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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:


Probably people who are terrified from watching adverts like this.



It's folk that go after having a cough for 3 days though that are the problem. I had a 3 week cough and by the time I had seen a doctor it was 7 weeks, turned out to be nothing.

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41 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

I simply don’t buy that. Too many saying you should vote SNP if you want a referendum and to abandon your own ideals is a nonsense.

They have to be a party with wider ranging policies, not just “Westminster is bad” as a tactic if they want to appeal to a demographic that doesn’t fall for it. 

The party has some so blinded by shortbread tin, bagpipe nationalism that they accept Tory levels of behaviour verging on criminality if not just morally unacceptable as a “means to an end” without seeing the hypocrisy.

I don't agree at all with this but probably best to agree to disagree and leave for the politics forum.

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The NHS is chronically underfunded and as it stands is not fit for purpose. That said, are there any health services around the world where citizens either don't complain about it or take the piss in terms of usage?

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2 hours ago, Tynierose said:

We regularly see patients during the day with what turns out to be a viral illness only for them to rock up to A&E that same night looking for antibiotics as they came in with the intention of getting a prescription and are not pleased to be told viral.

I think there is also these days a lack of patience with regards minor illness.  A sore throat or a cough for a few hours regularly sees a doctor called or an A&E visit.  The concept of see how it goes for a bit doesn't seem to happen much.  It's an instant fix for everything.

Regards the frequent flyers that's very true.  We have the same people phoning several times a week and or regularly going to out of hours.  Again there are only so many appointments available so it must be frustrating for those who rarely need a service to get through.

Resource wise there isn't the capacity so what is the cure?  Is it to start charging for Gp appointments and trips to A&E?  That would open a huge can of worms and would probably end up means tested. Don't think it would work tbh.

Or we could really ram it down the publics throats via advertising the importance of self care and not phoning a GP practice with the sniffles etc.

It's  a difficult one but it needs looked at.

It's truly unreal, the numbers of regulars at doctors surgeries or A&E who simply don't need it. 

I've been to the doctors twice since I had a disc removed from my back 5 years ago, once for an anti-biotic for a chest infection and earlier this summer for an anti-histamine/steroid cream as I had a shitload of bites on my legs after doing work in the garden and they still hadn't cleared after 3 weeks. 

It really has to be driven home with things that are very mild that you need to wait it out a bit as usually these things clear up on their own.

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Let’s look on the bright side here:

1. Case numbers seem to have topped out, and are declining
2. Test positivity is also dropping
3. Hospitalisations etc will continue to grow for another week or so, but really don’t look like “overwhelming the NHS”.
4. Vaccines are clearly working, and every day we have more people protected.
5. The government mood music is positive

The end is in sight.  


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I'm not sure what changed between Kate Forbes speaking on Monday....

She said: “The first is on the timetable itself. We have said that all of Scotland will move to level 0 on July 19 – that includes the easing of physical distancing indoors and outdoors. Then we will move beyond level 0 from August 9.
“We have also said that we expect some baseline measures, for example face masks, some limitations on working from home so on, will continue for a longer period of time.”
Ms Forbes said the proposed move to beyond level 0 on August 9 will involve” lifting the limits and lifting as much of the legal restrictions as possible” - including attendance caps on weddings and mass events.

....and today. SD indoors and out were to be reduced and she specifically mentioned removing attendance caps yet today NS said SD would be in place for some time to come. The two are simply not mutually compatible.

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20 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I'm not sure what changed between Kate Forbes speaking on Monday....

She said: “The first is on the timetable itself. We have said that all of Scotland will move to level 0 on July 19 – that includes the easing of physical distancing indoors and outdoors. Then we will move beyond level 0 from August 9.
“We have also said that we expect some baseline measures, for example face masks, some limitations on working from home so on, will continue for a longer period of time.”
Ms Forbes said the proposed move to beyond level 0 on August 9 will involve” lifting the limits and lifting as much of the legal restrictions as possible” - including attendance caps on weddings and mass events.

....and today. SD indoors and out were to be reduced and she specifically mentioned removing attendance caps yet today NS said SD would be in place for some time to come. The two are simply not mutually compatible.

I suspect retaining social distancing for  ‘some time to come’ could simply mean the next 4.5 weeks but it allows NS to come across as more cautious than Johnson.

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32 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Let’s look on the bright side here:

1. Case numbers seem to have topped out, and are declining
2. Test positivity is also dropping
3. Hospitalisations etc will continue to grow for another week or so, but really don’t look like “overwhelming the NHS”.
4. Vaccines are clearly working, and every day we have more people protected.
5. The government mood music is positive

The end is in sight.  


^^^This. I really think we should employ an anxiety therapist on here, everybody's getting too fraught and enraged by minutiae in nuance or some daft thing somebody's said on twitter. 

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Lots of people happy for permanent restrictions, regardless of covid.


I'm fascinated by stuff like this.

45% of people support foreign travel only with proof of vaccination, regardless of Covid-19.

If you remove Covid-19 from the equation, what exactly do they want to be vaccinated against? 😂

The rest is equally bizarre. Why would any normal person want any of those things to be in place permanently?


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3 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Yet, we've been very very lucky so far but the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how very vulnerable we really are.

Measures at the borders just like any other restriction at the time were to stall the spread of the virus and give enough time for the vaccination program to get enough traction and vaccinate as many people as possible before the 'dam' breaks. This has so far in the UK it has been successful and looks like it will be unless England itself takes a turn for the worse after the 19th. Probably the last obstacle in finally beating this Delta variant. No signs of any other variant to take over from it which is good news but there is a nasty black fungus in India which we definitely don't want. Please don't say that will get in regardless anyway and we have to live with it, shudder!!

Oh and no one was referring to or hinting at a zero covid strategy here, this was about competence in the ability to prevent viruses and diseases entering this country which was defended by Shapp, which is laughable if it wasn't so serious.

I'm fairly sure this is a reaction to them pumping too many steroids into patients and not some plague spin-off.

This pandemic is a once in a century level event. 'Living' life because this has happened and it 'might' again happen decades from now, or tomorrow, is not something we have ever done before. We shouldn't start either. We will already be far better prepared for something like this happening again, but it would help by getting places like China to clean up their disgusting wet markets and actually be more open with health matters of potentially global significance.

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