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West of Scotland Football, What Is The Future?

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43 minutes ago, Andy groundhopper said:

Just like the Irish FA, gives a starting point I guess, the training would possibly be the easier part of any return. We all await the day when cases and deaths are very low, and fans and players feel safe to attend.

How many would attend a game if they decided to start back tomorrow. When you look at how others are ignoring the rules I'd go back tomorrow.

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6 minutes ago, theesel1994 said:

How many would attend a game if they decided to start back tomorrow. When you look at how others are ignoring the rules I'd go back tomorrow.

You’ve more chance of catching it in a supermarket especially Lidl or Aldi where I don’t think they’ve heard of social distancing

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The advice / rules are for the wider population's benefit. Too many variables and unknowns for me. I watch NS daily and take on board what the experts are saying. As a father to young children, I don't feel the need to play the lottery when it comes to physical health.

Ultimately, it's a personal choice but cramming in next to people under cover, for 2hrs, coughing, spluttering, smoking, shouting...  having not spoken to a very select few adults at length in months, not for me. And I wouldn't go to the game to stand on my own, not interracting. I go for the chat!

Edited by cmontheloknow
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7 minutes ago, cmontheloknow said:

The advice / rules are for the wider population's benefit. Too many variables and unknowns for me. I watch NS daily and take on board what the experts are saying. As a father to young children, I don't feel the need to play the lottery when it comes to physical health.

Ultimately, it's a personal choice but cramming in next to people under cover, for 2hrs, coughing, spluttering, smoking, shouting...  having not spoken to a very select few adults at length in months, not for me. And I wouldn't go to the game to stand on my own, not interracting. I go for the chat!

All about opinions and personal choice.. I think it was 5 people (RIP) in the whole of Scotland yesterday... I think we are all being way overly cautious about everything. 75% of the deaths have been to over 75's (Again God rest them) but we really need to get back to normality sooner rather than later. I don't just mean fitba, but work and everything that goes with it.

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6 minutes ago, DanMan said:

All about opinions and personal choice.. I think it was 5 people (RIP) in the whole of Scotland yesterday... I think we are all being way overly cautious about everything. 75% of the deaths have been to over 75's (Again God rest them) but we really need to get back to normality sooner rather than later. I don't just mean fitba, but work and everything that goes with it.

It not about deaths though. If you get covid and survive it you can be left f*cked for life. I quite like my lungs as they are. Death are not the main issue here. Can see the PM resigning through ill health before the year is done. See the state of him. We only have a reduced death rate because of social distancing. Scotland has the lowest R rate in UK because of our caution. Normality is not coming any time soon.

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1 hour ago, DanMan said:

All about opinions and personal choice.. I think it was 5 people (RIP) in the whole of Scotland yesterday... I think we are all being way overly cautious about everything. 75% of the deaths have been to over 75's (Again God rest them) but we really need to get back to normality sooner rather than later. I don't just mean fitba, but work and everything that goes with it.

Maybe the over 75's have been getting it from someone? Be a little more patient and, hopefully, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief within the near future.

Edited by Dev
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2 hours ago, Dev said:

Maybe the over 75's have been getting it from someone? Be a little more patient and, hopefully, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief within the near future.

I get that, and if you have "older" folks ... be careful..  but we need to get back to normality soon...

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I expect phase 2 is by the end of next week if the death rate keeps falling.


I’ve spoken to medical scientists who say that transmission is likely now restricted to hospitals and care homes almost everywhere in Scotland. Their biggest worry is reinfection from England given much higher rates there and London repositioning for too fast reopening for economic reasons. Ironically, this may lead to slower reopening in Scotland than would otherwise be possible.

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6 minutes ago, EdinburghBlue said:


I’ve spoken to medical scientists who say that transmission is likely now restricted to hospitals and care homes almost everywhere in Scotland. Their biggest worry is reinfection from England given much higher rates their and London repositioning for too fast reopening for economic reasons. Ironically, this may lead to slower reopening in Scotland than would otherwise be possible.

And just to put some numbers on it:

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-13 at 07.06.58.jpeg

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1 hour ago, cmontheloknow said:

And just to put some numbers on it:


WhatsApp Image 2020-06-13 at 07.06.58.jpeg

Thing is we don't know the numbers of how many have had the virus in the general population other than a general excess death figure.

Certainly wouldn't trust UK Government figures. Originally there was talk of a 1% death rate which would put the population who have had the virus in the 50 million bracket. Second part would be, can you get the virus twice?

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….. but Covid-19, as everyone knows now, is a new coronavirus so there was some basis for comparison at the start with other coronaviruses.

Any help from knowing that went out the window when covid-19 showed unusual variations in its' make-up so everyone had to start again when figuring out what it does, how it operates and how to deal with it.

Governments everywhere are having to be brave in trying to deal with it. A very few were in a better position than others, notably the likes of Germany and South Korea because they were well resourced with appropriate laboratory facilities to start off with but they are finding it hard to rid themselves of this disease. Even with their head starts.

The virus seems to be running wild now in some countries e.g. southern Asia and South America and that's tragic. It also means that countries which seem to have passed the peak have to be extremely careful that it does return before there can be (if there can be) mass vaccination and or drugs are found which can reduce the potency of the disease.

Thankfully the wealthier nations are taking seriously these needs and the UK, it has to be said, is right there at the front of this effort. What's more it stated that, if fortunate enough to create a vaccine in this country, it will donate billions of jabs to poorer countries around the globe. Praise is due for even thinking along those lines.

In the meantime we all need to try to stick by the basic rules that we're stuck with and be careful even when they're relaxed.

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1 hour ago, Tutankhamen said:

Thing is we don't know the numbers of how many have had the virus in the general population other than a general excess death figure.

Certainly wouldn't trust UK Government figures. Originally there was talk of a 1% death rate which would put the population who have had the virus in the 50 million bracket. Second part would be, can you get the virus twice?

In that respect, it's very much like other coronaviruses such as the common cold which means you probably could...there's some limited evidence of people in Asia having caught it twice already.

At least the Scottish Government are consistently providing a caveat on the figures they're giving, with the last one I saw being 2500-ish deaths which are actually likely to be closer to 4000. The UK government don't do that, concentrating on the headline figure which is currently at 40,000+ which if you extrapolate from the Scottish numbers is actually likely to be up in the region of 60-70,000 by now.

In terms of getting back to normality, we're nowhere near there yet. Although a lot of folk are chafing at the bit for it to happen, there's still maybe a wee bit of denial about just how different things will look when they reconvene...a socially distanced pub will be an interesting visit - probably once! - and just how much of a fun time eating in a restaurant where every second table is empty and you're being served by someone wearing PPE remains to be seen.

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14 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

In that respect, it's very much like other coronaviruses such as the common cold which means you probably could...there's some limited evidence of people in Asia having caught it twice already....

The virus isn't mutating as rapidly as the common cold or the flu does, which is why there is a lot of optimism on an immunity response generated by a vaccine being effective against it.

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