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The US Presidential election prediction thread


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17 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

How's it all being received in Canada anyhow?


Now that the dust has settled and Biden is going to win, a lot of anxiety has eased meaning we can just sit back and laugh at the absurdity of it all.  At this point Trump, Guiliani et al and their antics are starting to be seen as a big joke to most people, apart from the people who are Trump fans.  They are just as crazy as American Trump fans but with fewer guns

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7 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

He seems to have a fascination about calling people "Indians". He did the same with Leo Varadkar.

And he also got upset when some foreign looking English cricketer won them some games leading to him to call for proper English cricketers and not having to rely foreign ones (or something along those lines). 

ETA: Here it is:


Edited by RiG
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More on the 4 seasons total landsacping presser, apparently one of the invited speakers is a registered sex offender...

Someone on Twitter asked if everyone attending was allowed within 500 feet of a school as well lol. Looks like he has his answer as to why this ended up here.
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On 08/11/2020 at 01:21, Bully Wee Villa said:

Bit pissed but, f**k it. Today is a good day. Brexit, Trump, Five Star, Orban, Erdoğan, Bolsinaro, Boris fucking Johnson as a puppet for Faragism. A whole decade of slowly normalising abominable and loathsome Far Right ideology.

Some of the absolute worstcunts on the planet have been celebrating over and over again, while decent human beings are tarred with being "snowflakes" or "virtue signallers" or whatever other bullshit people want to come up with to justify their own lack of compassion for anyone outside their own social/class/national/racial group.

Many of these worstcunts are angry as f**k, and may well be for the next four years. Fucking good. Right up you, you racist c***s.

Joe Biden might not be the greatest President of all time. He might not single-handedly erase inequality, racism and all that is wrong with the world.

For now, though, he is a ray of light in a dark period. Fucking well done, Joe. 👍


On 08/11/2020 at 13:09, GordonS said:

In the long run, if all Biden achieves in 4 years is to take the heat out of American politics, get the government functioning like a normal country, get a decent climate change plan going and shift Senate Republicans out of their Comrade Nyet behaviour, that could be enough. America's still in a dark place.

This is pretty much how I feel about the election result. This was the most important election for years due to the global power that America holds, for better or for worse. Trump being elected legitimised a lot of views that some absolutely vile people had, and him being in power and appealing to them emboldened them to spout their bile without fear of reprisals. If someone like him was in power in arguably the most powerful nation on Earth then it effectively meant that other countries with loathsome populists in them could go "if it's good enough for them then it'll do us just fine". This is a rejection of this type of politics as a whole and the countries of the fascists mentioned above will be starting to shit themselves knowing that they can't cosy up to America any longer. Boris must be absolutely shitting himself knowing that his pal Donald won't give him a reasonable trade deal now, and knowing that Biden won't allow him to tear up the Good Friday Agreement. I also hope this is the beginning of the end of political "strategists" such as Cummings with their wacky ideas about shaking everything up and throwing the rulebook away just to benefit themselves. 

Biden wasn't my first choice for who I'd have liked to have seen in the oval office. However I believe he's fairly safe, has a decent moral compass as far as a lot of yank politicians go, and will let things return to a semblance of normality. None of those things can be said about the current incumbent and I absolutely cannot wait to bask in the delight that will be his very public downfall as Melania divorces him, Deutsche Bank call in their huge loans with him that he personally guaranteed, and the SDNY indict him for tax fraud dating from just after the 2008 crash when he claimed back over $100m in tax relief. For a man who's only ever cared about himself and not being a loser, I hope that he lives to a ripe old age and rots away in a jail cell, left only with his fading memories about when he was at the top of the tree - while deep down everyone knows he's the biggest loser of all.

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44 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Must have ether refused permission to nuke philly or asked him to accept the result

He spoke out about using troops to quash BLM related protests.






Edited by Granny Danger
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Hang on, maybe a bit late, but GO TRUMPY!


Trump also publicly lambasted Pentagon leadership in September, accusing them of seeking to fight wars in order to boost the profits of defense contractors.

Maybe more to do with Senators and Representatives pork-barrelling, but nonetheless...


Edited by welshbairn
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This article from The Independent on the Four Seasons fiasco is pure gold. I’ll put it in a spoiler because it’s so long. 



