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5 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Ok, that narrows it down a little bit. Care to narrow it down some more?

Do you think that any groups in the U.K. will be impacted more than other groups, or do you think it’ll be completely even across the board?

He doesn’t believe it will impact anyone. Best leave him to his delusions. 

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Looks like the government paying for a liar’s legal fees is maybe not within the rules.

Who’d have thunk it?

Watchdog criticises decision to pay Johnson's £265,000 Partygate bill



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59 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Ok, that narrows it down a little bit. Care to narrow it down some more?

I don't need to. The OP clearly stated that pushing back net zero policies is "not what those that will be most impacted by climate change want", and that "those most impacted will be young people".

I'm asking him, and anyone else who wants to chime in, exactly what impact climate change is going to have on anyone in the UK, and why young people will be most impacted.

Why is it so hard to answer a fairly straightforward question?

59 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Do you think that any groups in the U.K. will be impacted more than other groups, or do you think it’ll be completely even across the board?

I think any impact of climate change in the UK, if at all, will be minimal.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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I can't believe anyone is engaging with a climate change denier.

The Tory announcement is purely based on them winning a bye election that was fought on a single issue. Sunak has seen an opportunity based on an assumption made on the back of winning that bye election fought purely on a campaign against LEZs. The fact they think this will work UK wide shows just how desperate they are. They see it an an ideal hook to the swithering Todd's within their electorate. It's as shallow as it is desperate but let's face it there are plenty moon howling deniers (climate change deniers tend to be deniers on most subjects) in the UK, the GBnews types will be lapping this up, it just remains to be seen how many of them are actually out there and how many of those it will sway.

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26 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't need to. The OP clearly stated that pushing back net zero policies is "not what those that will be most impacted by climate change want", and that "those most impacted will be young people".

I'm asking him, and anyone else who wants to chime in, exactly what impact climate change is going to have on anyone in the UK, and why young people will be most impacted.

Why is it so hard to answer a fairly straightforward question?

I think any impact of climate change in the UK, if at all, will be minimal.

Loathe as I am to engage with someone leaning towards the Rees Mogg end of the spectrum here goes ... 

Nah, f**k it. 

Edited by HTG
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25 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I can't believe anyone is engaging with a climate change denier.

The Tory announcement is purely based on them winning a bye election that was fought on a single issue. Sunak has seen an opportunity based on an assumption made on the back of winning that bye election fought purely on a campaign against LEZs. The fact they think this will work UK wide shows just how desperate they are. They see it an an ideal hook to the swithering Todd's within their electorate. It's as shallow as it is desperate but let's face it there are plenty moon howling deniers (climate change deniers tend to be deniers on most subjects) in the UK, the GBnews types will be lapping this up, it just remains to be seen how many of them are actually out there and how many of those it will sway.

I think Tories and Labour seen it as a single issue and never analysed any further. It's still a big swing for the majority to have gone from around 7k to 500 in a seat that's been occupied by a Tory forever but both parties are looking at rowing back on green policies which looks to be out of step with what most of the electorate actually want to happen.   

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

Fortunately we don’t live in a globalised society so we can just ignore the increasing chaos and conflict over water rights and won’t be in any way impacted by the world’s poor increasingly looking for somewhere habitable to live. Fortunately, global migration is an issue that the UK has historically been insulated from and when it has impacted us, we’ve dealt with it really sensibly.

And we have some really robust supply chains for food and fuel and wouldn’t be at all impacted by droughts or other changing weather patterns elsewhere on the globe.

An increase in the northern range boundary or crop pests and human pathogens that a couple of degrees rise in temperatures should also not be a problem. I know scientists say it will but I’m cleverer than scientists. They make all this shit up for research grants you know.

You forgot that the UK has never been under any risk of localised flooding which more extreme rainfall and temperature swings likely result in much more land over the next 20-30 years being put at risk.

Good job that the UK, whilst not suffering from any risk in the first place of course, has first class investment in flood prevention and mitigation and excellent foresight in planning, building and development.

Edited by Aladdin
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1 hour ago, coprolite said:


An increase in the northern range boundary or crop pests and human pathogens that a couple of degrees rise in temperatures should also not be a problem. I know scientists say it will but I’m cleverer than scientists. They make all this shit up for research grants you know.

FoLlOw tHe MoNeY. 

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3 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't need to. The OP clearly stated that pushing back net zero policies is "not what those that will be most impacted by climate change want", and that "those most impacted will be young people".

I'm asking him, and anyone else who wants to chime in, exactly what impact climate change is going to have on anyone in the UK, and why young people will be most impacted.

Why is it so hard to answer a fairly straightforward question?

I think any impact of climate change in the UK, if at all, will be minimal.

Was going to reply, but coprolite pretty much said much better what I was going to say.

Back in the closeted world you live in where people in the UK believed we were not impacted by global events, the changes around the world would be felt less. However, if you think the small boats and displaced peoples are a problem now, wait until Bangladesh is under water. They ain't heading for Peru to start a new life, they are primarily, outside the sub continent, heading here.

I'd love your view to be right and climate change will be or is, a non event, but some of us live in the real world.

Even if, as you wish, the UK was 100% directly immune from any of it, we have the technological know how and already hold advantages in the technologies those who will be impacted will need and want.

But hey, let's ignore all major scientists, economists and our own eyes and believe what GB  News and Todd_is_god think. 🫠


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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

I can't believe anyone is engaging with a climate change denier.

The Tory announcement is purely based on them winning a bye election that was fought on a single issue. Sunak has seen an opportunity based on an assumption made on the back of winning that bye election fought purely on a campaign against LEZs. The fact they think this will work UK wide shows just how desperate they are. They see it an an ideal hook to the swithering Todd's within their electorate. It's as shallow as it is desperate but let's face it there are plenty moon howling deniers (climate change deniers tend to be deniers on most subjects) in the UK, the GBnews types will be lapping this up, it just remains to be seen how many of them are actually out there and how many of those it will sway.

Yes, pretty much this, denial, desperation and political expediency presented as reasoned common sense.  It's a dog whistle to white van man, SUV school run mum, elderly golf club bar bore and every other selfish, greedy, myopic reactionary in the electorate.

Labour's problem is that they have largely proceeded on the basis that they are not the Tories, to the extent that no-one expects them to have a coherent alternative to Sunak's naked opportunism - correctly, as they won't have.

Paradoxically the best hope of holding the Tories fully to account may be the concerted anger and pressure of commerce and manufacturing who are already embarked on a course of carbon reduction.

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"One of the Conservatives’ biggest ever donors has profited from £135m of contracts with the Department of Health and Social Care in under four years.

Frank Hester, a healthcare tech entrepreneur whose company supplies computer systems to the NHS, gave Rishi Sunak’s party £5m this summer, the joint biggest donation to the Tories in decades.

His company, the Phoenix Partnership (TPP), paid out more than £20m in dividends between 2019 and 2022, with Hester the only shareholder."

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1 hour ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


"One of the Conservatives’ biggest ever donors has profited from £135m of contracts with the Department of Health and Social Care in under four years.

Frank Hester, a healthcare tech entrepreneur whose company supplies computer systems to the NHS, gave Rishi Sunak’s party £5m this summer, the joint biggest donation to the Tories in decades.


His company, the Phoenix Partnership (TPP), paid out more than £20m in dividends between 2019 and 2022, with Hester the only shareholder."

Nothing wrong in making a good buck

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