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Cancel culture

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Aye that's kind of what i expected, as it's very much what I've picked up from posters on here, but a bit more filled out (obviously, as the format allows that).

I found myself agreeing with a lot of what they said when they focused on policy examples (that i was aware of), and i certainly agree with their acknowledgment that there is some genuine concerns about how social media is affecting public debate, even though they've decided to dismiss that angle.

They've covered the topic well but i do feel they should maybe take more notice of some of those left wing critics who did sign the letter.

On a personal level i found their style to be very pretentious - and i worry that if they're the intellectuals leading the left wing cause in America (and it is a very US-centric view) then they've lost touch with many of the voters that they'll need to win over.

It's very much got a 'we're in the cool gang and we decide who's worth listening to and who's not ' - feel to it. If you're not up on the latest twitter arguments then they're talking way over your head. That's not a good sign.

But I'm glad to hear them focus on issues like poverty. The impression i get (although it's based on very little, as i don't do social media other than this) that these guys seem to be getting caught up in tedious social debates rather than more vital economic ones.

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Who has been cancelled? Like genuinely cancelled as opposed to receiving mild criticism in between hosting the Golden Globes, promoting their new Netflix series and preaching to their millions of Twitter followers?
If you want to talk about cancelled let's talk about Colin Kaepernick 
As was pointed out in the podcast linked earlier, the problem is that people are arguing over very different interpretations of the term 'cancel culture'.

The labour party's anti-semitism nightmare saw many attempts to 'cancel' legitimate concerns.
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

What's changed in the last 20 years regarding material that could stop a comedian or someone getting gigs or other work? This cancelling thing is just invented on twitter. If people don't like what you have to say and won't buy a ticket, you won't get a platform, same as it's always been.

The fact that a bunch of these idiots hadn't been told to f**k off until around 2010 and a decade later they can't take it. 

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3 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

I'd give you a greenie, but I like Stephen Fry! 

If you read most of this thread you'd think the only people decrying cancel culture were right-wing bigots.  If you do a bit of digging, that's not the case.


What's your excuse then? 

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22 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Aye that's kind of what i expected, as it's very much what I've picked up from posters on here, but a bit more filled out (obviously, as the format allows that).

I found myself agreeing with a lot of what they said when they focused on policy examples (that i was aware of), and i certainly agree with their acknowledgment that there is some genuine concerns about how social media is affecting public debate, even though they've decided to dismiss that angle.

They've covered the topic well but i do feel they should maybe take more notice of some of those left wing critics who did sign the letter.

On a personal level i found their style to be very pretentious - and i worry that if they're the intellectuals leading the left wing cause in America (and it is a very US-centric view) then they've lost touch with many of the voters that they'll need to win over.

It's very much got a 'we're in the cool gang and we decide who's worth listening to and who's not ' - feel to it. If you're not up on the latest twitter arguments then they're talking way over your head. That's not a good sign.

But I'm glad to hear them focus on issues like poverty. The impression i get (although it's based on very little, as i don't do social media other than this) that these guys seem to be getting caught up in tedious social debates rather than more vital economic ones.


Other than them being "pretentious"  and your worry that they are concerned with being in "the cool gang" what do you disagree with specifically in their analysis?

I like you as a poster a lot of the time, but next time you decide to tell us all that you're a lefty you should consider that you were happy to credulously link to a right wing propaganda site and demanded people engage with it seriously, but you seem unable to do so with a left wing analysis of the situation and are discussing and only attack their ,tone/background

Edited by Genuine Hibs Fan
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Other than them being "pretentious"  and your worry that they are concerned with being in "the cool gang" what do you disagree with specifically in their analysis?
I like you as a poster a lot of the time, but next time you decide to tell us all that you're a lefty you should consider that you were happy to credulously link to a right wing propaganda site and demanded people engage with it seriously, but you seem unable to do so with a left wing analysis of the situation and are discussing and only attack their ,tone/background
I agree with the way they analysed the letter. They acknowledged the left wing concerns, but they dismissed them (they seem to suggest that they liked these guys but that somehow they had been 'had' by those pesky right wingers that were behind the letter).

