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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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Liz Truss has used a speech at the Tory conference to call for more ‘hand-jobs and ice-cream’ for CEOs to encourage businesses to stay in the UK.

“People say that making profits should be reward enough for successful companies,” she explained to an appreciative crowd that included Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nigel Farage, and Satan.



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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I cannot see a hand job from Liz Truss being a motivation to many.

Ehhh, I dunno. If you took how long it took and then put it against the time she took to spunk the economy, you'd get a unit of measurement. Same way as snarky US folks measure time in Scaramucci's, you could say Truss' Premiership lasted 6480 Carpetmonster's knobs (on the basis it was 10 minutes). 

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47 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

In a few years time when the UK has lurched further to the right than the likes of Sunek, Patel and Braverman could even imagine, they will be the ones that the racists turn on and when innevitably they complain about their treatment, clips like the ones from today should be played back to them.

They are putting short term political gains and playing to the gallery above what they know to be right and proportionate, yet they do not care. Its down to the sane sensible people to retain some sort of sense of a fair, inclusive and just society when even those who don't realise they have and will need that society, try their best to destroy it. 

Mmm...I'm pretty sure that Sunak, Patel, and Braverman can well imagine where their racist-empowering fash rhetoric will lead, but simply don't give a shit as they'll be planning to be safely ensconced abroad with the millions they've received for helping to do it while people from similar ethnic backgrounds are either deported or herded into camps. That, or stupid enough to believe they'll be given some kind of Honorary Briton pass for being "one of the good ones".

46 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

In a lovely bit of timing...

Sorry, but some amoral hack from the tabloids has an absolute brass neck to be demanding contrition from a posh Tory wonk who understood, quite rightly as it turns out, that the government's COVID rules only applied to the plebs.

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Megan Gallacher (deputy Scottish Conservative leader - (nope, me either)) asked on newsnight about HS2 and can only answer by saying about SNP and ferries. Shot down in seconds by presenter for irrelevance. Just another example of some of these folk being well well out of their depth. 

General take from the tory conference is that it is utter chaos. Putting Suneks policies to one side, he clearly has zero control over the folk in his party. Farage bri.g able to be right in about it all should be embarrassing for him, as well as plenty openly touting for his job makes him look very very weak. Just looks like a massive free for all.

If Starmer has any authority, he makes sure the Labour conference is very unified and professional like.

Edited by Theyellowbox
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I genuinely believe Braverman is just a narcissist who'll say absolutely anything for attention, don't think even she believes the shite that comes out her mouth.

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3 hours ago, BFTD said:

Mmm...I'm pretty sure that Sunak, Patel, and Braverman can well imagine where their racist-empowering fash rhetoric will lead, but simply don't give a shit as they'll be planning to be safely ensconced abroad with the millions they've received for helping to do it while people from similar ethnic backgrounds are either deported or herded into camps. That, or stupid enough to believe they'll be given some kind of Honorary Briton pass for being "one of the good ones".


In 1930s Germany there was a group - "Jews for Hitler" who encouraged Jews to support the Nazi party. It was disbanded after the leader was arrested and sent to a concentration camp. 


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11 hours ago, Crùbag said:

Liz Truss has used a speech at the Tory conference to call for more ‘hand-jobs and ice-cream’ for CEOs to encourage businesses to stay in the UK.

“People say that making profits should be reward enough for successful companies,” she explained to an appreciative crowd that included Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nigel Farage, and Satan.

Nah, Satan is the one who was turfed out for heckling - even he thought they were over the top.

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9 minutes ago, Dan Steele said:

Grant Shapps in an early lead in today's Spouting Pish at Conference competition. It seems HS2 is being cancelled due to COVID, and people working from home. ffs.

He did also explain that the budget will be reinvested in more local and cross country upgrades in the North (of England, actually roughly the middle). That makes sense for two reasons. 

One, this is what transport and economic geeks were saying all along would give the best returns. 

Two, no one at the national papers or the BBC will even notice when the Blackburn to Lancaster extension gets shelved, followed by the Leeds to Liverpool mainline being cancelled. All that "taxpayers" money can be shovelled into IHT cuts and more donor kickbacks with much less fuss. 

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9 hours ago, Empty It said:

I genuinely believe Braverman is just a narcissist who'll say absolutely anything for attention, don't think even she believes the shite that comes out her mouth.

Very few people would disagree that it's a good idea to stop these trafficking boats coming across the Channel. In that respect the Tory slogan is fine. What's not fine is the absolute lack of anything like a coherent, humanitarian policy to manage asylum requests. Stopping illegal immigration whilst supporting international treaties on asylum costs money. You could argue we already spend a lot of money (on 4 star hotels ... 🙄) but actually developing a progressive system would really stick in the throat of the child of immigration that is Braverman. She'll not be long before she's putting children in cages.

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10 hours ago, Empty It said:

I genuinely believe Braverman is just a narcissist who'll say absolutely anything for attention, don't think even she believes the shite that comes out her mouth.

At a certain (any) point, it doesn’t really matter if she actually believes this shite or if she’s just saying it to advance her career. Reality remains that she’s advocating for barely-disguised fascism, and her policies are killing people. 

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11 minutes ago, HTG said:

Very few people would disagree that it's a good idea to stop these trafficking boats coming across the Channel. In that respect the Tory slogan is fine. What's not fine is the absolute lack of anything like a coherent, humanitarian policy to manage asylum requests. Stopping illegal immigration whilst supporting international treaties on asylum costs money. You could argue we already spend a lot of money (on 4 star hotels ... 🙄) but actually developing a progressive system would really stick in the throat of the child of immigration that is Braverman. She'll not be long before she's putting children in cages.

I was disappointed that she wasn't wearing an outfit designed by Hugo Boss.

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12 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

In a lovely bit of timing...


Absolutely beautiful first couple of seconds,


Smug smile as journalist says her name and she thinks, I'm important someone has recognised me,

Then, the grin goes as the realisation, Oh f**k a journalist has recognised me and has awkward questions.

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