves over 650,000 people per year being "sick" and killing people all over the place.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Anyone who starts taking their two tests a week, after having their vaccine, is a fanny IMO

Eta this will likely run into the millions


50 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Woman along the road from us is a midwife. She'd had first dose then her whole household including her caught it. She had no symptoms whatsoever, only know she had it because they all got tested due to her son being symptomatic. 

NHS Lanarkshire are getting significant absences from vaccinated staff, catching it from their kids most likely. None serious enough for hospital etc but can't go to work.

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5 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

NHS Lanarkshire are getting significant absences from vaccinated staff, catching it from their kids most likely. None serious enough for hospital etc but can't go to work.

Testing positive doesn't mean you are infected, though.

Are these people actually ill? 

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

Testing positive doesn't mean you are infected, though.

Are these people actually ill? 

I'm only getting it second hand, given the role of the ones I'm hearing about they wouldn't be allowed to work anyway.

I'm not trying to pish on my own chips, just making a point that some testing will need to continue.

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46 minutes ago, Snafu said:

So you are in favour of domestic vaccination passports because the UK Government have said you can't go to the football until you have one and you are annoyed with the Scottish Government because they haven't said anything yet. Maybe in Scotland you might not need a vaccination passport to go to the football, did you not think that this might be an option?

No I don't.

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10 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I'm only getting it second hand, given the role of the ones I'm hearing about they wouldn't be allowed to work anyway.

I'm not trying to pish on my own chips, just making a point that some testing will need to continue.

I don't think there is any value to anyone by sweating about finding viral RNA in an asymptomatic vaccinated person.

The jag doesn't cause the virus to vaporise on contact with a vaccinated person. The immune response will prevent the virus taking hold, but virus fragments will still be around for a bit.

Testing asymptomatic, vaccinated close contacts of a positive, symptomatic, non-vaccinated person is a sure fire way to ensure we never get out of this.

At some point we need to put faith in the data we have about the vaccine effectiveness, grow a set, and get back to normal.

Yes that leaves a small amount of risk that the vaccines actually don't work at all, but that needs to be weighed up against the damage never ending obsession and restrictions based on 'cases' alone will cause.

I'm still not sure why nobody in a position to do so ever raises these points.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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I do wonder if all this talk about vaccine passports and mass testing in England is part of an over-correction on the part of WM.  Last year they were criticised for being too slow to react (e.g. lockdowns could/should have happened earlier than they did, not closing borders etc.) and uncaring with the desire to get people back into offices/work.  Conversely, in Scotland, NS and the SG were praised for being decisive and clear in their policies (that, of course, is up for debate) by Joe Public, "experts" and the WHO.  Clearly there has been a change in tone from WM and BJ - it's far more cautious, emotional and "caring". 

Forgive my cynicism, but I can't help but feel this all a massive PR exercise designed to regain public trust (despite being ahead in the polls) and pre-empt any push back from those in society who refuse to accept there is a need to return to normal.  For Bojo, as a strategy, it probably represents the best of both options; reopening the country while make it look he is taking significant steps to mitigate any increase in cases (despite the vaccine rollout largely nullifying the case/hospitalisation/death ratio). The impact of this can go either way - we maintain focused on cases as the primary metric and they remain with restrictions indefinitely or it provides clear data that case numbers are no longer significant with regards to hospitalisations, ICU and deaths.  

In my own personal opinion, I don't mind vaccine passports for international travel - after all there is already a precedent for that in terms of needing certain injections before travelling to specific countries - as a temporary measure.   I also don't mind short term regular testing as a way to get the economy opening faster and without restrictions while the vaccine roll out is completed.  It would allow the younger folk who have undoubtedly being given the shitty end of a short stick the opportunity to go out and live a bit more freely while they wait for vaccination. That all said, it would have to be absolutely set down in law that these measures would be binned at a specified point not long after the last injection is complete.  Unfortunately, I doubt this would be the case and I think we should all be wary of this level of data gathering (the irony of sending this from an android phone that requires a google account isn't lost on me, by the way).  

I say 'we', because undoubtedly this will take hold in Scotland too.  Again, as temporary measures they are preferable to social distancing and setting fire to our economy but in absolutely no way should these become a permanent feature.  They are, after all, still restrictions and kill off any spontaneity in life.  People should be asking why and to what end this idea of mass testing has reared its head, especially in the context of vaccines.  If it is to gather evidence that vaccines work and break transmission, or to ascertain the number of cases being asymptomatic (and therefore irrelevant) then fair enough, provided there is a clear end point.  If this becomes a permanent feature of life, then that is something that should be set fire to, but in the bin and then launched into the sea.  

