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How Do We Solve a Problem Like Obesity?

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2 hours ago, coprolite said:

I agree that's what would work best for most people. There's no one size fits all though and some people will genuinely be put off by the thought of the more healthy options. If it works for someone to just eat less shite then they should do that.  

Are they above seven years of age? If so then their whining can be safely filed in the fucking bin where it belongs then.

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8 minutes ago, virginton said:

Are they above seven years of age? If so then their whining can be safely filed in the fucking bin where it belongs then.

Yes, this ‘people might just not want to eat healthy food’ stance is just complete and utter bollocks. It’s simply not acceptable for someone who’s obese to complain in any way about it whilst they are taking precisely no action to resolving it through either exercising a lot more, or not stuffing their face with a large pizza every night.

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Lots of people in this country eat like children. They aren’t given different foods to eat as a child and they just carry that into adulthood. Their palate doesn’t develop and they don’t learn to deal with complex or nuanced flavours. So if you try to give them food that isn’t laden with fat or sugar they can’t deal with it. This is also why you often find very overweight people are extremely picky eaters, as counter intuitive as that sounds. I have a friend who is hugely overweight and he is massively persnickety about everything he eats, it has to be a certain type or brand or very specific. He has specific issues that contribute to his weight as well though.

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4 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Just eating less shite will never work for someone though. They’ll still be huge.

That's not true, there are plenty of skinny people that wouldn't know a healthy meal if it smacked them in the face. 

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40 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Lots of people in this country eat like children. They aren’t given different foods to eat as a child and they just carry that into adulthood. Their palate doesn’t develop and they don’t learn to deal with complex or nuanced flavours. So if you try to give them food that isn’t laden with fat or sugar they can’t deal with it. This is also why you often find very overweight people are extremely picky eaters, as counter intuitive as that sounds. I have a friend who is hugely overweight and he is massively persnickety about everything he eats, it has to be a certain type or brand or very specific. He has specific issues that contribute to his weight as well though.

I agree with this to an extent but as a non fat picky eater I'd question how much choice you have in the matter. My mum used to cook loads, most meals done from scratch and as a youngster I ate what she made for me but as I've grown up I have a shite palate, is it really something you can train away? You said training to deal with complex/nuanced flavours which just reads strange to me, it could be scientifically accurate which I'd be intrigued to know more on? 

I don't think I could train my tastebuds to like onions and garlic. 

ETA - Had a quick google and I'm very content with this explanation. 

"People who have a lot of papillae—the bumps on our tongue, most of which house our taste buds—often find flavors overwhelming. They’re “supertasters,” and as such they add cream to their coffee and order food mild instead of spicy. Subtasters, on the other hand, have low papillae density and prefer their chicken wings “atomic.”


Edited by Stormzy
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1 minute ago, Stormzy said:

I agree with this to an extent but as a non fat picky eater I'd question how much choice you have in the matter. My mum used to cook loads, most meals done from scratch and as a youngster I ate what she made for me but as I've grown up I have a shite palate, is it really something you can train away? You said training to deal with complex/nuanced flavours which just reads strange to me, it could be scientifically accurate which I'd be intrigued to know more on? 

I don't think I could train my tastebuds to like onions and garlic. 

Eating more varied flavours more often will change your palate. Avoid processed foods and avoid a lot of sugar. Eat something that will cleanse your palate every now and then too (bananas, sorbets, things like that). If you eat the same thing all the time your palate gets used to it and will make new foods taste weird. 

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11 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

That's not true, there are plenty of skinny people that wouldn't know a healthy meal if it smacked them in the face. 

This is true, there definitely are. These people either exercise lots, don’t eat large quantities or have a particularly fast metabolism (in which case lucky them). Either way they are in a calorie deficit (or at a maintenance level).

If a person is predisposed to gaining weight faster than someone else then they can’t eat as much as that other person. Simple as that really.


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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Lots of people in this country eat like children. They aren’t given different foods to eat as a child and they just carry that into adulthood. Their palate doesn’t develop and they don’t learn to deal with complex or nuanced flavours. So if you try to give them food that isn’t laden with fat or sugar they can’t deal with it. This is also why you often find very overweight people are extremely picky eaters, as counter intuitive as that sounds. I have a friend who is hugely overweight and he is massively persnickety about everything he eats, it has to be a certain type or brand or very specific. He has specific issues that contribute to his weight as well though.

