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Sarah Everard

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37 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

It's hypothetical mate, I'm not going to record your answer and hold you to it. I think you know fine well you would do something if you knew you could, but you've made your "I have no responsibility" bed and want to lie in it. 

This is some desperate logic. I would probably do something to help society in all kinds of areas if it was within my power. It doesn’t mean I’m personally responsible for the deeds of Boko Haram or the pedestrianisation of Norwich City Centre.

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10 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

This is some desperate logic. I would probably do something to help society in all kinds of areas if it was within my power. It doesn’t mean I’m personally responsible for the deeds of Boko Haram or the pedestrianisation of Norwich City Centre.

You spout some shite.

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8 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

I would probably do something to help society in all kinds of areas if it was within my power. 

Thanks for confirming you do feel responsible, we could've saved ourselves 3 or 4 posts if you'd just been straight when you were first asked rather than dancing round the issue. Nobody is accusing you of being directly responsible for Boko Haram. If you want reasoned discussion then maybe leave out ridiculous shite like that. 

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Thanks for confirming you do feel responsible, we could've saved ourselves 3 or 4 posts if you'd just been straight when you were first asked rather than dancing round the issue. Nobody is accusing you of being directly responsible for Boko Haram. If you want reasoned discussion then maybe leave out ridiculous shite like that. 

I don’t feel responsible. I’ve made that clear. The fact that you need to lie and the desperation to misrepresent is quite sad.

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When women say 'all men', I just took that to mean that 'all men' are potentially capable of doing them harm. Whether they are friends, relatives, neighbours, authority figures etc.

As perfectly illustrated in this instance.


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10 minutes ago, Namond Brice said:

When women say 'all men', I just took that to mean that 'all men' are potentially capable of doing them harm. Whether they are friends, relatives, neighbours, authority figures etc.

As perfectly illustrated in this instance.

You'll never manage to muster up any self-righteous indignation if you continue that line of rational thought.

If you try hard enough, I'm sure you could find quotes from a few crackpots on Twitter that would back up the idea that you're personally being accused of sexual assault.

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14 minutes ago, Namond Brice said:

When women say 'all men', I just took that to mean that 'all men' are potentially capable of doing them harm. Whether they are friends, relatives, neighbours, authority figures etc.

As perfectly illustrated in this instance.


It’s still not very accurate. If all men are capable of doing them physical harm, then aren’t all women also capable? Or is it a global truth that all men are bigger than stronger than all women? 
What about disabled men? Are they all capable too and must they just accept the stereotyping and generalisations in order to pander to the zeitgeist? 

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24 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

It’s still not very accurate. If all men are capable of doing them physical harm, then aren’t all women also capable? Or is it a global truth that all men are bigger than stronger than all women? 
What about disabled men? Are they all capable too and must they just accept the stereotyping and generalisations in order to pander to the zeitgeist? 

Genuinely one of the weirdest attempts at attention seeking I've seen on this site.

Utterly bizarre behaviour m9.

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9 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Playing the man because you don’t like the ball. So cheap. 

Well no, I'm not the one pretending not to understand something that's very simple.

It doesn't leave you much room for error, you're either being deliberately contrarian and desperate for attention, or you're a monumental thicko.

I'll let you choose.

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1 minute ago, Namond Brice said:

Well no, I'm not the one pretending not to understand something that's very simple.

It doesn't leave you much room for error, you're either being deliberately contrarian and desperate for attention, or you're a monumental thicko.

I'll let you choose.

Deliberately contrarian, but I’m being serious. 

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On 30/09/2021 at 14:38, The Moonster said:

Does having a wife and kids really mean anything though? It's a weird idyllic value that we've put on society, that simply having a wife and kids must mean you're at least some level of a decent guy, but it beautifully ignores the fact that a high number of psycho/sociopaths can easily hold down what looks like a normal life to the rest of us. It's what they do, imitate and manipulate. Media likes to paint pictures of murderers being loners/abused/mentally ill to make the normal people in society feel better about their life, it scares people to think that "a good family man" could ever do such a thing, but they do these things all the time. 

I genuinely didn't know Piers Corbyn was a thing and when I saw folk mention him on here on other threads I thought it was some sort of joke I didn't get about folk confusing Piers Morgan and Jeremy Corbyn. Such a shame that there's actually a Piers Corbyn and this is the sort of shite he gets up to. 


On 30/09/2021 at 14:44, RiG said:

Glad I'm not the only one who thought like this!

I think you guys were thinking of Jeremy Morgan.

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Apparently Couzens had a 14 year old girlfriend when he was 23. One thing I remember when I was in school was that there were always girls who had significantly older boyfriends. I remember we used to play football on public pitches and as it got later at night you’d see some groups of 14-16 year olds talking to older teenagers and young adults. Really creepy behaviour. I can’t imagine any of my mates when I was 23 bringing round some 14 or 15 year old but it does happen I guess.

Probably a good example of a situation that men can make a difference. Having a girlfriend That young is obviously not acceptable and if someone in your group of mates does it, make sure they know it and if they don’t change cut them out. ETA, obviously inform the authorities as well.

Edited by ICTChris
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