I think they're being too quick to dismiss those concerns. For me, the left wing response to this letter should've been to agree with the vagueness of it, and not to engage otherwise.

I'm not sure the public on either side of the pond will be won over by what looks like a pushy and radical social agenda.

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I can see how this could be disregarded as just a Twitter/social media issue, and it probably is.

However, plenty of mainstream news outlets, including the BBC like to drive headlines by making a news story out of Twitter outrage. The BBC are probably the worst as they tend not to publish actual content due it being potentially offensive, so the headline is 'X Celebrity accused of being a racist' with no detail behind it. That can be very damaging to someone's career.

Also, whilst Twitter is clearly a nonsense and sensible folk like myself just avoid that dribble like the plague, I think some people are quite quick to dismiss the level of abuse people receive on Twitter over a perceived offensive tweet. 

Also, folk saying Ricky Gervais isn't funny at all are trying too hard I'm afraid.

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I agree with the way they analysed the letter. They acknowledged the left wing concerns, but they dismissed them (they seem to suggest that they liked these guys but that somehow they had been 'had' by those pesky right wingers that were behind the letter).

I think they're being too quick to dismiss those concerns. For me, the left wing response to this letter should've been to agree with the vagueness of it, and not to engage otherwise.

I'm not sure the public on either side of the pond will be won over by what looks like a pushy and radical social agenda.

It’s worth saying the podcast was initially a Patreon episode so it was recorded with their paying subscribers in mind if you had a problem with their aloof tone. Their normal episodes are really good and meticulously researched albeit usually focused on the States.

Also, folk saying Ricky Gervais isn't funny at all are trying too hard I'm afraid.

Who is saying this?
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23 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

After reading a twitter thread about an anonymous author who spent £20,000 buying her own book to get into the bestsellers list I firmly believe all these alt right gonks who have these books out don't actually sell a single copy to a real paying customer.

Have you read any of these books though to offer such an opinion?

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I happened upon an interesting factlet today, in reference to JK Rowling's Harry Potter series.

"The books' inclusion in public and school libraries has been frequently challenged for their focus on magic,[particularly in the United States, where it was ranked seventh on the list of the most challenged books in American libraries between 1990 and 2000 despite having been first published in the United States in 1998. In 1999, the Harry Potter books were challenged 23 times in 13 states. According to the American Library Association, they are now the most challenged books of the 21st century."

Anybody want to guess who's doing the cancelling here? I'll give you a hint. It isn't leftists.

So maybe it's time conservatives stopped coming out with that bullshit narrative once and for all.

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Louis CK's cancelling  is an intriguing one.

A phenomenal stand up and had been someone that was followed by stories of his conduct for years, two of his main complainers/victims had spoken about the experience publicly for years, Fellow stand-up Sarah Silverman had mentioned it a few times as well but she didn't see it as a negative experience. Although he asked for consent from the women, they felt that they were obliged to watch him masturbate as it may hamper their careers if they didn't. Louis CK was someone who championed female comedians. 

When the story was picked up, just as his new film was released, he decided to make an apology in a  public statement and disappear for an undisclosed time to reflect on his behavior. He was never active on social media so he never received a public flogging which seemed to enrage people. over a year later he was making unscheduled appearances at comedy clubs which avoided any protests of venues being put under pressure to cancel his shows.

It lead to rumours of  news agencies sending people to comedy clubs with recording equipment every night until they managed to catch him, leading to a recording of him making reference to the Parkland shooting, which was reported as him mocking victims. 


Personally, I don't see how you can return to the stage and not talk about any misconduct you are accused of, Like Richard Pryor and hid drug use, but also, you can't be the perpetrator and make jokes about it.

His last stand-up special that he released independently, he did however bring it up and used the analogy of him getting consent of, "just because slaves sang on the cotton fields doesn't mean they were happy"  

Because there was no Netflix or network deal that he could be sacked from, he didn't have a podcast or Youtube channel or twitter page he could be De-platformed from, there has been no closure on his cancelling. 



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  • 1 month later...
14 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Rowling is the fucking worst. She has completely Linehaned her career.

Sadly, she has considerably more money than Lineham and considerably more fame. This will be lapped up.

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