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Conspiracy Theories

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41 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

I genuinely believe that the US culture war is going to spill over into some sort of civil war in my lifetime.


The place is fucked.

The most promising argument for it not happening is reality. The “Red States” are net under contributors/over receivers for Governmental spending and assistance. If the Red and Blue States divided, the Red States, as a whole, would rapidly fall back to a heavily agrarian and resource consumptive model. The need to import fertilizers, and the inevitable depletion of the over harvested resources, would condemn the Red States in a relatively short time. Texas is the only Red State with any reasonable shot to work in the medium term, and long term they’d be f**ked too as the oil and gas ran out.

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9 hours ago, madmitch said:

"We are either alone in the universe or we are not, both are terrifying prospects", Arthur C Clarke.  Given the size of the universe and that parts of it are 100 million years  older than our galaxy, it's a serious stretch to believe that we are alone.  In the observable universe there are  an estimated 2 trillion galaxies.  who kens what's in the unobservable parts. Our galaxy alone has an estimated 100 billion stars.  So for me of course there are aliens. Whether they can or have been visiting us is a whole other question.

Astronomers estimate there are at least 10,000 stars in the universe for every grain of sand on Earth. 

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It's quite worrying how many people will take "we've had a variety of reports of unexplained sightings of things in the skies over the years" as cast-iron proof that Earth has been invaded by aliens. They're called Unidentified Flying Objects for a reason, folks. Also bizarre how many people immediately go to, "what, so you think there's no other life on any of the billions of planets in the universe?" as though it's inevitable that some other life would definitely have developed tech that would seem impossible to us, and made a beeline for a planet filled with apes that have learned to shave.

Oh shit, maybe all the thousands of Bigfoots walking among us are actually aliens  :o

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3 minutes ago, BTFD said:

It's quite worrying how many people will take "we've had a variety of reports of unexplained sightings of things in the skies over the years" as cast-iron proof that Earth has been invaded by aliens. They're called Unidentified Flying Objects for a reason, folks. Also bizarre how many people immediately go to, "what, so you think there's no other life on any of the billions of planets in the universe?" as though it's inevitable that some other life would definitely have developed tech that would seem impossible to us, and made a beeline for a planet filled with apes that have learned to shave.

Oh shit, maybe all the thousands of Bigfoots walking among us are actually aliens  :o

Big problems if aliens show up and take Nessie home.  Tourism in the Highlands will never recover.

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

The most promising argument for it not happening is reality. The “Red States” are net under contributors/over receivers for Governmental spending and assistance. If the Red and Blue States divided, the Red States, as a whole, would rapidly fall back to a heavily agrarian and resource consumptive model. The need to import fertilizers, and the inevitable depletion of the over harvested resources, would condemn the Red States in a relatively short time. Texas is the only Red State with any reasonable shot to work in the medium term, and long term they’d be f**ked too as the oil and gas ran out.

Sounds great. Is there anything that us UK citizens can do to ensure this becomes a reality?

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45 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

All that happened in this congressional hearing was a couple of folk said that some other told them they saw some stuff they couldn't explain.

"Okay folks.  You caught us out here but time to come clean.  We have known aliens ever since we landed on the moon.  There are Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites but we are all good friends.  Ever since we discovered warp drive.  Oops.  Wasn't supposed to mention that.  Anyway, we have managed interstellar travel years ago but we have to keep it hush hush and pretend it tricky to get to Mars.  Hello, no.  I was there for lunch.  They do a Waldorf Salad you would not believe.  Anyway you are all concerned about UFOs.  Darn it, shucks.  Think of them as boy racers.  We told them to be careful when flying near Earth but do they listen.  No.  That's teenagers for you."

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I was watching a programme called the British X-Files one night with the old man and the programme talked about the RAF keeping files on UFOs. 

Me: Here, you were a radar operator during your National Service with the RAF. Did you ever detect any UFOs?

Dad Bam (matter of factly): Oh aye, I did once.

Me: so what did you do?

Dad Bam: Reported it to the Flight Sergeant and he just said to forget about it...


Daleks. It was definitely Daleks.

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22 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

I was watching a programme called the British X-Files one night with the old man and the programme talked about the RAF keeping files on UFOs. 

Me: Here, you were a radar operator during your National Service with the RAF. Did you ever detect any UFOs?

Dad Bam (matter of factly): Oh aye, I did once.

Me: so what did you do?

Dad Bam: Reported it to the Flight Sergeant and he just said to forget about it...


Daleks. It was definitely Daleks.

That's what they want you to think.

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4 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

All that happened in this congressional hearing was a couple of folk said that some other told them they saw some stuff they couldn't explain.

Sorry that just isn't true.  The four Navy pilots directly saw objects and locked onto it with their radar.   Quote from the hearings.

David Fravor, a former Navy commander, said he and three fellow military pilots spotted a white Tic-Tac-shaped object in 2004, hovering below their jets and just above the Pacific Ocean.

As he descended to inspect the sighting, he claimed the unidentified aircraft — which he said bore no visible rotors, wings or exhaust — began to ascend and approach his fighter jet.

He claimed that the UAP then vanished, only to reappear a few seconds later, but this time it was spotted 60 miles away.

Fravor told the committee that the technology he and his team encountered defies logical explanation.

"The technology that we faced is far superior to anything that we had," Fravor claimed. "And there’s nothing we can do about it, nothing."

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