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I didn't know they were in that!


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On 25/01/2024 at 18:22, Miguel Sanchez said:

Jigsaw's protege from the Saw films 

The X-Files #209 - Firewalker (Episode)

Vaguely remember him being in Saving Private Ryan but I particularly recall him being in 7EVEN, the guy who is made to wear a strap on/blade codpiece type contraption by Kevin Spacey and do the hooker with it, naturally gouging her to death with it.... you don't actually see him do it, just the aftermath and his horror at describing being made to do it with a gun at his head, an absolutely horrific scene that is all about the mental imagery. 

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I only discovered earlier, purely by chance that the recently deceased Frederic Cooper, who played 'Chef' in Apocalypse Now was also the Nazi racist nutcase Surplus Store owner in Falling Down who's prize possession is an empty tin of Zyklon B and takes great pleasure wondering aloud to Michael Douglas how many Jews it would have killed. 



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On 19/01/2024 at 20:16, mathematics said:

Catching up with Narcos and see that Battlestar’s Admiral William Adama is Javi’s dad. I like him. He has a good face.

Edward James Olmos is magnificent. Fantastic of course as Adama but I think his Detective Lieutenant Castillo not coming close to breaking into a smile once in Miami Vice shades it......


Edited by KingRocketman II
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