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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I want to kill all the bigfoots now.  I will hunt them in the wilderness, stalk them as they forage and then drive a hunting knife through their heart.  The bigoots will look at me as the life drains from it body and know that me, a semi-prominent poster from Pie and Bovril, took it's life.  I will skin it and wear it's hide as a trophy.  I will stuff it's head and mount it in my study.  I will glory in my dominance over nature.  I will kill all the bigfoots.  

Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jaeger!

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16 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Probably, if there were three or four of you, you were all elite special forces, and were carrying heavy calibre automatic weapons. If you're a good ol boy with a .22 then you're going to get seriously fucked over.

Thank you.

I'm starting to think you've been at the wind up the whole time now :lol:

Elite special fucking forces :lol:



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19 hours ago, Shotgun said:

A Bigføøt once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the Bigføøt with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"


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19 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Probably, if there were three or four of you, you were all elite special forces, and were carrying heavy calibre automatic weapons. If you're a good ol boy with a .22 then you're going to get seriously fucked over.

Thank you.


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I hardly think a large hairy version of us, that cant even break out from natures laws of the headlock needs John Rambo to take it down.

Put it like this, bare handed, you're probably looking at a 50/50 fight.

Tooled up, 70/30 Bairnardo

Hunting rifle, im smoking that bitch 100 times out of 100. Its just #nature.

By every possible metric, bigfoot has failed at being top of any chain. Potential food for bigfoot is in huge abundance. If they have been unable to turn that to their adavantage over centuries, still existing in low enough numbers that their very existence is in doubt, then they must be thick aswell as shite at fighting.

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It is now 74 years on from the Hindenburg disaster. 

Why did a big balloon full of inflammable gas burst in to flames?

Was it somebody protesting about Hitler?  I am told he had enemies.

So many unanswered questions.


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18 hours ago, Fullerene said:

It is now 74 years on from the Hindenburg disaster. 

Why did a big balloon full of inflammable gas burst in to flames?

Was it somebody protesting about Hitler?  I am told he had enemies.

So many unanswered questions.

This always reminds me of a classmate in chemistry who in all seriousness thought that we stopped using hydrogen balloons because "hydrogen burns with a pop and it might distract the pilot".  

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