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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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@Ziggy defeats pleslie999 by resignation.

checkmate was imminent so I fell on my own sword. Wasn’t even close in the end. Would be surprised if Ziggy didn’t drop a point this season. Well played sir! Look forward to my pumping later in the season 😂

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Division A Round 6

Beef goes with his favourite Caro-Kann, we get into a closed position where I have all the room to move and he just has a pile of black pawns on white squares to hide behind and his position gets picked apart.

AimHere beats beef2711 by checkmate.

Edited by Aim Here
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12 hours ago, pleslie99 said:

@Ziggy defeats pleslie999 by resignation.

checkmate was imminent so I fell on my own sword. Wasn’t even close in the end. Would be surprised if Ziggy didn’t drop a point this season. Well played sir! Look forward to my pumping later in the season 😂

Thanks for the game mate.

I think you resigned a few moves early. I was winning but there was still a chance I could have fallen for a back rank mate.

I might have played on until my opponent played h6 or g6 to allow their king an escape route.


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3 hours ago, Ziggy said:

Thanks for the game mate.

I think you resigned a few moves early. I was winning but there was still a chance I could have fallen for a back rank mate.

I might have played on until my opponent played h6 or g6 to allow their king an escape route.


I’m pretty sure It was mate in 2 or 3, your Bishop had my king stuck in a corner so a check off your rock was devastating. I was never going to get to the back rank to worry you. 

in other news another defeat, this time to the_kid1433. Another one I was never in, analysis shows I only made 1 blunder, however my opponent played a pretty flawless game. Well played!

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Division B, Round 8 

Another typical caution-to-the-wind, attack like mad and never mind the casualties match with mackieboz/Stellaboz. This one saw mutually-assured reginacide within the first few moves followed by a purge of the clergy leaving us equal on cavalry, fancy houses and most of our workers still intact. We pretty much traded piece for piece until IncomingExile managed to get the better combination of positions with the remaining rook and knight pushing mackie's king towards my unadvanced pawns. 

Incoming Exile wins by checkmate, another really enjoyable match against mackieboz. Look forward to the return fixture. 

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9 minutes ago, ancientnoise said:

Div A - Game 7

Aim Here (black) beats ancientnoise by resignation.

Best of luck @Aim Herein all your chessing.


The resignation was surely premature - even after your blunder, the position was drawn. I consider those three points of mine (or at least two of them) well and truly stolen!

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Division A, Round 8

Mathematics blunders a bishop, and I make the wrong decision to protect a 7th-rank pawn rather than keep the material advantage, and our mistakes cancel down to a drawn endgame. It was a fun, tricky game.

AimHere and PnBMathematics draw by agreement.

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8 hours ago, Aim Here said:

Division A, Round 8

Mathematics blunders a bishop, and I make the wrong decision to protect a 7th-rank pawn rather than keep the material advantage, and our mistakes cancel down to a drawn endgame. It was a fun, tricky game.

AimHere and PnBMathematics draw by agreement.

I was genuinely expecting a ratings boost, having drawn with a player with a significantly better rating. Alas, chess.com hits hard.

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