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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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On 23/01/2024 at 10:31, Leith Green said:

Another one of these chinless fucks who cant understand the difference between comedy and news - 



It’s actually both quite sinister and worrying that this p***k is giving an example of the government being criticised as evidence of bias.

Worrying that he thinks (or more likely thinks that the electorate will buy) a ten minute sample from a half hour programme as evidence of bias. That programme will be policed by producers with stopwatches to make sure that tories and labour get exactly equal amounts of slagging.

 It’s worrying because he seems to be suggesting that there should be no biased content, rather than no bias overall.

It’s also sinister that this looks like a proper part of the Tory strategy to try to influence coverage in the run up to an election (possibly the run up to launching another crusade against the saracens?). Any criticism is bias now.  

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4 hours ago, Michael W said:

I saw that Mrs Johnson's pal (ex) Harry Cole was excitedly tweeting that a 'senior party figure' was going to go public against Rishi Sunak. Turns out it was Simon Clarke, a Johnson loyalist whose only senior position was short-lived under Liz Truss. Boris Johnson game him a knighthood for his troubles. 

This is Simon. He's 6ft7. I don't think I've ever seen someone of that height look less intimidating. 


images (4).jpeg

His pal Carl seems nice 


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3 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

His pal Carl seems nice 


Imagine keeping a screenshot of texts from 2005 to embarrass someone with. Obviously the Tory boy was (and presumably still is) a fucking dreg but that's proper arsehole behaviour too. 

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

Imagine keeping a screenshot of texts from 2005 to embarrass someone with. Obviously the Tory boy was (and presumably still is) a fucking dreg but that's proper arsehole behaviour too. 

If you click on the tweet it shows it’s a Facebook Messenger convo. The only way he wouldn’t still have it is if he’d manually deleted it, I’ve still got convos on there from when I joined it in 2009. 

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

If you click on the tweet it shows it’s a Facebook Messenger convo. The only way he wouldn’t still have it is if he’d manually deleted it, I’ve still got convos on there from when I joined it in 2009. 

Ah right. I don’t face book. I humbly apologise to that Jones guy.

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1 hour ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:


This is one that Starmer won't have to copy because they got there first with Gordon Brown's "British jobs for British workers" awfulness 

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Just constant money handed to each other,



Former Tory MP Nadine Dorries says she will return £16,876 in severance pay she mistakenly received for being a cabinet minister.

Government accounts show she received the exit payout from her tenure as culture secretary under Boris Johnson.

But the rules say she should not have received it, because she had reached the age of 65 when she left office.

Ms Dorries said she only received an email about the admin error on Friday.

Speaking to BBC One's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, the ex-minister said she would repay the money "on Monday morning".

She added that she was "gutted" to find out, joking that the mix-up "means now everybody knows I'm not 49".

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Even by Sunak's normal out of touch behaviour this has got to be a new low

Betting £1k with prize cùnt Piers Morgan that he'll get somebody on the plane to Rwanda before the next election. 


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47 minutes ago, eindhovendee said:

Even by Sunak's normal out of touch behaviour this has got to be a new low

Betting £1k with prize cùnt Piers Morgan that he'll get somebody on the plane to Rwanda before the next election. 

Labour's response:

Labour says this shows Sunak is out of touch. Responding to the inteview, Jonathan Ashworth, a shadow Cabinet Office minister, said:

Not a lot of people facing rising mortgages, bills and food prices are casually dropping £1,000 bets

It just shows that Rishi Sunak is totally out of touch with working people.

Not immediately considering that making bets on issues that affect the lives of desperate people is extremely distasteful. No, not for this Labour Party who don't wish to be seen as a "soft touch" when it comes to Johnny Foreigner. Instead they comment on the size of the bet and how Samantha and Bill in Rochdale can only dream of making such huge bets. 

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16 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

Labour's response:

Labour says this shows Sunak is out of touch. Responding to the inteview, Jonathan Ashworth, a shadow Cabinet Office minister, said:

Not a lot of people facing rising mortgages, bills and food prices are casually dropping £1,000 bets

It just shows that Rishi Sunak is totally out of touch with working people.

Not immediately considering that making bets on issues that affect the lives of desperate people is extremely distasteful. No, not for this Labour Party who don't wish to be seen as a "soft touch" when it comes to Johnny Foreigner. Instead they comment on the size of the bet and how Samantha and Bill in Rochdale can only dream of making such huge bets. 

My thoughts entirely.  And it's an indicator of tinpot Britain that neither the bet or Labour's response will receive the condemnation they deserve.

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Maybe not entirely appropriate for this thread, maybe one on a "Tory Stabbing Tories in the Front" thread, but nice to see the Tories knifing Andrew Bowie by ... Ahem.... adjusting his responsibilities.

From The National.... "In his role, the Scots Tory MP had responsibility over energy networks including the grid.

However, Bowie’s role was quietly changed, with responsibility over networks taken out of his hands, after he engaged with campaigns against new pylons in his constituency.

Politico first reported the quiet change in Bowie’s position, which had happened in December 2023. The UK Government did not announce the change and declined to comment."

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46 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Not sure how this can be true.


"Rishi Sunak said pressures from higher bills or mortgage rates were subsiding."

My cheap two year mortgage deal doesn't expire for a few months yet and I imagine I won't be alone in still waiting to see the impact of my mortgage going up when it does.

It's true if you're on a six-figure salary and your wife is a multi-millionaire who pays sweeties in tax.

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On 15/11/2023 at 19:18, DeeTillEhDeh said:



I am no fan of the Conservatives but to compare them to nazi's is way over the top.

Being a teacher I really hope that you do not teach our kids politics or share with them your political views.

Edited by Steelly
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18 minutes ago, Steelly said:

I am no fan of the Conservatives but to compare them to nazi's is way over the top.

Being a teacher I really hope that you do not teach our kids politics or share with them your political views.


It's not that OTT, particularly with this current Tory party.


In fact one of the essay questions in my last term's Politics and IR course was to what extent Fascism was just a radical form on Conservatism.

I chose that question to answer.

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