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2 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

As someone who has to go to Bloody West Cornwall later in the year I can assure you that the A30 (England's A9) isn't much better.

England Runs out of motorway at Exeter and the dualling on the A30 doesn't go far beyond Devon

There are twice as many people in Cornwall as in the Highlands

@welshbairncan probably report on whatever the Welsh equivelant is

The A5 runs out of dual carriageway as soon as it enters the Welsh borders at Shrewsbury on its way to Holyhead. The North/South roads and railways are abysmal, it's quicker going from say Swansea to Llandudno by going East to Bristol, North to near Liverpool and West to Llandudno, rather than due North, pretty much the same with the trains. I'm hoping Loganair reintroduce their flights from Inverness to Newquay, fancy a mosey around again, f**k driving down and the roads are so clogged up in the summer you're as well getting around by bus.


Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The A5 runs out of dual carriageway as soon as it enters the Welsh borders at Shrewsbury on its way to Holyhead. The North/South roads and railways are abysmal, it's quicker going from say Swansea to Llandudno by going East to England, North to near Liverpool and West, rather than due North, pretty much the same with the trains. I'm hoping Loganair reintroduce their flights from Inverness to Newquay, fancy a mosey around again, f**k driving down and the roads are so clogged up in the summer you're as well getting around by bus.



We now just need a correspondent to report on Northern Ireland and we're done

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2 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Bloody Spaniards looking to knock us off our gold medal podium.....................................


I was just reading about this and the Transport Ministry says it hasn't cost a penny because none of the trains have been built yet. I'm not getting the fuss.


 It should be remembered that no train has been manufactured, since the inconsistencies were detected in the early stages of the design of the new units, and that no Spanish euro has been wasted. And it is that the search for and approval of the optimal solution to design the largest, most modern, fastest and most efficient trains possible and adapted to the unique railway infrastructure of Cantabria and Asturias has not implied the waste of public resources.


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Fergus Ewing has some relevant questions about the glacially slow progress on the A9.

  • The Scottish Government argues that Brexit and Covid caused problems. These excuses have caused real anger amongst people in the Highlands. Why precisely was Covid a problem since tendering is essentially an office job, Transport Scotland have a very large staff, and therefore their work should not have been impacted? Most of us carried on working during lockdown at home and using digital tech to hold meetings.
  • How has Brexit prevented Transport Scotland from doing the job that the taxpayer pays them to do? To cite this as an excuse is surely a very weak argument.
  • Why was there only one bidder left when the whole purpose of tendering is to attracts competitive bids. What went wrong and why?
  • In particular, why do Transport Scotland, unlike their counterparts in England pass risks to the contractor when these risks are shared in England. I understand these risks include unforeseen ground works and utility relocation
  • Why will it take until “autumn” this year to publish a revised timetable for completion of the dualling project when Transport Scotland and the Scottish Government have already had nearly two years since the last Holyrood election to carry out this fairly routine task – one that I have called for since that election.
  • What influence has the Green Party had behind the scenes on decision making, since they oppose dualling, despite the number of people who have lost their lives in road traffic incidents on single carriageway sections of the A9?
  • Will the Scottish Government now devote much more of their capital budget on the dualling programme – and if not just how long would the dualling take?


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12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

the greens are a bunch of fucking useless c***s. basically don't go anywhere ever is there answer

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