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Merry Christmas

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Merry Xmas cuntos. 

We're going to my parents for the day - they've had a pure shite year with Dad having had a bowel tumour removed, then broken his hip, so it'll be brilliant to spend some proper time with them. We're getting a takeaway curry for xmas dinner. Glorious. 

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Merry Christmas everyone. After this utter shitshow of a year I hope everyone can enjoy today.

We were supposed to be cooking dinner for my in-laws but my mrs now has to self isolate until the end of next week.

Means it’s now just me, the mrs and our 2 month old wee one which should be good fun. This will be our first attempt at cooking Christmas dinner ourselves so it’s nice that the pressure of cooking for others is now off. 

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8 hours ago, Tynierose said:

I hope everyone has a great Christmas, its been a shit year so let's hope this is the start of something better.

What's everyone doing for Xmas, I have the inlaws and my mother round, hopefully departing early so I can focus on getting gassed.

Have a great day...

Merry Christmas fella 

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8 hours ago, Tynierose said:

I hope everyone has a great Christmas, its been a shit year so let's hope this is the start of something better.

What's everyone doing for Xmas, I have the inlaws and my mother round, hopefully departing early so I can focus on getting gassed.

Have a great day...

Just the 3 of us today, tomorrow might be more exciting, we're either going to my stepdaughter's or she's coming here. Hope it's the former, as there is more room in her house for her youngsters to create mayhem.

Anyway, Merry Chtistmas to all!

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3 hours ago, Eednud said:

Christmas in the Riverland staying at the mother-in-law’s. For the first time it was decided we’d go out for Christmas lunch and a great time was had by all at Nonya’s in the Renmark Hotel. More than enough to eat and everyone is reasonably merry, except for designated drivers. Probably have a snooze before having a few beers tonight. Looking forward to heading home to Adelaide but that is not soon enough for my liking.  

Merry Christmas fellow PnBers. 🎄🎄🍺🎅🏻🦘🍻🍻🍻

You could always pick up some wine when you're there.

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Merry christmas, this has been a shit year, im looking forward to a day of happiness before nights. Thanks to the people of p&b of all different points of view etc who’ve helped me cope through such a rotten time with info, speculation and shite banter, this is a community as well as a forum and i wish you all the best for 2021. 

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Merry Christmas to everyone, I know I can rub people up the wrong way & generally be a bit of an angry dick when I am in the grip of despair & depression but the real me will do anything to help anyone. Hopefully the next year will see more highs than lows for all of us, have a good day cuntos & cheers to all who helped others through a shite year.

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Happy Christmas everyone.

Was supposed to be coming back home for Christmas this year, were it not for the Unpleasantness currently going on. So instead I’ll be celebrating with my in-laws. Very grateful to have family to spend it with, it is not lost on me that many will spend the day without family at all.

Desperately hoping that by Christmas 2021, coronavirus is nothing more than a memory to us all.

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Had originally planned to go to my younger brother and his husband's house. Parents were going to go as were my older brother and his new wife.

Due to the restrictions I can't do that now so will just be me in my flat. 

Had an average Christmas w**k (choked myself with tinsel whilst doing it*) and now having a Christmas shite (wiping with tinsel**).

Will clean the flat after breakfast then play some Xbox. Got a nice chicken for later and some pigs in blankets. Will also make some roast potatoes. Got a Toblerone cheesecake for later on as well. Will watch some films I imagine, nap at some point, more Xbox and possibly have another shite.


*I didn't actually do this. It was just a regular w**k.

**I also didn't do this. Regular toilet paper was used.

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