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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Has anyone on here ever been in a riot?

I was in Barcelona when I was caught up with load of protesters running away from the Guardia Civil down the Ramblas. Saw a few people getting battered and ran away down a side street. Can't remember what it was about, not really a riot I suppose.

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41 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Worth remembering that when black people peacefully protest by committing the heinous crime of kneeling down, they’re vilified by the press and president and absolutely nothing changes. 

Pathetic is the wrong word as well, whether it’s right or wrong, setting fire to a shop takes a gigantic pair of cahoonas. I was too scared to pinch a bar of chocolate out of the garage next to my school when I was younger. 

ETA: Oh, and f**k Morrisey. 

Setting fire to a shop doesn’t take balls at all. Same with the looting. Unless the shops are owned by the police officers family/friends then I don’t see why an innocent party (the shop owner) should lose their business through no fault of their own. As I said, set fire to a police station, county buildings etc, make your point that way, but don’t drag innocent people into this

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28 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Has anyone on here ever been in a riot?

Has Scotland ever had riots similar to the English inner city riots of the 80s?


1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

The death of the fella is absolutely tragic. Yes he shouldn’t have had “forged documents”, but he was hardly an imminent threat to society. The policeman in question should be put in jail. In regards to the looting and fire raising etc, I think it’s pathetic. Make your point by burin down a police station, but when they’re looting innocent shops it just makes them seem just as much as a problem as the racism in the police force 

Read that he previously served 5 years for armed robbery, maybe not the lovely guy that some people are making him out to be. Comes nowhere near to excusing the actions of the police officers, there should be lengthy jail time for them. How the hell can the public trust the police when they behave like that, is it a lack of training or just a bunch of arseholes?

They should be making their point by peaceful and political means (Martin Luther King) rather than destroying neighbourhoods and reinforcing negative stereotypes. 


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2 minutes ago, bennett said:

Has Scotland ever had riots similar to the English inner city riots of the 80s?


Read that he previously served 5 years for armed robbery, maybe not the lovely guy that some people are making him out to be. Comes nowhere near to excusing the actions of the police officers, there should be lengthy jail time for them. How the hell can the public trust the police when they behave like that, is it a lack of training or just a bunch of arseholes?

They should be making their point by peaceful and political means (Martin Luther King) rather than destroying neighbourhoods and reinforcing negative stereotypes. 


Unfortunately the peaceful route doesn't appear to get them anywhere either, our best buds though. 

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38 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Has anyone on here ever been in a riot?

Been a while but a few. 

The biggest was the G20 meeting in 2009. Some of the student fees protests a couple of years later got a bit out of hand. 

Not to mention dodging rioters on my commutes home during the London riots of 2011. 


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Has anyone on here ever been in a riot?

Lived in Budapest during the 2006 unrest with regular attacks on the police, media and government buildings, culminating in the riots on the 50th anniversary of the ‘56 revolt where one protester stole a tank and tried to ram the police.

Was a very interesting time.




Any time when living in The Philippines.


Last General election, 6 people were shot at my local polling station. In another place people were lobbing hand grenades. Lads.

Also stumbled into one of the coupes in Thailand, but was quite a calm affair.
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3 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

An NFL player knelt silently during the national anthem and was hounded out the league and had his career ended. The vice-president even made a show (spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars) of going to a game so he could walk out in disgust.

NBA players wearing special t-shirts in protest were told to "shut-up and play."

When protesters have peacefully blocked main roads it's "selfish behaviour that inconveniences normal people trying to go about their lives."

A country that prides itself on being founded in battle and revolution; that allows citizens to arm themselves to protect against tyrannical government; that only last month had heavily armed (white) citizens laying siege to government buildings being condoned by the president; has absolutely zero moral authority to tell black people how to express their anger.


Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 


Smashing up their communities gets them nothing, apart from a new telly.  Peaceful protests would garner more support, it's 2020 can't we just be people?


