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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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10 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

Stuffy game until the late midgame where joes King got stuck in an awkward position and my queen and rook took advantage of that by defending the lines. 

Well played - I maybe should have seen that checkmate coming but was tying myself in knots trying to attack your well defended King and was completely oblivious!

7 hours ago, BaSeDG0DSA1NT said:

apologies to my opponent for not making a game out of this one but will try harder next game. All the best

Not at all mate - Queen blunder was always going to make it a really tricky game for you to get back into.  I look forward to the rematch.

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20 hours ago, IncomingExile said:

Division B Round 4

A win by checkmate for N5 Spur in the Not Really North London Derby. A fairly steady start, I thought, and then the defensive strategy went out of the window and I ended up regularly losing pieces throughout the game. Outcome was never in doubt but I decided to hold on while I still had a rook in play, so a resignation would have been on its way but not needed in the end. 

Look forward to the return match. 

I think the early taking of one of your knights changed much - the one piece of material difference opened up the game, and once my knight forked your castles, that was the start of the end.

Always a good game, thanks, good luck with the rest of the league and likewise looking forward to the return.

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16 hours ago, Ken Deans said:

Great middle play from Arabjoe. Mated easy. Another tough season ahead

Not if that game is anything to go by - you were up on points and had me on the ropes for 40 moves and I was literally in hail mary territory when I offered up the check/Queen swap in the slim hope that you'd miss that (which luckily for me, you did).  If you'd swapped Queens then, I'd likely have resigned.

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Div B


XCTR94 beats MarkF by resignation.


close game until a a knight check revealed his queen to my rook and I think my opponent felt there wasn’t much wiggle room for a fight back. 

Well played. 

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28 minutes ago, Ken Deans said:

pleslie smashes KenDeans by resignation.  2 pawns  down never recovered. Well played

Well played mate, wasn’t much in it, that pawn blunder at the end was the difference! 

in other news, not sure if it’s already been posted but markf268 beat pleslie999 by resignation. Too many blunders by me! Well played 

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12 hours ago, free beer said:


@Aim Here beats @free beer by resignation.


Congratulations to @Aim Here- the P&B Cup Champion!


Besides the prestige, you are now owed a  packet of these:


Well done Aim Here, and thanks to all who took part.


Edited by ancientnoise
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Division B, Round 6. 

No surprise as Ziggy The Spider defeats Incoming Exile, who threw the towel in with Spider's rooks and queen closing in on an exposed king. Not for the first time, the comment was made that I was too defensive in setting up, so I'll try to work on that. Thanks for the game, are we going to see a second invincible Division B champion in a row?  

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And another....... Division B Round 5. 

The kid defeats IncomingExile by resignation. A poor opening allowed the kid's queen to do a lot of early damage and it was fairly steady from there. With two bishops and a knight versus a dwindling number of pawns it was all over. Well played, see you in round 16.

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50 minutes ago, IncomingExile said:

And another....... Division B Round 5. 

The kid defeats IncomingExile by resignation. A poor opening allowed the kid's queen to do a lot of early damage and it was fairly steady from there. With two bishops and a knight versus a dwindling number of pawns it was all over. Well played, see you in round 16.

Thanks for the match mate.  The match really was decided on that exchange on your queenside.  Luckily for me I came out on top then just started simplifying.

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Division A

Curmudgeon beats Dandies by resignation.

The game took a bit of a wild turn early on when Dandies tried the fried liver attack. The result was both kings left unable to castle and me eventually a piece up.

The contest was probably over later when the king and queen was conveniently lined up on the same file just asking for a rook to attack.

GG, enjoyed it.

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Div B Round 6

Arabjoe vs The_kid1433 - the kid beats arabjoe by resignation

Lots of early equal trades. absolutely nothing in this one,  so much so that I offered an early draw when i felt that the position was fairly even but joe had prevented me from castleing leaving me with less king safety.  

but then when I got a rook on the 7th rank that kept your rook isolated I got a few forcing moves out and picked up some pawns.

look forward to the return leg

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Division A Round 4

PurpleKangaroo89 got the best of the opening and I was in trouble with an unsafe king with two rooks pointed at it, but managed to dig out of the hole and get him in a checkmate-as-soon-as-he-runs-out-of-checks attack.

AimHere beats PurpleKangaroo89 by resignation.

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