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The public health Scotland dashboard has it even further above that. 
Still around 1.5k first doses being done daily.
I still think vaccination to get on holiday will sweep up the last of the reticent, leaving a small core of anti vaxers.

There are also still people like me (Can’t imagine many tbf). Vaccinated abroad but still unable to update their medical records here.
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1 hour ago, Clown Job said:

I think the key point here is that we've got to take decisions based on making sure such judgments are effective.

"For example we have a multiple range of options about outside venues, let's for example, take the model Mr Mason has put to me of a variation reflecting stadium size and stadium facility.

"I think we lose clarity of messaging, which is a blunt one.

"I make no apology for being so blunt, we need to quite simply reduce the degree to which people are interacting.

"A total of 500 as a maximum for outdoorevents gives a very clear signal to people in the country that we have to reduce that interaction. 

"So for example a crowd of 500 at a Rangers game compared to a crowd of 50,000 which would normally be of that order makes a very, very clear significant point that we have to reduce dramatically the level of socialinteraction.

Using football to make a point because they hate football fans. 

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

One thing to remember, as I'm sure I've said before on here - most people in Scotland aren't football fans and even fewer are fans who attend games.  A significant number of people just look at football fans are being selfish for gathering during the pandemic.  I have a number of colleagues who basically said that Rangers fans celebrating winning the league or Scotland fans going to London for the England game was massively irresponsible, that they hadn't been gathering with people so why should football fans be allowed to?  Also, a lot of people just look at football fans are pissed arseholes who sing bigoted songs and cause trouble.  

Same thing is with nightclubs - the vast, vast majority of people don't go to nightclubs and it makes no odds to them if they are shut.  Its seen as a frivolity, same as football, something that isn't hard to go without.  In a way that's right, nightclubs aren't the most vital national infrastructure but for some people they are massively important.  When I was younger I used to go out to them a lot, I know people who made their best friends and met their partners in nightclubs.  I met my wife on a night out.

A lot of people seem to have rigidly defined boundaries of what is an acceptable thing to be an important part of your life and what isn't.  There doesn't seem to be much of a willingness to consider that people's lives are very different and that some restrictions hurt some more than others and that perhaps this could be used to assess these restrictions.

It's the smugness, often verging on snobbery that accompanies it that I find most jarring. Even taking away the aspect of people going out and enjoying themselves (the HORROR! do they not know there's a pandemic?), this is people's livelihoods that are being disrupted. Naturally, the people who think football and nightclubs are awful are in the fortunate position where these closures have zero impact on them personally or professionally. 

Goes without saying that I'm a football fan as I post on this forum, though I very rarely attend as I live in England. Nightclubs are of almost zero interest to me as well, so neither of these things really affects me. But they do impact on other people and in some cases very significantly. I really do not see the rationale at this time for implementing these restrictions, so they should simply not be going ahead. 

Some people will then claim, without irony, that people wanting to go to the football and nightclubs are horrible and "selfish". Never mind people's enjoyment, or indeed their livelihoods; they are absolutely alright Jack here so these things can be dispensed with. No consideration at all for the impact these things have on other people, because they are absolutely fine. In my opinion, that is exactly the definition of selfish. 

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, Lyle Lanley said:

To be fair in her exchange with DRoss who was pressing her on the new Omicron data she did say "days". I expect that barring some mental case explosion in the next 10 days or so we will start to see the latest restrictions being rolled back quite quickly, even before the 3wks stated.

Is it not far more likely that she will only loosen the restriction of the 10 days isolation, than anything remotely like allowing pubs, nightclubs or football grounds to operate as normal?

It is, afterall, only today that the BST was announcing that nightclubs "should just close" 

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10 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Reframing any one being opposed certain policies as an anti-vaxxer is very bad from an elected official.  

Also, the idea that vaccine hesitancy is best tackled by abusing (explicitly or otherwise) those who aren’t yet vaccinated is misguided.

Sturgeon is well down that road.

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32 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

One thing to remember, as I'm sure I've said before on here - most people in Scotland aren't football fans and even fewer are fans who attend games.  A significant number of people just look at football fans are being selfish for gathering during the pandemic.  I have a number of colleagues who basically said that Rangers fans celebrating winning the league or Scotland fans going to London for the England game was massively irresponsible, that they hadn't been gathering with people so why should football fans be allowed to?  Also, a lot of people just look at football fans are pissed arseholes who sing bigoted songs and cause trouble.  

Same thing is with nightclubs - the vast, vast majority of people don't go to nightclubs and it makes no odds to them if they are shut.  Its seen as a frivolity, same as football, something that isn't hard to go without.  In a way that's right, nightclubs aren't the most vital national infrastructure but for some people they are massively important.  When I was younger I used to go out to them a lot, I know people who made their best friends and met their partners in nightclubs.  I met my wife on a night out.

A lot of people seem to have rigidly defined boundaries of what is an acceptable thing to be an important part of your life and what isn't.  There doesn't seem to be much of a willingness to consider that people's lives are very different and that some restrictions hurt some more than others and that perhaps this could be used to assess these restrictions.

The most recent polling data shows that the majority of people are opposed to any such restrictions, regardless of whether they go to nightclubs themselves or not. 

Yours is a December 2020 (June 2021 at a push) take that does not actually reflect the current reality. 

Edited by vikingTON
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14 minutes ago, Snafu said:

What do you call them Shan 1, Shan 22, Shan 153?

Looks like I'm coming down with a bit of rhinopharyngitis today, don't know the exact type it is yet.

The fact that you don't know what virus is causing it is why there isn't a vaccine for the common cold. The costs of producing and administering the literally thousand-odd vaccine samples that would be needed to prevent that outcome massively outweigh the benefits. 

As Covid acts more like a common cold (which it is heading towards currently) then the same cost/benefit analysis has to be rationally applied to its treatment. As a novel threat it would still justify monitoring like governments do for epidemic flu every year, but nothing more than that. 

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40 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Reframing any one being opposed certain policies as an anti-vaxxer is very bad from an elected official.  

Everybody is just one refused booster away from being an anti-vaxxer.

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6,215 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
54,863 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
12.7% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
38 (-2) people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
540 (+4) people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

** On 22 December, Public Health Scotland (PHS) experienced a technical issue that meant that the new reported positive case number was lower than expected (2,434). This has been resolved and the new cases figure for 22 December should have been 5,967. This has been corrected in our trends file and these cases are included in today's cumulative figures.

Edited by Jan Vojáček
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6,215 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
54,863 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
12.7% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
38 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
540 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
4,377,002 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,003,377 have received their second dose, and 2,782,462 have received a third dose or booster.
* On 22 December, Public Health Scotland (PHS) experienced a technical issue that meant that the new reported positive case number was lower than expected (2,434). This has been resolved and the new cases figure for 22 December should have been 5,967. This has been corrected in our trends file and these cases are included in today's cumulative figures.

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The specimen date data for the 20th looks completely out of place with the days surrounding it (it's almost 40% higher than the previous day which, with the data currently available just doesn't seem right). Definitely need a few more days worth of data (which, of course, after tomorrow we won't get until the 29th) to see what's going on.

This out of place looking day, of course, is not unique to Scotland, which could point to a data issue.

ETA to add more to this, 6,278 cases have been added to the specimen date data for the 20th of December. That's more than the 6,215 cases the reported today. Cannot be accurate.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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