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For Belgium at least, it was explicitly stated we can't go in because of the delta variant
A weird decision now as Belgium over 50% Delta variant which will be 90% within a fortnight.
I am due in Liege early September so fingers crossed.
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2 minutes ago, superbigal said:

A weird decision now as Belgium over 50% Delta variant which will be 90% within a fortnight.
I am due in Liege early September so fingers crossed.

I think Belgium, Germany, Italy and others realise Delta is going to take over, they just want to get as many people vaccinated as they can before it does so they don't want us. September shouldn't be a problem.

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9 minutes ago, superbigal said:

A weird decision now as Belgium over 50% Delta variant which will be 90% within a fortnight.
I am due in Liege early September so fingers crossed.

My girlfriend is due to fly to Scotland in August (she will be double vaccinated be then), and I am confident that it will be possible.

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Why can these irrational shitebags not just lock themselves away and get their shopping delivered to their bedsits? Job done - but don't forget to wipe everything down with bleach first!

Or failing that, take a one way teleport to Australia where they're staring down another four-month lockdown.

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It’s going to take years to get some of these lovejoys out of their mindsets 
The way to stop it is by staying in forever. If these loonies want to do that then there's nothing stopping them but the rest of us, who aren't scared of our own shadows, will be getting on with life.
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The seethe on the 10pm news. Holy fck people are bizarre. 16 months of restrictions and vaccines that are preventing deaths yet they're still unhappy about things opening back up and masks being binned. Everyone should be rejoicing about normality not being afraid to leave the house even though you've been double dosed 🙄 

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5 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Looking through social media today, 'PeOpLe ArE sCaReD!!!' is the new 'BuT tHe VaRiAnTs!!!'

Maskers going nuts about how selfish people that won't wear them is the other one. 

It DoEsNt d0 aNy Harm!!!1

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8 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Looking through social media today, 'PeOpLe ArE sCaReD!!!' is the new 'BuT tHe VaRiAnTs!!!'

Having their comfort blanket of obliging people to wear a mask (incorrectly/unhygienically - who cares!) ripped away seems to have unhinged a particularly large section of society. 

Like most children though, once you just take it away from them and stick to it then they'll soon get over themselves. 

Edited by vikingTON
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People will end up topping themselves because of the shite Devi and Deepti come out with, if they haven't done so already.

Absolute scumbags the pair of them, trying to make a cheap buck of people's worst fears. Lovejoys will lovejoy though and they ultimately need to take responsibility for weighing up their own risks too.

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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

Having their comfort blanket of obliging people to wear a mask (incorrectly/unhygienically - who cares!) ripped away seems to have unhinged a particularly large section of society. 

Like most children once you take it away from them and stick to it then they'd soon get over themselves though. 

What folk have to remember is that a large section of the population before Covid were socially awkward, suffered anxiety, didn't like mingling in groups so the last 18 months has been right up the alley of a great many people.

These are generally the people who are now scrambling for any crumb of comfort or reassurance they can and are desperate for these ridiculous measures to always be in place.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I think Belgium, Germany, Italy and others realise Delta is going to take over, they just want to get as many people vaccinated as they can before it does so they don't want us. September shouldn't be a problem.

Germany has just eased their restrictions.

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What folk have to remember is that a large section of the population before Covid were socially awkward, suffered anxiety, didn't like mingling in groups so the last 18 months has been right up the alley of a great many people.
These are generally the people who are now scrambling for any crumb of comfort or reassurance they can and are desperate for these ridiculous measures to always be in place.

The first month of lockdown I enjoyed not rushing out anywhere and just relaxing.

No chance do I want to be back there now.
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