It began, as all good 2020 capers do, with a tweet from the president of the United States. It ended with his personal lawyer in the parking lot of a landscaping company, struggling to be heard over a man in his underpants shouting about George Soros.

They say a star burns brightest just before it dies, and this was the Trump presidency in all its flaming glory.

For five straight days, the world had waited for news, any news, from Pennsylvania, which for all of that time had been expected to imminently decide the winner of a bitter election. The president had spent much of the intervening period making grave and entirely unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud, but even so he was unusually quiet.  

"Lawyers Press Conference at Four Seasons, Philadelphia. 11:00 A.M," he wrote to his 88 million followers on Saturday morning.

Journalists from around the world who had gathered in Philadelphia, most of whom had spent the last four days transfixed by moving maps on CNN, were eager for stimulation, and perhaps as a side note to see evidence of massive election fraud the president and his lawyers had alleged.

I sprang into action immediately, gathered my things, and was heading out of the door towards the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Philadelphia when the next tweet came.

“Big press conference today in Philadelphia at Four Seasons Total Landscaping — 11:30am!”

Some mistake, I thought. A presidential typo? We’d seen worse over the last four years. Remember Covfefe?

I did a quick Google search. There was indeed a place called Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia, but it was a small business in a drab industrial area on the edge of town. I struggled to think of any reason why the president’s lawyers would hold their press conference here, at this establishment, with its 3.1 star rating on Google reviews.

I decided to call the Four Seasons Hotel, from whom I was sure I would get confirmation that this press conference was indeed being held on their premises — perhaps in a grand ballroom or conference room.

A woman answered — she was primed: I was obviously not the first person to call.

“Yes there has been some confusion about this,” she said politely. “The press conference is not taking place here, it is taking place at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.”

t’s hard to explain the confusion I experienced as I sped along the highway out of downtown Philadelphia towards Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Was this one last act of revenge by the president against the lying fake news media while he still had our enrapt attention? Was it a ruse to get all the journalists out of town for when the results were announced?

Truth be told, it didn’t matter. However this turned out, Four Seasons Total Landscaping was the story now.

I arrived to see a media scrum around a chain link fence that led into the parking lot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping. The building itself was one-storey, with a neat lawn and a row of hedges at the front. It was in that part of town that every town has, where businesses which have no right being grouped together nonetheless gather due to one reason or another — usually the cheap rent. Across the street from Four Seasons Total Landscaping was a crematorium. Next door to it was an adult book store with a bright yellow sign that displayed its offerings: DVDs and lotions, novelty gifts, viewing booths. It was called Fantasy Island. In retrospect, it was an omen of what was to come.

The media was told to line up outside while the press conference was prepared. Journalists from Japan, Germany and Britain took their place as a crowd of Trump supporters gathered around them.

I approached a man named Ron, who held a sign that read: “Biden Laptop Matters.” Since we were about to hear from the president’s lawyers about how this election was stolen, I wanted to hear what he thought about the process.

“What they did is they got ‘em fearful with corona, and once they got them in a fearful state, they suppressed them, they funelled all the ballots through mail-in, where they controlled that process, they can manipulate better,” he said.

As we waited outside Four Seasons Total Landscaping, we began to wonder what had led us to this point. Had a Trump campaign booked the wrong Four Seasons and diverted to the landscaping company as a quick fix? Was the owner of the business a witness to this massive voter fraud the president was alleging?

The day after the event, a cryptic Facebook post by the owners of Four Seasons Total Landscaping revealed little about how this all came to be.

“Four Seasons Total Landscaping is a family-owned small business run by life long Philadelphians. We were honoured to be asked to host a press conference at our facility. We thank all of those that have shown support for our business and while we understand the negative comments, it saddens us that we have received such harsh judgement. Our team at Four Seasons would have proudly hosted any presidential candidate’s campaign at our business. We strongly believe in America and in democracy” they said, before adding that they would soon be selling T-shirts on their website.

One journalist remarked that the entire episode was beginning to acquire a Muammar Gaddafi flavour to it. When Nato powers started to bomb Tripoli in support of Libyan rebels and it appeared the leader was on his last legs, he emerged briefly from hiding riding a golf cart and holding an oversized umbrella. It was intended to project perseverance and strength — it had the opposite effect.