Of course, another thing to consider is liability and insurance.  You can bet those unscrupulous b*****ds in the finance sector will view this as an opportunity to push premiums up and passports/regularly testing may help to mitigate risk to businesses should someone catch covid on a premises.  Not that I expect the Tory government to be looking out for the little guy.  

Edited by super_carson
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Posted at 16:42

A summer resurgence is possible, Sage says

Rachel Schraer

BBC Health Reporter

The reopening of shops, pub gardens and hairdressers from next week is “highly unlikely to put unsustainable pressure on the NHS”, according to the government’s scientific advisers.

But later steps of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s roadmap out of lockdown, including indoor mixing, are “highly likely” to lead to a resurgence in hospitalisations and deaths, SPI-M - a subgroup of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) - has predicted.

There is a lot of uncertainty, they say, and it is likely any resurgence would be smaller than the peak in January. There is a plausible, though pessimistic, scenario, however, in which opening up society could lead to another peak the size of this winter’s.

This assumes immunity doesn’t wane significantly and there are no mutations to the virus which affect the vaccine.


'This assumes immunity doesn’t wane significantly and there are no mutations to the virus which affect the vaccine.'

So it's utterly fucking pointless then, isn't it?

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9 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

Report from Ireland showing that outdoor transmission is miniscule.

Unfortunately this IS NOT NEWS. It has been known since last summer but some politicians have chosen to ignore this. If they have got this wrong what else will become public knowledge soon? 

Why on earth do they persist with this myth. They insist that football cannot be played without costly tests which are not even appropriate for the situation. Now in England even these tests will be available for free. Will Negative NS accept responsibility for her mistakes? If she does so eventually you can bet it will be so sincere!!!! 

Edited by Dev
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40 minutes ago, super_carson said:

I do wonder if all this talk about vaccine passports and mass testing in England is part of an over-correction on the part of WM.  Last year they were criticised for being too slow to react (e.g. lockdowns could/should have happened earlier than they did, not closing borders etc.) and uncaring with the desire to get people back into offices/work.  Conversely, in Scotland, NS and the SG were praised for being decisive and clear in their policies (that, of course, is up for debate) by Joe Public, "experts" and the WHO.  Clearly there has been a change in tone from WM and BJ - it's far more cautious, emotional and "caring". 

Forgive my cynicism, but I can't help but feel this all a massive PR exercise designed to regain public trust (despite being ahead in the polls) and pre-empt any push back from those in society who refuse to accept there is a need to return to normal.  For Bojo, as a strategy, it probably represents the best of both options; reopening the country while make it look he is taking significant steps to mitigate any increase in cases (despite the vaccine rollout largely nullifying the case/hospitalisation/death ratio). The impact of this can go either way - we maintain focused on cases as the primary metric and they remain with restrictions indefinitely or it provides clear data that case numbers are no longer significant with regards to hospitalisations, ICU and deaths.  

In my own personal opinion, I don't mind vaccine passports for international travel - after all there is already a precedent for that in terms of needing certain injections before travelling to specific countries - as a temporary measure.   I also don't mind short term regular testing as a way to get the economy opening faster and without restrictions while the vaccine roll out is completed.  It would allow the younger folk who have undoubtedly being given the shitty end of a short stick the opportunity to go out and live a bit more freely while they wait for vaccination. That all said, it would have to be absolutely set down in law that these measures would be binned at a specified point not long after the last injection is complete.  Unfortunately, I doubt this would be the case and I think we should all be wary of this level of data gathering (the irony of sending this from an android phone that requires a google account isn't lost on me, by the way).  

I say 'we', because undoubtedly this will take hold in Scotland too.  Again, as temporary measures they are preferable to social distancing and setting fire to our economy but in absolutely no way should these become a permanent feature.  They are, after all, still restrictions and kill off any spontaneity in life.  People should be asking why and to what end this idea of mass testing has reared its head, especially in the context of vaccines.  If it is to gather evidence that vaccines work and break transmission, or to ascertain the number of cases being asymptomatic (and therefore irrelevant) then fair enough, provided there is a clear end point.  If this becomes a permanent feature of life, then that is something that should be set fire to, but in the bin and then launched into the sea.  

Of course, another thing to consider is liability and insurance.  You can bet those unscrupulous b*****ds in the finance sector will view this as an opportunity to push premiums up and passports/regularly testing may help to mitigate risk to businesses should someone catch covid on a premises.  Not that I expect the Tory government to be looking out for the little guy.  

How long did it take you to type this essay on a phone?

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SAGE no doubt using yet another, utterly laughable model to show the next surge!!!111!!! in cases from resuming normal life. Who fucking cares anymore - file their bleatings in the bin now and flush their heads down the toilet later when they're proven wrong. 


Edited by vikingTON
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