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On 02/04/2023 at 12:16, Mark Connolly said:

His argument that the art school fires and covid have killed that area is bullshit tbh. That bit of Sauchiehall St has been a binfire for significantly longer than that


18 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I often read people on Twitter and elsewhere say that Glasgow has turned into a massive bin. Does this have any basis in fact? A lot of the people saying it sound a bit raging about life in general so I always take it with a pinch of salt.

I lived on Holland St for a few years, circa 2005 to 2008. Sauchiehall Street up that end was a dump then. The bins were overflowing, the pavements falling apart, beggars every few meters, and drunk couples rattling each other up Sauchiehall Lane when there was no one jagging up, pissing or shitting. Anyone who claims that end of town falling to bits is a recent thing is either trying to play politics with the current city council, or a complete fucking idiot.

Edited by Ross.
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Inverness is absolutely gorgeous.  Probably as far removed from being described as a dump as you could possibly get anywhere in the world.

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19 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Does anyone stay somewhere that can't be labelled an absolute dump? 

Yes, and I have done for the majority of my life lived in Council estates. They are hovels but it's what I know and it doesn't bother me.

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Given the state of most town and city centres in Scotland have been in with online shopping killing High Street retail and increased work from home hitting a lot of commercial areas, any unit being let seems a miracle. 

I mean what was realistically going to go into that unit at the end of Sauchiehall Street?

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48 minutes ago, flyingscot said:

Given the state of most town and city centres in Scotland have been in with online shopping killing High Street retail and increased work from home hitting a lot of commercial areas, any unit being let seems a miracle. 

I mean what was realistically going to go into that unit at the end of Sauchiehall Street?

Methadone clinic?

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3 hours ago, flyingscot said:

Given the state of most town and city centres in Scotland have been in with online shopping killing High Street retail and increased work from home hitting a lot of commercial areas, any unit being let seems a miracle. 

I mean what was realistically going to go into that unit at the end of Sauchiehall Street?

There's a half decent library just across the road

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21 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Shut up. 

I live in Inverness,years of neglect and loca authority vandalism have left it a souless shitehole.the islands are pretty enough but even there the council have tried to spoil them.i assure you,there's no one sadder about this situation than me

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On 16/02/2023 at 14:10, topcat(The most tip top) said:

As someone who has to go to Bloody West Cornwall later in the year I can assure you that the A30 (England's A9) isn't much better.

England Runs out of motorway at Exeter and the dualling on the A30 doesn't go far beyond Devon

There are twice as many people in Cornwall as in the Highlands

@welshbairncan probably report on whatever the Welsh equivelant is

And a few miles after crossing into Cornwall and running out of dual carriageway this happened. someone swerved across the road and hit the Volvo three cars ahead of me. Luckily the traffic was so congested on our side that we were only doing  about 20 so everyone survived 



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4 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

And a few miles after crossing into Cornwall and running out of dual carriageway this happened. someone swerved across the road and hit the Volvo three cars ahead of me. Luckily the traffic was so congested on our side that we were only doing  about 20 so everyone survived 



Nicely impressed with the engineering of the crumple zone on that Volvo. Looks like the drivers door still functions semi-normally, which means there was little to no distortion beyond the firewall, and likely no intrusion into the passenger capsule. Love the way they’ve engineered modern cars to have the engines slide down and under the passenger area in collisions.

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CalMac's biggest ferry MV Loch Seaforth hit by technical fault https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-65237610

Yet another blow for CalMac as their biggest and newest ship breaks down with an engine fault. Having just read about the ferry situation there, I didn’t realise quite how bad things are. An ancient fleet that is starting to crumble, unfinished ferries sitting in Port Glasgow 7 years from on start of construction, a deal with the Turks to have them build our ferries, looking at second-hand options from the likes of Norway. It’s a real mess. We really should have been constructing tunnels / bridges years ago across some of the shorter routes to lower dependency on ferries. Take the Corran Ferry for example, a service that will be out of action for several weeks now during the busy Easter period and will require a significant detour. It’s terrible for locals, tourists and the local economy. The loss of the MV Loch Seaforth will be a significant blow for the Isle of Lewis.

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Is this the right thread to moan about the roads in Scotland?

Edinburgh’s are a national disgrace. A toxic mix of incredibly poorly thought out cycle lanes, potholes and poorly mended potholes. It’s what happens when ‘green’ types try to make things better and encounter reality.

They really need to do some maintenance and replacement of road surfaces before adding cycle lane bollards. I assume there’s not a massive budget for the essentials but there is for cycle lanes. 

Scotland’s public sector loves a new thing but hates maintaining it properly or refurbishing/replacing it at its end of life.

In short: f**k City of Edinburgh Council. A shower of useless c***s.

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9 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

Is this the right thread to moan about the roads in Scotland?

Edinburgh’s are a national disgrace. A toxic mix of incredibly poorly thought out cycle lanes, potholes and poorly mended potholes. It’s what happens when ‘green’ types try to make things better and encounter reality.

They really need to do some maintenance and replacement of road surfaces before adding cycle lane bollards. I assume there’s not a massive budget for the essentials but there is for cycle lanes. 

Scotland’s public sector loves a new thing but hates maintaining it properly or refurbishing/replacing it at its end of life.

In short: f**k City of Edinburgh Council. A shower of useless c***s.

Same in Glasgow, but with fewer trams

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