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What gives you a bad dose of appalling nasty farts?


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Today for my lunch, a couple of generously peppered slices of roasted cheese (f**k y’all) and a cup of coffee resulted in some hot, pungent farts being produced which led to in Mrs Mile giving me a look that could kill and the issue of a threat to cancel Christmas in 8mile Manor; 

So this got me wondering - Is there anything in particular in the diets of P&Bers that makes your erses offensively foul to the point it upsets your loved ones?

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Pickled onions. Bought a jar of the chippy ones (Gold Star or something) from Aldi the other week and munched my way through half the jar whilst working. That evening my farts were probably worse than I can ever remember them being, absolutely barking.

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Granola or lentil soup
Granola is horrendous for that.

Also peas. Any type. However I remember working on Handa years ago. No electricity so you could only really use tinned or dried food. So we took a big bag of dried peas. Soaked them and made a huge pot of mushy peas. So the morning after in the room was horrific. Ten folk after beer and mushy peas. It took ages to clear.
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I've had my stomach out and I can safely say that my farts and shits are beyond anything you can possibly imagine. It sticks to the walls for hours. I fart in the motor at night and when I get in again in the morning it would make you fucking sick 

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50 minutes ago, UAE1929 said:

Cheese in general causes havoc, so much so that I am beginning to think I may have an intolerance. Tastes bloody great though, so it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.  

I realised recently the same things happens to me. 
I have chosen to give up and it's even worse now whenever I have some. Shame the vegan alternatives are truly atrocious. 

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1 hour ago, 8MileBU said:

Today for my lunch, a couple of generously peppered slices of roasted cheese (f**k y’all) and a cup of coffee resulted in some hot, pungent farts being produced which led to in Mrs Mile giving me a look that could kill and the issue of a threat to cancel Christmas in 8mile Manor; 

So this got me wondering - Is there anything in particular in the diets of P&Bers that makes your erses offensively foul to the point it upsets your loved ones?

They have the texture of fucking cardboard, however: 

Ryvita Cracked Black Pepper Crispbreads with a spreading of Seriously Strong smokey cheddar are absolutely lethal. I used to have 4 or 5 of these as an afternoon snack at work and by the time I got home I was producing farts that could be tested as biological weapons, much to my OH's permanent seethe.

I had to stop eating the fuckers at lunchtimes as I was getting the sweats holding farts in at meetings, gym classes and on one awkward occasion, an appeal tribunal where i has to excuse myself to go to the toilet to release an almighty multi-tone fart. The most disturbing aspect was that i was never entirely confident it was 'just' going to be a fart. 

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Also, I went through a phase a long time ago where my insides smelled like burning tar. I emptied my place of work when a fartette squeaked out and the boss decided the building was on fire.

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25 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

We deserved the 'rona. 

You'd no doubt have loved Murph's Pakora Bar that used to be a fixture in the west end of Glasgow then which basically served anything they could douse in gram flour batter and deep fry...I think at one point they had about 30-40 different types on offer...random stuff like aubergine, smoked sausage, garlic prawns, cheese....

...and egg.

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