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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Two ends of the spectrum on the news earlier - Devi warning of a third wave if the young unvaccinated folk meet indoors [emoji58], then someone sensible saying mass events like sports or music carry as much risk as going shopping does. Oh how I wish we just had to listen to sensible opinions instead of knicker wetting hysteria
Devi will be praying for a third wave as its the only thing that will keep her relevant.

On the other hand, if mass events are deemed safe enough then at least an audience will be able to watch her when she appears on Dancing On Ice.
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13 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Devi will be praying for a third wave as its the only thing that will keep her relevant.

On the other hand, if mass events are deemed safe enough then at least an audience will be able to watch her when she appears on Dancing On Ice.

She gets a bad rap on here but I continue to find Devi an interesting contributor to the Covid debate and will typically read her articles where I come across them. She just seems to have a little too much influence in government decision making, at the expense of other contributors.

I'd set her apart from Jason Leitch - who is clearly just a preening chancer, happy to get his own hobbies front and centre when it comes to restriction easings.

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3 minutes ago, George Parr said:

She gets a bad rap on here but I continue to find Devi an interesting contributor to the Covid debate and will typically read her articles where I come across them. She just seems to have a little too much influence in government decision making, at the expense of other contributors.

I'd set her apart from Jason Leitch - who is clearly just a preening chancer, happy to get his own hobbies front and centre when it comes to restriction easings.

Shes not going to shag you, mate

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2 minutes ago, George Parr said:

She gets a bad rap on here but I continue to find Devi an interesting contributor to the Covid debate and will typically read her articles where I come across them. She just seems to have a little too much influence in government decision making, at the expense of other contributors.

I'd set her apart from Jason Leitch - who is clearly just a preening chancer, happy to get his own hobbies front and centre when it comes to restriction easings.

Thats an interesting take, i consider her ideas that people suffering from mental illness should make their own sunshine and that the astra zeneca vaccine isnt worth getting to be quite dangerous. I also find her constant pivoting from one position to another to suggest that she doesnt have a clear coherent strategy or belief and is just saying things that will get her into the media and thus keep her ‘relevant’. 

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She gets a bad rap on here but I continue to find Devi an interesting contributor to the Covid debate and will typically read her articles where I come across them. She just seems to have a little too much influence in government decision making, at the expense of other contributors.
I'd set her apart from Jason Leitch - who is clearly just a preening chancer, happy to get his own hobbies front and centre when it comes to restriction easings.
Can't agree. She strikes me as someone who's got a taste of the limelight and doesn't want to give it up. Unfortunately the only way she stays relevant is if there's a global pandemic going on.

Some of the statements she's come out with on twitter are quite frankly shocking and the way she blocks anyone who dare question her (even those more qualified to comment than her) is pathetic.
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Chaos! Passengers mixing! 

What exactly is the problem here? They have all been tested and are all *leaving* the country. They all have as much chance as anyone else in Britain of having just caught covid. 

More utter shite from the sensationalist media. 


Edited by Michael W
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I phoned the doctor yesterday to update them with my new address and got told they're still in the 40-50 age group in Inverness.

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14 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The wife of the minister in charge of the vaccine review. 

Absolutely nothing here conforming to your conspiracy worldview, champ. Simply an article stating that anti-vaxxers are selfish cretins.

I see you ignored what I tagged you in on the previous page. Did Denmark not get the WEF 'Great Reset' memo?

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So on the day the EU says it will open up to fully vaccinated travellers without tests or quarantine, and with this already the CDC view in the United States, the Labour fluffers continue to show how behind the curve, out of touch, and unfit for government they are. This is purely being done to try and win back the racists and xenophobes - never mind all the NHS workers with family overseas you want incarcerated upon return if they dare visit them. Vile party that are thankfully edging ever closer to the political dustbin.


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30 minutes ago, Elixir said:

So on the day the EU says it will open up to fully vaccinated travellers without tests or quarantine, and with this already the CDC view in the United States, the Labour fluffers continue to show how behind the curve, out of touch, and unfit for government they are. This is purely being done to try and win back the racists and xenophobes - never mind all the NHS workers with family overseas you want incarcerated upon return if they dare visit them. Vile party that are thankfully edging ever closer to the political dustbin.


Thing about Labour is they have quite a lot of decent local councillors etc (well speaking for west dunbartonshire and other areas ive lived or worked in), most of them must be absolutely cringing with shite like that. 

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394 new cases of COVID-19 reported

26,912 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

1.6% of these were positive

0 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive

4 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19  (unchanged)

78 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 (up from 70).

3,051,383 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 1,704,388 have received their second dose

The increase in hospital numbers is disappointing. The increase is unsurprisingly in NHS Glasgow and Clyde where numbers are up from 33 to 41.

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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The increase in hospitalisations is exactly what will keep these restrictions going. 

Just need to hope this week is an anomaly and they start dropping again pronto. 

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Unsure if the BBC headline is deliberate or not, but todays front page news is that there is increasing confidence that the vaccines work on ALL variants.

Hopefully an acknowledgement that the variant mewling needs to stop.

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2 minutes ago, GiGi said:

The increase in hospitalisations is exactly what will keep these restrictions going. 

Just need to hope this week is an anomaly and they start dropping again pronto. 

depends who's getting hospitalised.  if it's like Bolton and it's vulnerable people that should have been jagged but for whatever reason aren't then it's less to concerned about.  Is there any way to find out the details?

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