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An NFL player knelt silently during the national anthem and was hounded out the league and had his career ended. The vice-president even made a show (spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars) of going to a game so he could walk out in disgust.
NBA players wearing special t-shirts in protest were told to "shut-up and play."
When protesters have peacefully blocked main roads it's "selfish behaviour that inconveniences normal people trying to go about their lives."
A country that prides itself on being founded in battle and revolution; that allows citizens to arm themselves to protect against tyrannical government; that only last month had heavily armed (white) citizens laying siege to government buildings being condoned by the president; has absolutely zero moral authority to tell black people how to express their anger.

I think the main point is that if your protests make the move into the likes of looting you allow your opponents in the media etc to totally shift the narrative away from what you are protesting in the first place.

Effective protest doesnt happen by accident and when you are going up against a racist institution, which has white supremacy in its DNA, which is currently being run by a right wing populist cretin you really cant be giving anything away for free.

The kneeling actially thing deserves a lot of credit for me. That really blew up. It maybe didnt change too much but thats because of the above. America is one colossal ball of racism at an operational level. Probably too big to change. But Kaepernick struck a chord in a peaceful way. I am sure he would probably still view the sacrifice as worth it. He had them absolutely foaming
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:



I think the main point is that if your protests make the move into the likes of looting you allow your opponents in the media etc to totally shift the narrative away from what you are protesting in the first place.


Whereas this absolutely didn't happen when people protested by staying still for two minutes at a time.

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Whereas this absolutely didn't happen when people protested by staying still for two minutes at a time.
Well you can extend that further by just putting the tin lid on this and saying America wont change so theres no point in any of it. Doesnt make for much of a discussion though.

If I were part of a protest, I would be pretty seething if someone hijacked it to start nicking TVs. I dont necessarily mind the violence per se, although it's not how I like to see things done, but the looting is playing into the hands of the people who are the problem in the first place. Racist c***s.
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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:



I think the main point is that if your protests make the move into the likes of looting you allow your opponents in the media etc to totally shift the narrative away from what you are protesting in the first place.


Don't think the depth of marginalisation the looters feel take this nice wee objective sentiment into account at the time. 

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Criminals are always going to take advantage of a bit of chaos. Don't see how you can stop it with spontaneous protests, easier to do it when there is some pre planned crowd control, pretty well impossible when the police are the target of the protesters. 

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11 minutes ago, bennett said:

Peaceful protests would garner more support, it's 2020 can't we just be people?


You'd think so, eh? Perhaps in a tolerant society willing to hear the voices of it's people, peaceful protests would work.

But it fucking doesn't work in America. This is country whose leadership fully understands that giving more people guns equates to more mass shootings and yet will still descend into a murderous bloodbath if anyone ever thought of the slightest gun control legislation.

Peaceful and subtle doesn't get the job done in America.


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14 minutes ago, bennett said:

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 


Smashing up their communities gets them nothing, apart from a new telly.  Peaceful protests would garner more support, it's 2020 can't we just be people?



13 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:



I think the main point is that if your protests make the move into the likes of looting you allow your opponents in the media etc to totally shift the narrative away from what you are protesting in the first place.

Effective protest doesnt happen by accident and when you are going up against a racist institution, which has white supremacy in its DNA, which is currently being run by a right wing populist cretin you really cant be giving anything away for free.

The kneeling actially thing deserves a lot of credit for me. That really blew up. It maybe didnt change too much but thats because of the above. America is one colossal ball of racism at an operational level. Probably too big to change. But Kaepernick struck a chord in a peaceful way. I am sure he would probably still view the sacrifice as worth it. He had them absolutely foaming


Do I think looting is good or helpful? No, I don't. This isn't a protest march about a controversial new bypass though, people have taken to the streets because the police are, yet again, murdering with impunity. It's not surprising that things would get out of hand.

The American right have shown countless times that they will try and find a way to discredit literally any form of protest, no matter how peaceful.

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