I have a mate like this. On a trip to watch Scotland in Germany we were walking along a street in Düsseldorf looking for dinner and we walked past roughly 10-15 different restaurants checking the menu and he rejected every single one because it didn’t have a plain burger on the menu. Eventually we just ignored his mewling and went into an Italian place. He got a burger, but because there was some mystery herb in the burger he was basically gagging trying to eat it. The next day he got a tub of ice cream because wafer cones “have too much flavour”. 

When asking him why he feels repulsed by any new food, he just says “burgers/steaks are all I’ve ever had”, so assume his mum just fed him a rustlers every night of childhood. Disgraceful stuff really, and unsurprisingly he’s the size of a detached 2 bed.

Unfortunately I used to have patience for this sort of behaviour but it’s long gone now.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Lots of people in this country eat like children.

Missed the 'like' in that sentence when skimming.

Satanic panic conspiracy would've made an interesting diversion, but I suppose we have a thread for that.

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1 hour ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

This is true, there definitely are. These people either exercise lots, don’t eat large quantities or have a particularly fast metabolism (in which case lucky them). Either way they are in a calorie deficit (or at a maintenance level).

If a person is predisposed to gaining weight faster than someone else then they can’t eat as much as that other person. Simple as that really.


Someone who has gained 3 stone in the previous year having eaten a 12" pepperoni pizza everyday would lose weight if they changed it for an 8" one. 

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1 hour ago, ayrmad said:

Someone who has gained 3 stone in the previous year having eaten a 12" pepperoni pizza everyday would lose weight if they changed it for an 8" one. 

Not if the 8" one still had them in calorie excess. They would slow the weight gain but not reverse it.

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I have a mate like this. On a trip to watch Scotland in Germany we were walking along a street in Düsseldorf looking for dinner and we walked past roughly 10-15 different restaurants checking the menu and he rejected every single one because it didn’t have a plain burger on the menu. Eventually we just ignored his mewling and went into an Italian place. He got a burger, but because there was some mystery herb in the burger he was basically gagging trying to eat it. The next day he got a tub of ice cream because wafer cones “have too much flavour”. 
When asking him why he feels repulsed by any new food, he just says “burgers/steaks are all I’ve ever had”, so assume his mum just fed him a rustlers every night of childhood. Disgraceful stuff really, and unsurprisingly he’s the size of a detached 2 bed.
Unfortunately I used to have patience for this sort of behaviour but it’s long gone now.

Can’t believe you and your mates put up with that shite. You should have torn up his passport and left him in Germany tbh.
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This is true, there definitely are. These people either exercise lots, don’t eat large quantities or have a particularly fast metabolism (in which case lucky them). Either way they are in a calorie deficit (or at a maintenance level).
If a person is predisposed to gaining weight faster than someone else then they can’t eat as much as that other person. Simple as that really.

Yep, part of it does come down to genetics. Some people struggle to put on muscle, others easily put on weight or easily lose it. It’s about finding what works for you. The facts are however that there are loads of ways to lose weight: move more, eat less, eat better - people just need to find the combination I that works. I struggle to believe that folk who are obese and saying they can’t shift the weight are doing everything they can.
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Pizzas seem to be getting a disproportionate amount of shit here, given that they're a bit of pastry oven-cooked, brushed with olive oil and topped with tomatoes and vegetables. 

It's the deep-fried unsaturated fat stuff, together with sugar-filled and other artificial additives that are causing the obesity

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12 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Pizzas seem to be getting a disproportionate amount of shit here, given that they're a bit of pastry oven-cooked, brushed with olive oil and topped with tomatoes and vegetables. 

It's the deep-fried unsaturated fat stuff, together with sugar-filled and other artificial additives that are causing the obesity

You have conveniently missed out the cheese topping and most pizza have meat on them.

Add that to the potential to have a stuffed crust dipped in Garlic then it's hardly the ideal meal.

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You have conveniently missed out the cheese topping and most pizza have meat on them.
Add that to the potential to have a stuffed crust dipped in Garlic then it's hardly the ideal meal.
Could murder a pizza now.
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