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7 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Oops... from the Independent...

"Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt are in discussions about scrapping the second stage of the HS2 rail project as costs spiral amid severe delays.

A cost estimate, seen by The Independent, reveals that the government has already spent £2.3bn on stage two of the high-speed railway from Birmingham to Manchester but shelving the northern phase would save up to £34bn."

From https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/hs2-manchester-costs-rishi-sunak-jeremy-hunt-b2411191.html

Be interesting to hear the spin on that one.


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These government views genuinely worry me as to where the UK is heading.  This below doesn't relate to some random backbencher.  It relates to the Home F***ing Secretary.




A controversial commentator accused of a “record of hate” against Muslims holds “mainstream, insightful and perfectly decent political views”, Home Secretary Suella Braverman has told the UK parliament.

... The spokesperson cited a 2006 speech in which Murray called for conditions to be made harder for Muslims in Europe, and comments in which he described Muslims as a “demographic time bomb” and called for mosques to be pulled down.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

She should be asked outright if she agrees that mosques should be pulled down.

I’d be in favour of all religious buildings being razed.  Maybe spare some with architectural significance.

It would be unfair to target those of only one religion though.

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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

These government views genuinely worry me as to where the UK is heading.  This below doesn't relate to some random backbencher.  It relates to the Home F***ing Secretary.



Excellent job by Braverman. 

Wonder how many radio and tv phone ins or panels are going to be occupied by the more troubling bit of the report that says “prevent is carrying the weight for mental health services.”

Another point on the board for team Culture Wars, with Grown-Up Policy Debate yet to score.

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28 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’d be in favour of all religious buildings being razed.  Maybe spare some with architectural significance.

It would be unfair to target those of only one religion though.

Dunno about that. Although I have no time for religion, some of the buildings are quite nice to look at. Same as I can admire the Parthenon without believing in Athena.  Better use would be accommodation for the homeless or use as community facilities.

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20 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Dunno about that. Although I have no time for religion, some of the buildings are quite nice to look at. Same as I can admire the Parthenon without believing in Athena.  Better use would be accommodation for the homeless or use as community facilities.

I’ll accept that as a compromise.

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7 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Dunno about that. Although I have no time for religion, some of the buildings are quite nice to look at. Same as I can admire the Parthenon without believing in Athena.  Better use would be accommodation for the homeless or use as community facilities.

Mods, burn this heretic please.

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9 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Oops... from the Independent...

"Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt are in discussions about scrapping the second stage of the HS2 rail project as costs spiral amid severe delays.

A cost estimate, seen by The Independent, reveals that the government has already spent £2.3bn on stage two of the high-speed railway from Birmingham to Manchester but shelving the northern phase would save up to £34bn."

From https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/hs2-manchester-costs-rishi-sunak-jeremy-hunt-b2411191.html

Be interesting to hear the spin on that one.


There is one comment in that report that caught my eye.


It comes as the chancellor tries to find more economic headroom as he faces growing pressure from Tory MPs to offer tax cuts before the next election.


That epitomises all that is wrong with our Govt. The whole infrastructure of the country is shot, be it hospitals, schools, social housing, public transport, self-sufficient secure energy sources, police resources, water, etc, etc, etc. All that stuff requires money, probably public money, to be spent on it. For too long the people who run the country have been pushing efficiency savings, modern working practices, taxpayer value for money or whatever euphemism is currently being used for spending and service cuts to allow them to cut headline tax rates to show that they are on the side of the poor hard-pressed taxpayer. Whether headline tax rate cuts make any discernible difference to the everyday hard-working taxpayer, who have cost of living and indirect tax rises coming in from every direction, is debatable. I’m sure though that some taxpayers will benefit from cuts, but I’m guessing not the poorest ones who the cuts are meant to help.

But I digress. I’m not particularly a supporter of HS2, as I think that it’s an expensive vanity project and the money being used for it would be better spent elsewhere. So, I think that this potential cancellation is not necessarily a bad thing, but the money that was planned to be spent should be used to help fund improvement to the infrastructure and services of the country, not just be given away in tax cuts. We need to be spending more on national infrastructure and services, which will require more tax not less. The years of ‘cutting’ taxes and cutting public spending, but hiding the cuts as taxpayer value, is now starting to show in every aspect of our day-to-day life. In the past national assets like British Gas, BP and anything else that the country owned has been sold so the money could be used to finance tax cuts and day to day spending, but now there is nothing left to sell, so if the govt needs more money it’ll need to raise taxes.

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@Soapy FFC agree with you. If there is any budget flexibility it should not be used for tax cuts until the public services and facilities are in a helluva better state than they are at the moment. Anything else would demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that in the government's view the less well off and those who depend on public services can go and eff themselves.

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On 07/09/2023 at 07:14, Salvo Montalbano said:

"Well I don't agree with their unsafe schools policy, their stealing of public funds policy, their cutting back of public spending policy or their franking policy... but then there's "Stop. The. Boats". Looks like it's Tory for me again this time"

And a Prime Minister whose wife resident in the UK does not pay a penny of UK taxes, how fuckin perversely corrupt is that?

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8 hours ago, BTFD said:

You boys do realise that the aim has been to slowly wind up public services for decades now, right?

Just checking, as you're worrying me a little here.

I know. The depressing thing is that so many Cupid Stunts actually believe that the Tories have any interest in running the country for anyone's benefit but their own.

Over 21% of the votes in constituencies and over 23% in the regional lists for the Tories in 2021 just demonstrates that a depressingly high proportion of our fellow countrymen (and women) vote for these lizards. They won't be happy until they pay no tax at all.

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