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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, johnnydun said:


Well thanks for clearing that up First Minister, at least you showed your working.

"Major events put a strain on emergency services."

Thank f**k we have all those police free on a Saturday afternoon to assist with this Omicron apocalypse.

I mean sickness in the police due to self isolation is massive just now, most are absolutely asymptomatic but cant come to work. In terms of football however the very easy solution to that is to re-jig the fixtutes, football matches are graded in terms of their risk a-c(ir), a is low risk no police needed which covers just about every match out-with the premier league. Even a Cat b game doesnt need that many resources. It absolutely could be done if they were honest and said we can play football matches but we cant have the old firm at home for 3 weeks. 

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It's why we need to know the breakdown of why people are in hospital.
It really isn't helpful to know how many people are in hospital if we just bundle those with mild or no symptoms in with people who may have a serious bout of covid.
This should have been the case all along, though, not suddenly become a concern because the SG face the prospect of needing to either lift restrictions with hospital numbers much higher than when they put them in place, or keep them in place and fund them with money they don't have.
Was just about to post similar.

The fact that ICU numbers remain relatively stable despite an increase in hospital numbers would tend to suggest that a large number are in hospital with Covid rather than because of it.
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I understand why NS might be reluctant to go into the data, but by routinely failing to acknowledge it's a thing, it just makes her look a bit incompetent. The replies on twitter are full of comments about the distinction, and I feel that they are only going to get away with not divulging it sooner than the 5th because parliament isn't sitting.

You can bet your house that if the data supported the SG's decisions it would be sung from the rooftops, which makes me think it's not as bad as they are (currently) making it out to be.

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… and as for the Baldy Speccy Tube telling folk not to travel to England for Hogmanay and a relatively normal city centre party experience… the man is even more idiotic than I thought. Hard to believe I know, because I already thought he was a Grade A fcukwit. Of course some people will head to England, you utter buffoon. Young folk maybe, who only have one shot at being aged 18-21ish, and after nearly two years, your government is STILL hell bent on hammering and closing the places young folk go to. I’m 60, so my days of clubbing are long gone, but by Christ, I loved my holiday in England earlier this year where things felt completely normal and facemasks were advisory. Guaranteed, if I was 18-21, I wouldn’t be on a fitba’ forum, I’d be in Newcastle or Liverpool for a few days break… Swinney, you are an utter fanny.

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It's why we need to know the breakdown of why people are in hospital.
It really isn't helpful to know how many people are in hospital if we just bundle those with mild or no symptoms in with people who may have a serious bout of covid.
This should have been the case all along, though, not suddenly become a concern because the SG face the prospect of needing to either lift restrictions with hospital numbers much higher than when they put them in place, or keep them in place and fund them with money they don't have.

This is one thing you and I both agree on.

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The people who hold the view that football is un-important, and dismiss the notion that it is of benefit to people, mentally, socially, or even physically, should be lined up in front of a camera. Asked what their hobbies are. I would wager, that we could, if we chose to, rip the shit out of them on the spot. Bet you some play golf, like I do. It gives me immense social, mental, and physical benefit. Walking around hitting a wee white ball into a hole? That’s just stupid and un-important though. No it isn’t. Maybe some of the football haters go to a gym. For physical, mental, and social benefit. Maybe some of the football haters just enjoy getting out the house to walk. For no reason other than to go for a walk to no-where in particular… the dafties, eh? Joggers? Lunatics.
This last paragraph is a long winded way to say the people dismissing football and the love lots of us have for it, are deserving of a swift slap across the ashet, followed by a comprehensive analysis of their hobby of choice, straight to their recently slapped faces.
Golf is a good walk spoiled.


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I understand why NS might be reluctant to go into the data, but by routinely failing to acknowledge it's a thing, it just makes her look a bit incompetent. The replies on twitter are full of comments about the distinction, and I feel that they are only going to get away with not divulging it sooner than the 5th because parliament isn't sitting.
You can bet your house that if the data supported the SG's decisions it would be sung from the rooftops, which makes me think it's not as bad as they are (currently) making it out to be.
Yesterday's briefing felt very much like paving the way for a retreat.
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39 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Seems like a fair leap in hospitalisations? Like, was it not just over 400 a week ago?

On the face of it, it is a big increase. However, how many of the 810 are actually primarily being treated for something else and have tested positive?

There is a distinction here, I'm not sure where the figures are for NHS Scotland. I can find the English equivalents but nothing for up here.

Moreover, a positive hospital admission of Omicron is very different to Delta (significantly less severe).

I'm not sure hospital admissions is the indicator it was for Delta. It would also be good to see how much is Delta and how much is Omicron. Do we know that?

