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Best teacher meltdowns

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45 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:

Hang on, you were definitely at Kirkland in the late 70s early 80s because I remember him, not his name though. If its who I think, pretty sure he also had booze in the little office/store behind the blackboard.


Yup. Can't mind his name though.

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My Higher Chemistry teacher was Pete Storey, a good guy. He'd come from industry into teaching and couldn't believe how outdated our syllabus was, often stopping half way through dictation to say something like "Christ, this was disproved 20 years ago". He was also my rugby coach so we got on well. One time after I set up cheek to him, he threw the blackboard rubber at my head which hurt like f**k. Without thinking, I threw it back at him. I missed but he roared and came flying across the class at me, picking up a window pole like a spear. I started running and he swung the pole at my head - taking out an entire worktop of pyrex beakers and test tubes. The head of department came charging in, took one look and ordered Pete to his office.  He got his own back next time I was in. During dictation, he was wandering around the class as we were taking notes, just droning on as usual. I hardly noticed him behind me until he got me with a kidney punch, a beauty that threw me off the stool and had me rolling on the floor in agony.  "Tut tut, shouldn't swing on stools or get teachers in trouble eh?".
OK, I know that reads like assault but it wasn't meant in a bad way. It was just rough and tumble carried over from rugby training.
Mike Marshall of East Fife was my PE teacher. He gave me the tawse because I laughed after he got a ball in the face during five a sides, which seemed a bit heavy handed. 

An aggressive, rugby coaching maniac. I’ll level with you, I don’t like much of what I know about this Pete Storey guy.
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We had a French teacher for 6 months, young French woman who always wore a chiffon neck scarf. Can't remember how we found out but she apparently had a really bad scar from trying to hang herself. Massive guilt trip all round for those of us who had mucked around in her lessons.

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We had a history/geography teacher who used to practice the belt by getting someone to come up and put their hand on a piece of paper so he could draw round it, then putting the paper on a desk and belting it till he shredded it. Pretty sure he had a breakdown at some point.
There was also a woodwork teacher who practiced by belting small coins on a wooden bench till he imbedded them in the wood.

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7 hours ago, JMDP said:

Also funny to see on facebook now many people posting regularly about mental health who utterly tortured teachers as teenagers. 

Pretty consistent really, I'd have thought.

Kids can of course be utterly vicious to teachers.  In my experience though, it's nothing compared to how dreadful their treatment of each other can be.

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2 hours ago, Forest_Fifer said:

There was also a woodwork teacher who practiced by belting small coins on a wooden bench till he imbedded them in the wood.

Danny Dunn. He'd ask miscreants if they wanted their fortunes told, then they'd get their palms red. 

There were a few teachers who really knew how to use the belt and he was one. As he explained, it was all in the wrist action and he'd give the belt a wee flick and bury a penny in the desk. Hurt like f**k when he belted you. Deputy Head had a different technique (Mr Gibson?). He wore the black gown and kept the tawse hidden in his collar. He'd actually leave the floor as he brought it down on your hand. 


We had a history/geography teacher who used to practice the belt by getting someone to come up and put their hand on a piece of paper so he could draw round it, then putting the paper on a desk and belting it till he shredded it. Pretty sure he had a breakdown at some point.

I think I know who you mean - used to disappear to his room at the back then re-appear in a cloud of smoke and stinking of booze. He boasted about the tawse (and your paper trick rings a bell) but the boys in our class just used that as a challenge and goaded him into belting us most lessons. 


In first year, I got over 170 strokes of the belt - including getting belted on my very first day of High School for trying to cut a 2" bar with the sheet metal guillotine . Some lads were well over 300 strokes by the end of first year. 

Edited by NewBornBairn
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1 hour ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

1970's......... belligerent ghouls ran Dundee schools, spineless b*****ds all.

Thank you.

My wife tells me tales of the school she went to in Dundee. Forgot the name - where Asda is now on the Forfar Rd? Teachers were allegedly the bad ones from other schools all re-located.

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52 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

My wife tells me tales of the school she went to in Dundee. Forgot the name - where Asda is now on the Forfar Rd? Teachers were allegedly the bad ones from other schools all re-located.


Fought them at Caird Park, around about 1979, was like a battle scene from Braveheart. IMO.

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I think I know who you mean - used to disappear to his room at the back then re-appear in a cloud of smoke and stinking of booze. He boasted about the tawse (and your paper trick rings a bell) but the boys in our class just used that as a challenge and goaded him into belting us most lessons. 
In first year, I got over 170 strokes of the belt - including getting belted on my very first day of High School for trying to cut a 2" bar with the sheet metal guillotine . Some lads were well over 300 strokes by the end of first year. 
Does the nickname "teapot" ring a bell, due to his habit of writing on the board while his other hand was propped on his hip?
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Our French teacher, Mrs Lavelle, ran out the class crying when a load of people in the class were inspired by the previous afternoon's Grange Hill and began a low level hum in unison and wouldn't stop. She eventually left the school amid rumours of a breakdown. Poor woman. 

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6 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:
3 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:
I think I know who you mean - used to disappear to his room at the back then re-appear in a cloud of smoke and stinking of booze. He boasted about the tawse (and your paper trick rings a bell) but the boys in our class just used that as a challenge and goaded him into belting us most lessons. 
In first year, I got over 170 strokes of the belt - including getting belted on my very first day of High School for trying to cut a 2" bar with the sheet metal guillotine . Some lads were well over 300 strokes by the end of first year. 

Does the nickname "teapot" ring a bell, due to his habit of writing on the board while his other hand was propped on his hip?

Not that I can remember. We heard he'd had some kind of breakdown and he was replaced by a young guy that we ripped the piss out of (Mr Caldwell).

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I had a  female French teacher who was diabetic. She was a total phsyco if she missed her meds   Would regularly throw whatever was close at hand if she went off on one . A lot of the teachers I had would never be employed in todays environment 

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