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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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Just went through the analysis of my game with @GordonS from yesterday. The analysis confused me a bit with what it says is a mistake or blunder, tbh. I also think I maybe sold myself short in saying I didn't see the endgame until I was in it.

This move is where I saw that f7 was the key square for me.


I can accept the computer's view that this is a mistake, but I had seen that I could draw in the d and f pawns then use my knight to draw in his and open up f7 to my rook.

What I really don't agree with, is the view that this move is a blunder


in my view, I was strengthening my hold on f7 by having pressure on it from queen, bishop and rook, using bishop to check would have been premature.

Next, it thinks I should have checked with bishop rather than queen.


Again, I don't agree with this, the reason being that getting out of check would have taken the king on to green, which weakens the effect of the white bishop I had applying pressure.

Can anyone see any clear reasons that I shouldn't have made any of these moves?

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12 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Just went through the analysis of my game with @GordonS from yesterday. The analysis confused me a bit with what it says is a mistake or blunder, tbh. I also think I maybe sold myself short in saying I didn't see the endgame until I was in it.

Can anyone see any clear reasons that I shouldn't have made any of these moves?

Okay, so for the blunder (which wasn't a blunder as in a fatal error, but a missed opportunity) I guess firstly it wasn't premature to check with the bishop. You'd have taken away his castling rights, leaving his king stranded in the middle and under a lot of threats.

Furthermore, one the king moves to e7 (Kf8 is terrible as you can put him in check with the rook with Bd5 and picking up the knight and attacking the room, Kd7 is mate in three) you can move Qg4, threatening a swift mate after Qe6 Kf4, Bh6. To prevent this black must move to d4, capturing the pawn in the process. However now your queen can capture the knight on e4 allowing the bishop to skewer the queen through the king via g5. That all sounds very complicated, and it is, but hopefully the image will be easier to follow.



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4 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

Okay, so for the blunder (which wasn't a blunder as in a fatal error, but a missed opportunity) I guess firstly it wasn't premature to check with the bishop. You'd have taken away his castling rights, leaving his king stranded in the middle and under a lot of threats.

Furthermore, one the king moves to e7 (Kf8 is terrible as you can put him in check with the rook with Bd5 and picking up the knight and attacking the room, Kd7 is mate in three) you can move Qg4, threatening a swift mate after Qe6 Kf4, Bh6. To prevent this black must move to d4, capturing the pawn in the process. However now your queen can capture the knight on e4 allowing the bishop to skewer the queen through the king via g5. That all sounds very complicated, and it is, but hopefully the image will be easier to follow.



Thanks. That makes sense, I think! Definitely shows that I've got a lot to learn!

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1 minute ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Thanks. That makes sense, I think! Definitely shows that I've got a lot to learn!

Aye, I needed the engine to fathom the nuance. I probably wouldn't have found it over the board. They do say though that every move you should look at checks, captures and attacks, in that order. (Although Michal Tal did say that his first thought in every situation was "how do I sacrifice my queen?" but he was on another plane of existence.) If you allow black another move before checking then he can castle and hide his king in the corner from where he can organise some defence. If he's out in the open it's a different story.

It's easy to over analyse though. Your move wasn't a bad one, it just wasn't the best one, and I think at the level the majority of us are at that's perfectly okay. I was watching Anna Rudolf the other week and she was saying to her student "I don't care if you miss the mate in three, as long as you get the mate in twenty-three!". These analytical tools are great to tinker around with but they don't encourage beginners by shouting "BLUNDER!" when they make a move that still improves their position.

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Aye, I needed the engine to fathom the nuance. I probably wouldn't have found it over the board. They do say though that every move you should look at checks, captures and attacks, in that order. (Although Michal Tal did say that his first thought in every situation was "how do I sacrifice my queen?" but he was on another plane of existence.) If you allow black another move before checking then he can castle and hide his king in the corner from where he can organise some defence. If he's out in the open it's a different story.

It's easy to over analyse though. Your move wasn't a bad one, it just wasn't the best one, and I think at the level the majority of us are at that's perfectly okay. I was watching Anna Rudolf the other week and she was saying to her student "I don't care if you miss the mate in three, as long as you get the mate in twenty-three!". These analytical tools are great to tinker around with but they don't encourage beginners by shouting "BLUNDER!" when they make a move that still improves their position.
I made the point last week about the engine - the best rated play may be that perfect 16 moves ahead mate but if you can take the opponent's Queen in 5 moves it will mean the game is over.
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2 hours ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Just went through the analysis of my game with @GordonS from yesterday. The analysis confused me a bit with what it says is a mistake or blunder, tbh. I also think I maybe sold myself short in saying I didn't see the endgame until I was in it.