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4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
10 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
I understand why NS might be reluctant to go into the data, but by routinely failing to acknowledge it's a thing, it just makes her look a bit incompetent. The replies on twitter are full of comments about the distinction, and I feel that they are only going to get away with not divulging it sooner than the 5th because parliament isn't sitting.
You can bet your house that if the data supported the SG's decisions it would be sung from the rooftops, which makes me think it's not as bad as they are (currently) making it out to be.

Yesterday's briefing felt very much like paving the way for a retreat.

It was very much a fence sitter imo.

If England tighten after NY then they are primed to go longer / tighter.

But if they don't, they will "Interrogate the data" to see if they can roll stuff back.

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1 hour ago, Elixir said:

Even though there's a lag between hospitalisations filtering through to ICU admissions, the fact remains the stable figures there show how much incidental admissions are inflating the overall numbers. People who are in 'for' covid also require oxygen etc a lot less than before and are discharged more quickly - so a hospitalisation now isn't the same as what it used to be and so even more can be soaked up as a result. This latter point was also highlighted in recent SAGE documents.

Are there any daily/weekly stats on total hospital admissions/numbers across the country? (so we can see the Covid %age)

And I notice the FT's stats have been updated - doubt those who shared the one yesterday where Scotland dropped dramatically will be posting this one...


Edited by Ginaro
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27 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Was just about to post similar.

The fact that ICU numbers remain relatively stable despite an increase in hospital numbers would tend to suggest that a large number are in hospital with Covid rather than because of it.

Either that or there are fewer very severe cases, so those that would have required ITU with Delta now require ward level care, and those that would have required admission can ride it out at home. It is 'too early to tell' but I think there are encouraging signs despite the media and government retoric. 

I don't doubt ITU numbers will rise in the coming days, but hopefully we see a divergence from the case numbers to a similar or greater extent that we already saw with vaccination.


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29 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I mean sickness in the police due to self isolation is massive just now, most are absolutely asymptomatic but cant come to work. In terms of football however the very easy solution to that is to re-jig the fixtutes, football matches are graded in terms of their risk a-c(ir), a is low risk no police needed which covers just about every match out-with the premier league. Even a Cat b game doesnt need that many resources. It absolutely could be done if they were honest and said we can play football matches but we cant have the old firm at home for 3 weeks. 

I spoke to an ex colleague a couple of days ago, she told me that due to isolation they are about 2 shifts short of normal compliment of officers, most ,if not all ,are having rest days cancelled and because of this morale is utterly rock bottom 😞

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The numbers of covid patients getting to ICU is still dropping which is great.

Anyone noticed however your chances of being wheeled into the morgue if you make ICU are fairly high now. 

Death numbers are very similar to ICU admissions on a daily basis.

I assume most Covid deaths have a stint in ICU but some may still be from care homes ?

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5 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Anyone noticed however your chances of being wheeled into the morgue if you make ICU are fairly high now. 

Death numbers are very similar to ICU admissions on a daily basis.

Really? Since Christmas Eve there has been a grand total of 1 death in the covid bracket.

You appear to have a similar grasp of the data as Humza.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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27 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Golf is a good walk spoiled.


Hard to disagree, if you’ve ever seen me play. On a far more serious note, in May this year I joined a new club after eight years at my last one (that’s another story, however…), so since May, have met a ton of new folk, for the first time, got talking, get to know them to say hello to, then remember their names, that they’re a Jambo, or a Falkirk Bairn, or whatever. You buy them a drink, they buy you one, you see them around, play with them in a medal…. Of course something like golf, or fitba’ is of massive benefit to your enjoyment of life. The serious point though is that at my new club, one of the guys I met and got talking to, told me he knew two guys who took their own lives. Apparently committed suicide because of depression brought on by lockdowns and subsequent loss of their jobs and saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Tip of an iceberg that we’ll likely never get to truly hear about. The statistics on suicide must be frightening, but the only thing that matters is Covid, eh?

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The SG astound me. Their panic over this was based on models that predicted somewhere in the region of 40k cases per day in Scotland by Christmas.

Their response to this was to ask everyone to test themselves every time they thought about opening their door.

They must have known that this would lead to an increase in people testing positive who would otherwise be completely unaware. How have they only now recognised this?

I seriously wonder about the ability of anyone within the SG to evaluate and consider the impact of anything they say or do beyond the next five minutes.

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4 hours ago, s_dog said:

Yousaf comes across as an idiot in that interview, but why is Geissler using a made up 50% figure (did it not come from the Daily Mail/Telegraph, hardly a reliable source) when the most recent general consensus is that 70% of people admitted to hospitals in England are being treated for Covid? 

Really? I would find that absolutely incredible if true, particularly given there was an article very recently stating half of London’s Covid hospital admissions didn’t even realise they had Covid prior to going in, so would have to be a fairly huge number of those then suddenly becoming ill with it and requiring treatment. Genuinely if you can find the source for this I’d be keen to read it as that would be concerning.

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