Private security guards hired by the president’s lawyers began to call in media outlets by name so they could enter the parking lot. When a media outlet was called, the gathered Trump supporters booed those which they felt had been unfair to the president. “Washington Post”.. “Boooo.” “Fox News”.... “Boooooo!” “CNN” “BOOOOOOOO!”

This was an American pantomime.

In the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot the cameras were assembled, the sound levels checked, the pens were poised and the gates were closed. The world’s press waited for the evidence that would blow this big scam wide open. The sun shone brightly.

Then, out of nowhere, a journalist with a European accent announced the news: “CNN called the presidency for Biden!”

The assembled journalists were paralysed for a moment. Phones started to ring and calls were made. Some were given instructions to leave and started to do so.

Soon after, the sound of car horns honking and cheers in the street began to drift into the backlot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

A car with a young Black woman named Jada Carter stopped in front of the Trump supporters. She screamed at the top of her lungs: “Black lives matter! Black lives matter!” A flag with a picture of Donald Trump’s head superimposed onto the body of Rocky Balboa fluttered in the wind as she cried out.

Just a few minutes later Rudy Giuliani appeared. This was the second press conference Mr Giuliani had called in Philadelphia in a matter of days, both to make unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud. The first took place at an airport hangar.

The president’s personal lawyer was serious and solemn as he took his place at the podium, in front of a garage door covered with Trump campaign posters and a bright yellow hose pipe attached to the wall.  

“I’m here to describe to you the first part of a situation that is very troubling,” he began. He went on to claim that dead people were still voting in Philadelphia.

“Joe Frazier is still voting here. Also Will Smith’s father voted here twice since he died.”

He said he had brought with him a number of poll watchers who alleged that they had been blocked from monitoring the vote count. When they spoke, however, their complaint appeared to centre around how far they had been asked to stand away from the counting process. Not the evidence of massive fraud Mr Giuliani or the president had promised.

Amid all the drama of the last 30 minutes, it appeared no one had told him that Joe Biden had been projected the winner of the election. A member of the press asked him how these lawsuits would overturn the call for the former vice president.

“Who was it called by?”

“All of them,” came the response.

Mr Giuliani took a moment before erupting in mock incredulity: “All the networks? Wow! All the networks!” He raised out his arms and looked to the sky, for a moment looking and sounding like Larry David doing a bit. But the wind had been sucked out of him. The smile had gone.

I walked out onto the street, where more Biden supporters had gathered across the road. A Trump supporter in his underwear and a Biden mask pulled up over his head (who appeared to be dressed as an embodiment of Trump’s insult “Sleepy Joe Biden”) shouted: “Who pays for all that? Who pays for it all. George Soros! George Soros! Tell your daughter who George Soros is ***! Give her a real education. Look it up!”

Next to him, a man wearing an American flag suit and hat, and a full Donald Trump mask, stood silently and still. Even the mask he wore seemed to wear a dejected expression.    

Across the road, Kelisha Carter was jubilant. She had come down with two of her daughters and a giant Biden flag to soak up the atmosphere.  

“Relief! There’s some hope coming. God, I prayed for this,” she said, when asked how she felt about the victory.

“It’s not even that I don’t like that man, I just don’t like his tactics,” she said of Mr Trump. “He just divides everybody. He brings the racists out of the closet. It’s scary for Black people, it’s scary for a lot of people. I have daughters and I have a husband that goes out every day and I want him to come home at night.”

Her daughter Jada, who had earlier argued with the Trump supporters from her car, was too excited to stand still. She performed a backflip in the middle of the road. 

The owner of the Fantasy Island adult book store had come out onto his porch to watch the circus. He stood and stared in disbelief until a customer jolted him awake again.

“Are you open?”

“Yes,” he said, before following him inside. 

It felt like an ending.


Edited by The Master
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Lord RacistLooney keeps digging in an attempted explanation........

He told the Press Association: “I’m very fond of India myself, I’m a member of the British India all-party group, I have two Indians (tenants) in my flats here in London and there’s nothing racist in it whatsoever.”


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