This move is where I saw that f7 was the key square for me.


You're right, because if you'd come in with the bishop without the queen I could have organised a defence. The queen coming in meant I couldn't just castle - it only delayed checkmate by a couple of moves - or move to to f8, because Qf7 was checkmate. I had looked at a few of your games before we played and nothing suggested you were the fkn chess god I faced. So I moved the knight over to give me something to hide behind, buy time, create covered spaces on that side and hope you'd make a mistake. I thought you'd got distracted and had put the bishop on a double attack on my rook and knight, which gave me hope, but you were just cutting inside for the mate.

I went through the analysis and I agree the engine is wrong here, it gives you a good suggestion for scaring the bejeesus out of me and capturing stuff, but not of ending it.

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NotThePars defeats markf268
A very cagey opening from both sides with big reluctance to make the first move. Mark made the initial presses and scored some direct big hits that could've caused a collapse but also dragged his backline out of position in the process which opened them up to some devastating counterattacks. From there it was the positioning of both sides that gradually determined the outcome but there were 2-3 tactical manoeuvres that I nearly completely missed that would've thrown the game back in Mark's favour but I was fortunate (or lucky!) enough to spot them and retain control.
A lot of fun and genuinely looking forward to the rematch. Think it could go either way again.
Enjoyable game - thought that I had myself in front but then tried to push it a bit too much causing it to be brought back. Attempt at stalemating the game at the end didn't work!
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Bri1962 defeats flamingala01 Division B round 5 checkmate.

Was wondering what was coming when F01 opened with pawn to g4 followed by bishop to g2 had to think long and hard to see what he was up to but got on top early on and managed the win, G'day .

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12 hours ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Just went through the analysis of my game with @GordonS from yesterday. The analysis confused me a bit with what it says is a mistake or blunder, tbh. I also think I maybe sold myself short in saying I didn't see the endgame until I was in it.

This move is where I saw that f7 was the key square for me.


I can accept the computer's view that this is a mistake, but I had seen that I could draw in the d and f pawns then use my knight to draw in his and open up f7 to my rook.

What I really don't agree with, is the view that this move is a blunder


in my view, I was strengthening my hold on f7 by having pressure on it from queen, bishop and rook, using bishop to check would have been premature.

Next, it thinks I should have checked with bishop rather than queen.


Again, I don't agree with this, the reason being that getting out of check would have taken the king on to green, which weakens the effect of the white bishop I had applying pressure.

Can anyone see any clear reasons that I shouldn't have made any of these moves?

Yeah the computer is correct in all 3 cases (although I maybe wouldn’t class the 2nd two as blunders))

The 2nd and 3rd would be sensible moves if it wasn’t for the fact that there are better moves.

What makes moves like Bxf7 better is their directness. You gain time as your opponent has to get out of check.

Sometimes a slower move allows your opponent to castle, defend, counter attack etc.




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[mention=28480]eindhovendee[/mention] I will join our game once I have finished the other one. I can't concentrate on 2 games at once bud.
Sorry, I've been out all day hiking and might be busy until tomorrow. Just keep an eye if you have the app.
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43 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:
2 hours ago, johnnydun said:
[mention=28480]eindhovendee[/mention] I will join our game once I have finished the other one. I can't concentrate on 2 games at once bud.

Sorry, I've been out all day hiking and might be busy until tomorrow. Just keep an eye if you have the app.

No rush mate.

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35 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

Strachanovski beats RicheyEdwards by resignation. 

Good game, but no way back for me in the end.

Cheers Richey, a relegation 50 mover dog-fight blood bath. I couldn't concentrate on it properly on Saturday as I was too seething/raging about McPake.

Thank you.

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15 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Cheers Richey, a relegation 50 mover dog-fight blood bath. I couldn't concentrate on it properly on Saturday as I was too seething/raging about McPake.

Thank you.

It was an exciting game. I thought I almost had you beat at one point, but you turned it around. 

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41 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Cheers Richey, a relegation 50 mover dog-fight blood bath. I couldn't concentrate on it properly on Saturday as I was too seething/raging about McPake.

Thank you.


I too understand this mate. Now his incompetence is having an effect on the Chess league, I say we pay the chunt a visit.

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